It's very bad luck for Inky Studios to be exposed, which is very counterproductive, but nobody expected it to be bad luck. Yuko started his online and offline gaming forum again this evening. He was very excited to tell you about what happened in the forum.

Everyone is also accustomed to this time by Yu De to torment to broadcast, but no one has a real meaning to go down to the forum. Nor did they participate in the Parade of the Cloud City Boycott of Inky Studios. At this time, they were all the kind of people we planted your cool thoughts on. Considering the Parade to be the result of their efforts, they watched this scene with great pleasure and listened to the news of the flames of other main cities transferred by Yugo.

Until Yu discovered the mannequin and brought the news to everyone, everyone was finally satisfied in surprise.

Gestachi Young suffered from human flesh, which is that Han's son did not expect beforehand. He found that even he underestimated the level of resentment of the player crowd towards such a traitor.

There are tens of millions of players in parallel worlds, among them the Tiger Hidden Dragon. At this time, we work together, we have technology, we don't have technology behind our buttocks, we boost it. Gestachi Ington became one of the most thoroughly excavated places in the history of human flesh, and even death warnings were sent over something somewhat excessive.

I can't help but feel some sympathy for Gestachi Ying at this point, but now that things have come to this point, no one can reverse them. At this time, the description of Gestachi Young in the forum, to be honest, 89 out of 10 is a vain fabrication and dirty, but even so, when someone objectively comes out to say a few words, they will be denounced as Gestachi Young's vest or dog leg, drowned in the saliva of many people.

At this time, most of the masses have stopped thinking about what is right and wrong. Everyone is bent on a participatory attitude and pushed to put Gestachi Ying on a few feet, even if it is right.

The mannequin is naturally the place where the strongest firepower is concentrated.

Until dawn, Gestachi Young had been scared away from home, but the players still didn't know, and continued to actively discuss how revenge could make Gestachi Young feel “surprised”.

“This guy, it's hard to have another day.” Yu was also a little tired after a night of running up and down the line, which eventually led to a conclusion for everyone.

“Playing against this guy is the biggest mistake of his life.” Son Han's final review.

After a half-hearted silence, the Goddess of the King will die if he doesn't throw up. Finally, he will say, "Is he treating you like an opponent? I seriously doubt he even knew you existed. ”

“That was his misfortune, and if he had known, he would not have made that biggest mistake.” Mr Han said.

“This man is hopeless.” The royal gods shed tears.

Everyone was silent, the sun was shining, and when they were resting, they went down the line silently. Gestachi Young and his Inky studio seem to have finally been defeated, and other studios probably won't dare to mess around again with this example. While there have been some unexpected changes in the process, the end has been like this, and everyone feels relieved.

The main characters went to rest, but the event was not so easy to stop. The active crowd of the game is 24 hours in a row. The overnight parties lay down, got up early and touched it. After hearing so many stories last night, they repeatedly participated in what the overnight parties did last night, then the afternoon party, then the night party, then the overnight party...

After a day of meatloaf at the Forum, there were some new developments, and some of the city's players really touched Gestachi Young's place, but they couldn't find anyone. So everyone discussed Gestachi Ying's whereabouts in the post, and eventually decided that he was scared away by the human flesh. This was a great victory for the Human Flesh Party and deserved a big book.

And the marches in the game have not yet dispersed. Though they all know about the human flesh in the forum, the human flesh is ultimately nothing more than exposing someone's information. Gestachi Young is not the kind of person who makes a little false intelligence and ignores the public. His data is exposed, and although he may be subjected to a lot of harassment as a result, in theory this exposure is not a punishment.

The Gaming Party has been targeting the Gaming Company. Knowing that this is the God who can truly sanction Gestachi Ying and Inki, they prayed violently to God in a procession.

With all this happening, the gaming company certainly won't do anything. But for a gaming company, it's not as serious as filling a cell with drunkenness. Isn't it just a studio that's offended everyone? What kind of studio is that? Gaming companies, for their part, had to have such groups, but there was simply no way for this thing to be extinct, so it had grown over the years and was a way out of the formalization of studios.

