Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 909: Visiting the Second Road

The only way to confidently find this path is because he suddenly comes to visit such a mysterious visitor while in jail.

The man seemed to know quite a bit about the sky, paying particular attention to being drunk. At this point, they are giving a full account of the fact that their big character is being chased across the city by a thousand miles of drunkenness. At this point in time, he did not know that their people had been killed by the other party. The news came from a brother to tell him in jail, and after that, his contact information was cut off, and nothing was passed on outside.

And this man explained to him in detail how to get drunk, and he had to believe it. Because he must have been caught up in such a way, otherwise how could he have caught up to his position so quickly and accurately?

“Thousands of miles drunk...” read the cream to bite the teeth.

“Perverted, isn't it? ”

“Who the hell are you? ”

“It's impossible to deal with a very bad day without beating down a thousand miles of drunkenness first.” The other side said.

“Is that what you're saying? ”

“What are your plans for the next step?” The other side asks.

“Why would I tell you that? Who the hell are you?” Reading the wind cream even suspected it was the other party's sin. But spying on intelligence can't be too overstated, can it? How can there be such a brainless traitor?

“In your current situation, small-time noise can't be taken out of the sky.” The other side said.

“What did you say? ”

“You were a bunch of elites, but now..." They shook their heads straight.

“How could you know so much? ”

“It's too obvious. Look at the change in the top of the career scale this day. It's too much.” The other side said.

Full reading of the wind cream was dark, and he knew that he was of course one of the changes.

“Is that how you noticed me and came to find me?” Read the cream and suddenly wake up.

“That's right, the others can't find a spot, only you're in jail, so as soon as you do.” The other party laughs.

“What are you looking for? Who the hell are you? ”

“I'm here to help you. Who am I... My name is Red Dust and I smile. Do you know what this name does to you?” Ye Xiaowu said.

“Bullshit, who wants to know your name, I want to know where you came from, what exactly am I looking for? ”

“No, I told you, help you. ”

“How? ”

“That's why I'm asking you what you're gonna do next.” Ye Xiaowu asked.

“I don't know. I'm still in jail. How do I know? What's going on out there? ”

“As I was saying, all of you are being chased across the city drunk, and he can do it if he knows your name. And your names, like mine, can be screened out by looking at the changes in the top of the ranking list. Your people have lemon yellow...” Ye Xiaowu took out a string of paper and read the frost face straight cramps, all of them are one of them.

“These people will probably end up like you soon.” Ye Xiaowu said.

“Do you have a way of dealing with a thousand miles of drunkenness?” Read the wind cream and ask.

“We really need to gather all the strength of your thirty-one, so that we can't deal with a thousand miles of drunkenness.” Ye Xiaowu said.

“All power?” Read the cream and laugh, "do you think that's possible? Do you know where all 31 of us are? And where are our opponents? ”

“I know it's hard to get to Cloud City, isn't it? Indeed, too many people cannot be solved by the transmission reel at all.” Ye Xiaowu said.

“Do you have a way out of the transmission scroll?” Read the wind cream and ask.

Two people circled around, repeatedly distorted the building and finally talked about it. Ye Xiaowu pointed out the second road to Yunnan City, and the reading wind frost began not to understand what this second road meant. He flew in and out, and he had no idea what the topography of the only road in Cloud City meant. Although Ye Xiao Five explained it, at that time, the full reading of the wind cream did not think that there was any significant significance in coming out of this road. I didn't care much about Ye Xiao Five at all.

Ye Xiao Five understood this as mistrust. After the conversation, he laughed and left, indicating that he would wait for the full reading wind cream to come out.

“Come out and talk to me and I'll kill you...” That's what I thought at the time. He didn't have half the fondness for this idiot who somehow rushed into jail and said something about the second road.

Until their discussion group meeting was reconvened, the reading cream, which had been in jail, had learned a great deal of new information from first-class low temperatures.

The very opposite is not just the opposite, it is possible to wage a battle against the whole city.

