Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 873 Objective Interview

Shi Xiaotian took a closer look at Han's relationship with her in this three-second zone and asked some more questions. These are all known to Han's son. It's always easier to talk to smart people. The three words, the questions and the answers are all straightforward. None of the bullshit. After learning about Xiaotian Xiaotian, he was also admired: “This three-second zone is indeed the best option. ”

“This is the transmission reel of Damos Castle.” Master Han handed Xiaotian a scroll, "you sent it directly. In order to prevent accidents, our people will no longer contact you with the task, and all messages will be contacted. ”

“This is the best.” Xiaotian took over the scroll.

“Well, you can go.” Master Han said, a guy like Mighty Heavenly Sound immediately burst out and yelled, "Come on, little Heavenly Sister." Xiaotian Xiaotian nodded with a smile. The use of the scroll has been transferred. On the other hand, Mr. Han's side immediately contacted the nitrite root, so that the connection on his side could move.

The nitrite root's ability to grasp the spirit of Han's son is now very strong, and he is already ready. Arrange it immediately, the crooked relationship layers lay down, the appearance of Xiaotian Xiaotian Xiaotian, in any case, it is unlikely that there will be any relationship with very opposite sky.

Shi Xiaotian has stepped onto the land of Damos Castle by this time. The director of Inky Castle is still here. Naturally, everything is still going as usual. Xiaotian Xiaotian looked up and saw that there is a grocery store with the Inky name on the street.

Xiaotian is not in a hurry. He is waiting for news from Han's son. Through a circle, there will be people who know him in the three-second zone and say hello in the three-second zone. It is kind of a reference to Xiaotian Xiaotian. And the guy who said hello took this interview seriously, so there's no need to worry about what the stranger might reveal. The nitrite root, as a rival to the Inquisitor already, is like an insulator, and his true intent is completely to him, because he doesn't even know it. All he knew was that Han family members were trying to make it difficult with Yingqi, so he did his best to help Han family members. He wanted to see a good show, but never wanted to be on the front desk. He was willing to be a hero behind the scenes.

Mr. Han arranged for Xiaotian to come directly to the door as soon as he got the news in the three-second zone. This message from the three-second zone is nothing more than a reminder, similar to “someone has always asked you, as if to interview you”, such a message is to make the three-second zone not feel too abrupt about everything, and whether or not he accepts this interview cannot be refused through this information. At this time, Xiaotian had come to the door himself, and everything was fought for by Xiaotian himself.

“Message has arrived, please come to the door at the right time!” Mr. Han finally got the message. Messaging in the game is still quick, as long as there are no offline links in the game, it's just a matter of minutes.

“Okay.” Xiaotian answered. The news came to the door as soon as it arrived, which was too soon. Xiaotian Xiaotian had even left the street far away. She walked all the way from the other direction and from time to time asked the players on the road to listen. From this moment on, she has really become a visiting journalist all the way.

Once again, the grocery store appeared in front of Xiaotian. According to intelligence, the grocery store is the main office of the director in the three-second district, where Inky's affairs in Danmos are usually handled. Xiaotian Xiaotian did not hesitate at all. When he saw the Inky trade name of the shop, he walked straight over.

The shop where the business was conducted was of course wide open, but Xiaotian still knocked on one side of the door and asked: “Is Mr. Three Seconds over here? ”

This grocery store is small and tidy. One of the players stood behind the counter in the store and heard Xiaotian ask and turned his eyes towards the corner.

At the corner of the house, a square table, one person was lying on the table and writing something. At this time, he was also looking up at Xiaotian Xi, and seeing Xiaotian Xiaotian Xiaotian's eyes turned, he said, “I am. ”

“Hello, I'm a reporter on GameNet, my name is Xiaotian Xi.” Xiaotian has officially begun.

The three-second zone had previously received a message arranged by Han's son, obviously not surprised by Xiaotian's visit. Just look at Tin Tian and say, "What is it? ”

“Your studio seems to have had a lot of disputes with players lately, a lot of things have happened, we've been tracking this on GamePlay, and I want to interview you this time.” Xiaotian Xi said.

“That's not happening to me, I don't know.” Three seconds to answer.

Shi Xiaotian was helpless: “I know that the thing happened on the cloud side, Moon and Night City side, we also tried to contact the person in charge of your side, and found that the person in charge of the main city over there actually chose to leave during this period, and then we found that the separation phenomenon was far more than just the cloud side and Moon and Night City. Some of them have already been interviewed. That is why, in a spirit of responsibility, we would like to conduct an interview with your remaining members. ”

“What does that mean?” Three-second frown.