At this time, there was a studio messing up the game, the game company said no, didn't ask a single question and stood on the player's side. Less than noon the next day, the players of the main city procession were still playing, and the game company had issued a thunderous announcement. The general contents were investigated, and Inky Studios was indeed a scum, banned, and firmly banned.

In the blink of an eye, the players were lost. Is this still a gaming company? Since when are you so efficient? Isn't it a system for both sides to compare the stalemate in complaining to GM and customer service?

So quickly, the gaming company is what the players want, and there's nowhere to let go of the excitement that just started. So someone started to step in, under the black banner of the crows, demanding that the other studios be wiped out. As soon as the other studios heard the wind, they panicked. While communicating with the gaming company, they tried to buy people's hearts by jumping in the game.

As a result, the game company also took an unexpected initiative at this time. That afternoon, the game company announced that it would carefully monitor the studios in the game, carefully observe the behavior of the studios, and see if there were any other behaviors such as Inky Studios that could be used for profit.

The bulletin was long and appeared to be a number of normative requirements for the studio, all of which appeared to be occasional. But those who know what it means can see from this announcement who the gaming company is going to do: the efficiency practice.

“Great means...” I sighed at the nitrite root of this announcement. Those of you who know what it means already know that efficiency practice is not something that a gaming company can ignore. Previously, gaming companies watched because there was no widespread presence at all. And now, with their studio's strong interference, efficiency practice instantly became popular throughout the game, Nitrogen estimated that the gaming company was going to be unable to sit down, and had been imagining what the gaming company would do to stop it.

Now he finally sees that the game company is using this time to crack down on Inky, the normative studio, to stop their studio from doing this efficiency drill.

This hand is amazing, what is the player's attitude towards efficiency practice? Is it joy or worry? Gaming companies don't have to think about it at all, because they don't face the players directly, they strangle the studio.

Although studios are not really the source of efficiency practice, they are the voters who will never dare to open a criminal gaming company. At this time, a crowning excuse to stop them, they can only listen. In the past, gaming companies have worked hard to update and fix monsters, which can also be eliminated. Thereafter, if studios are not allowed to meddle in the business, the promotion of efficiency practices cannot be world-wide.

Without resources like studios, people like them who get drunk all the time can't reach the level of instantaneous popularity of the 30 main cities like Yuntong. Against them, game companies should be able to respond with technology in the first place. This way, once the players discover that the efficiency leveling they've learned is useless, there won't be a second time.

Unless you're drunk enough to continue his kind of free promotion in Cloud City. This is a completely different way to run a fee-based operation, eliminating a lot of organizational work that can be spread at high speeds without much resources.

But the question is, if it's free, why would they do it? If he didn't make money, he wouldn't have done this boring thing. Though I did it once, it was purposeful, and I'm sure it won't happen again. If he's really trying to give the player something, can he cut people in the game all day? Is that good for the players?

After thinking about nitrite, it was finally concluded that the efficiency leveling method would really be wiped out by the game company. This is a quick move, Nitrous Root didn't expect Inky to fall on his front foot, and his back foot is going to be in such trouble. Efficiency practice method, this business is not done, other studios are nothing, but the large number of people he dug from Inky can digest from this business. Now just not far from the start, they call it a stop, it will be difficult for the future!

No matter how hard it is, it has to go on. The nitrite thought and suddenly shook his fist. Just because he thought it would be the day, he built 30 castles from the start and talked about working with others to sell the resources in his hands as soon as possible. This portion of the proceeds has been enough for them to support for some time.

The time has come!

Whether Yuntang replaced Yingqi as the number one in the industry, or whether he fell into indigestion as a result, now is the time. The nitrite roots holding his fist were hesitant, and he immediately proceeded to contact the staff of the studio in preparation for the next series of hard wars. It's success or failure, and it all starts today.

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I'm coming!! Long time no see, comrades! How was New Year? (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)