Continue or give up, they even stand at the crossroads of such choices.

I don't want to give up, but my carefully designed trap got me killed after a thousand years of drunken use. Send your own PK value, causing you to drop two levels.

He came a thousand miles after me, sent himself to the dungeon and said he was weird and pathetic.

Shame on you, it's all shame! Read the cream and never give up. What do you need to do if you don't give up? At this point, the full reading of the wind cream realized the importance of the situation described earlier by the idiot priest and himself. From the mere fact that Sandpaper was steadily ambushed by the very opposite sky because of this road, it can be seen how blooming the only road is.

But it's still a little hard to believe that when they need a path, there's this dumb bastard coming up the road, and it's probably another trap to the sky?

What was this guy's name again? When the discussion group meeting was held, it had been some time since Yip Xiaowu met Yip Xiaowu. Ye Xiaowu said his name, but Yip Xiaowu didn't care at all at that time. Besides, he had always had a habit of forgetting people's names. He couldn't remember what that person's name was.

Reading the cream is depressing, and if this is a real opportunity, he can't reach this person, he can miss it.

But he finally remembered that the man said he would wait outside the dungeon for him to come out.

So positive, it feels like a trap to read the air cream again.

In the half-hour that everyone in the discussion group has been considering whether to continue or give up, the problem has been frantically caught in the crossfire.

At the end of the day, he made a decision, estimated and believed. Because the man's behavior, though somewhat incomprehensible, is clear, his head is clear, and he doesn't look like an idiot. He only had a moment of private conversation with first-class low temperatures. First class low temperatures also think there is no other way out. If you don't want to give up, it is worth a try.

Reading the wind cream confidently tells everyone that he has clues and is nervous when he can find his way. Shut up and get out of the jail or you'll be blind. This situation is so full of reading wind cream that you don't dare speak to anyone at all, and if you know you want to be with such a suddenly unknown guy, 31 conservatively estimated to have to quit.

Read the air cream and take it all down yourself. Even if we haven't met this person, we'll have to find our own way to see the assassination situation on the other side of Cloud City. At least this is still going on, and there's a view. He really doesn't want to just give up. Think about the sky. Especially when he gets drunk, he wants to bite his teeth.

He got out of jail, read the wind cream and saw the priest, he took a long breath.

But isn't that a trap? Reading the cream is still a bit inaccurate. That's why he put this on himself, even if it's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap. Otherwise, everyone will follow this guy. Put everyone in a circle. I can't tell you how to read the wind cream.

“Interested in the second path I'm talking about?” Once he got out of jail, his attitude changed markedly. He began to ignore himself in jail. Ye Xiao Five was happy to see hope. He's not greedy, he's eager to get drunk in harmony. Wherever there is a chance, there is a figure of him.

“Where is the second road?” Read the wind cream and ask.

“You have a map?” Ye Xiaowu asked.

Read the full wind cream and shake your head.

“Coordinates XXX, XXX.” Ye Xiaowu said.

Of course, you have no idea where it is, or if it's a cloud city, you won't know.

“Show me.” Read the wind cream, "he said.



“The two of us? ”


“The two of us can go and see, but we can't go, we need more people, because it's not a good place to go.” Ye Xiaowu said.

“What do you mean?” Be alert when the wind frosts are full. It's just one way. If it's hard to go, what can you do with more people? It's like trying to trick more people into dying.

“If it was the sixtieth phase of the national hierarchy, the road would not have been a secret.” Ye Xiaowu said.

Wake up when you read the wind frost: "You mean this road crosses the 60th level of practice? ”

Ye Xiao nodded: “So no one knows yet. The sixtieth level of the practice area, the current player is not unable to go, but it is too difficult to walk through him alive. ”

Read the air cream. Got it. If that's the case, that's a lot of people. With enough players, crossing the sixtieth level area is not impossible. Although the Lv60 monster is 20 above the current player, the ants bite more dead elephants, and everyone's tiny heaps of damage can still kill Lv60 monsters.