“To be honest, what these separators described in their interviews is probably not what you would like to hear. We think that since they are leaving, there may be a lot of one-sided things to say, which is why we turned to a person like you who is still on the job and wanted to hear the voice of the incumbent.” Xiaotian Xi said.

Three seconds immediately understands what that means. Looks like the outgoing guys didn't say anything nice to the old hosts during the interview. It's impossible for everyone to be so unkind, but eventually there will be such a guy. Three-second zones have also heard that, at the director's weekly meeting at the time, the director jumped out and expressed his dissatisfaction with the boss. That's all in person, let alone behind it.

This is a PR crisis! The three-second zone instantly realized. And it's rare that the reporter of this game network is so thick, if this is not thick, first report the bad words to the eyeballs, and then tell the truth, what does it matter if it's not true? So the journalist can't be too lazy to visit, it's their chance to wash themselves away.

Since the three-second zone will stay, it is naturally for the Inquisitive. After understanding what Xiaotian meant, he couldn't help but ask: "What did they say? ”

“This… I can't tell.” Xiaotian Xi said.


“Because what we want to hear is your objective and honest voice, and not because of the targeted contradiction of each other's statements.” Xiaotian Xi said.

“Oh, so, what do you want to know from me?” By the time the three-second zone asked about this, it had also begun to deliver messages. This is a major PR crisis. Inky left the company on a large scale, leaving the company publicly exposed... What impact will this have in the player group when the news is publicly reported? You know, these separators are all senior Inkie, and Inkie has almost no secrets among them. There's so much they can say if they really want to talk. And now they're all in competition, and it's even harder to say if they arranged it and deliberately spilled dirty water on Inky.

It is certainly not possible to block the mouth of these people. This can only be done by both sides through the public opinion media. It's difficult for the game network not to cover one step at a time, but to do both sides of the interview objectively first. Otherwise, the interview with these exiting guys will undoubtedly add to the current Inquisitor.

In a crisis of this magnitude, the three-second zone is not confident, and at the same time feels ineligible for him to handle it, he can only find a way to contact his superiors quickly. His immediate supervisor had also left the office during the incident, and he had learned from the departing supervisor that there were currently only five nights left for the director of the entire studio. Moreover, he had heard from the incumbents of other main towns that the five nights were temporarily the chief supervisor of all main towns, that the handover of the towns was taking place, and that the three-second zone was just not yet the place to turn.

Through these relationships, it is not difficult to reach five nights in the three-second zone. He opened the Friendship Off, and after the message layer came out, without the General Assembly, he received a system prompt for adding friends for five nights, and immediately sent the message to: “What is the situation? ”

Three-second block hurried and said, five nights and listening was also angry. He has always felt abandoned by everyone on a big boat, and now these people not only abandon it, but sink it, as if they would not let him live.

“Shameless! Little man!” Five nights angry.

“What do we do now?” Three seconds, please.

“Do you still have people?” Five nights asked.


“You deal with it first, I have to contact the boss.” Five nights says, how dare he make such a mess? Gestachi Young is not online at this time, so he can only go offline and contact him quickly. And he would still have it, and the outgoing director was so annoying in his eyes for five nights, he left behind the phrase "It's urgent, I'll be back in a minute” and ran away.

This side of the three-second zone starts and waits a little longer. He said he wanted to invite Xiaotian to dinner, so everyone could eat and talk. Xiaotian Xiaotian excused himself and insisted that Xiaotian Xiaotian could not help but say yes. Out the door, in three seconds, take Xiaotian to the furthest hotel from their grocery store. On the way to Xiaotian ask a few small questions, the three seconds are considered before answering, especially like to use words such as "I personally think”.

Shi Xiaotian knows that the three-second zone is pretending. Why doesn't she do it herself? She had already seen that the three-second zone was delaying, avoiding the weight, and he must have contacted someone with more weight to speak to. At this time, Inky, more important than the head of the castle, is just two people. The operation went extremely smoothly, and Inky was in a situation where their boss had to always be on the front desk.

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Familiar Time, Familiar Update, Familiar End-of-Shape Moon Ticket, Today, Tomorrow, The Day After, Did You Vote? (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)