Early on, there were a lot of gold-digging ideas, they didn't ask for experience, they just wanted to burst into premium gear and then sell it for money, but later found out that the business wasn't so good.

If you want to beat weirdos, you need a lot of people. If you have a lot of people, you need less money on everyone's head. Even if the equipment you hit is worth more, it's nothing.

More importantly, the idea of exploding equipment, which is rich, relies heavily on character, instead of hitting a Lv60 freak, you will have 60 pieces of equipment full of explosions. Poor character, no blood for a night is the norm. Making money playing blast gear is no different than buying a lottery prize. Really stable painting, it's all about finding a picture that you can handle easily, and you can earn money by selling those materials with high demand.

So the sixtieth grade weirdo, it's not high indestructible. It's just hard to kill, and now they're reading the wind cream, gathering the elite power of the 31st City, trying to push a path from a 60th practice district, and it's perfectly possible.

“I'll go with you first!” With that being said, I'm still afraid of some kind of trap.

“OK.” Ye Xiaowu took a scroll and prepared to use it. Reading the air cream was not polite. It was conveyed by two people to Cloud City near Moon Night City.

“Come with me!” Ye Xiaowu, with a full reading air cream, both had short legs and slowly swallowed the whole way towards the cloud city. Players and weird levels gradually improve along the way, and people gradually become scarce. Reading the wind cream is becoming more and more believable. At this time, the little monster in front of you is an appraisal technique, and it is already a question mark.

Appraisal weirdness is not the same as appraisal of players, who fail only at a higher level, and weird at a higher level of five is fine. This is now a question mark, clearly above level 45.

“Do you want to keep going?” Ye Xiaowu asked.

Read the cream and look around, there are players practicing weird and mostly single-handedly. This is quite a surprise to read about the wind cream. Vietnam weirdness is so popular in Moon and Night City. It's the most popular castle in the legendary folk style. The quality of the player's battle is really high!

The two of them came this way without any odd harassment, mostly because they were constantly cleaned up by practicing players. I thought I had to carefully guard against walking around the monster when I got above 45. I didn't know that monster was still being brushed one by one.

Ye Xiaowu looked at the lively scene in front of him, but his face was full of gloom. Hearing the full reading of the wind cream beside him, he shook his head and said: “Efficiency leveling, haven't you heard? ”

“Efficiency practice?” Read the wind cream and hear it: “That's it, the toy they're drunk on a thousand miles? ”

Ye Xiao nodded.

“Didn't you have nothing to tell me after you screwed up in that town?” Read the wind cream and ask.

“Specifically, I don't know. This moon night city also has such a massive efficiency practice, I don't know when they got it, these guys..."

Before reading the wind cream, there was no closer look. At this moment, the single-brush players came close, even the magicians, and the killing was as fast as efficiency. Any player can't help but notice the scene. He can't help but read the wind cream and wants to learn his hands. Suddenly he hears someone drank: “You two guys, where are you from? ”

Full reading of the wind cream and Ye Xiao Xiao faced each other for a moment, pointing to the front of the finger: “Pass by. Go over there. ”

Moon and Night City players don't know what's going on over there. “You're going over there...”

“Mmm!" the two nodded.

So then the Moon and Night City players face each other. If you can brush a single blackjack, you must have an efficiency practice. These two guys go over there, is there a more sophisticated efficiency practice? Thinking that someone has thrown an appraisal technique, the appraisal will be more stunning.

The magician didn't have to say that he was not of high rank, but he was well equipped. But what about the priest? So garbage grade, so garbage gear, how could this shitty guy show up at such a high-end place?

“Are you still there?” Ye Xiaowu asked for a full reading air cream.

But the thought of reading the wind cream has drifted a little: “Efficiency practice? ”

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All right, comrades, when you finish this chapter, you can get ready to vote backwards. You can vote backwards as soon as the time jumps. ~ ~ I hear there are some classmates who often don't save backwards because they don't have enough backwards? Look, I left you time today, and I warned you! (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)