As soon as the blade slightly probed his head, he saw that the arrow was only in front of him. He turned his head and retreated. The arrow only wiped through the temple. When his heart was cold, what was the speed of shooting? Whether it's aiming speed or shooting speed, you must die. Shadow steps are not close enough. Look at Ye Qiang to see if he has any way.

Ye Qiang instantly rushed out of the column, just turned his head on the water shadow reshaping, hurriedly squatting down to flush the proximity entanglement, the jaw of the Lenor Skull made a clammy impact sound, Ye Qiang looked at the arrow in front of him again, the shoe shadow returned to the blade side of the column.

“Undead bioperception is through breath, and although vision depends on it, invisibility is such a skill that they have a strong ability to spy, that is, to feel the breath of a living person.” The blade looked at Ye Cangfu's expression softly.

“Brother, I can't get out, he asked for half my life value of Zhang Zhengxiong's arrow to let everyone suck in a breath of cool air. Nima, isn't that the rhythm of shooting or death? Someone must wrap him up close, otherwise the odds are too low. There are still some undead skeleton archers on his side, Lin Le doesn't dare to probe his head, take out the burning bottle and just reach out, boom, the arrow only penetrated the burning bottle and ignited it, burned Lin Le's hand.

“Father only flushed together, attrition is inevitable, here only by you and Brother Blade to instantly relocate and entwine close to him to improve the chances of victory, the other first time to help solve the surrounding skull.” Xiao Yetian softly said.

“Tin Tian is right, I'll count to one, two, three, Xiao Long, you two go first, lead him to attack, you two should eat two arrows, blade brother, we'll take this opportunity to stick to him! Happy is also the first time you come to help. Other magic professions are prepared to apply the method `` '" Ye Qiang is here to formulate a strategy. Everyone nods their heads “3,2,1! Go!”

Zhang Zhengxiong jumped out immediately, huge left arm to protect his head, a huge arrow instantly hit him, huge impact force made him couldn't help but retreat a few steps, because the huge arm guard successfully blocked, only dropped one third of his HP, hurriedly added a bite to himself, continued to pull his leg, ice cloud converted energy into a protective effect, took an arrow, looked at the remaining third of his HP, bitterly laughed, unhappy strength protection was estimated to be seconds.

In the space of 1 second, Ye Heaven succeeded in shadowing to his side, stabbing the gun straight into the hand pulling the arrow, the blade also followed closely, and walked to the back of Renoa with a sword with a scroll of shadow to his hand holding the bow.

Renoir changed his moves, loosened the bow and arrow, dodged the attack of two people, instantly pulled out a long, broken edge between his waist, and fought with two people. In the sword shadow, the blade shock is not just a remote ability, nor is the close combat ability of this BOSS just as strong! Two swords blocked his long sword slit throat, leaned down to chop Renoir's skull, Ye Qianyi dumped a stabbing gun, linear stabbing, watched his left and right brushes brush open all his attacks while still being able to strike back, Nima! Can you be any better?

Zhang Zhengxiong stared at the ever-coming arrow, killed into the archer's skeleton and began to clear it. Wu Na launched an ice spear penetrator at Renoa. After seeing it jump from the sky, he avoided talking. He could also grab the arrow on the ground for a brief moment as he jumped back to complete the bow string, pointed at himself, just wanted to avoid, knew that it was impossible, turned on the cold ice shield, the arrow only momentarily passed through the eyebrow, Wu Na's immediate HP value returned to zero.

The blade looked at the terrible projection and reaction, and the moment he escaped, he finished the remote kill “Don't let him use the bow! Otherwise, nobody gets out of here alive! ”

Ye Qiang rushed in a straight line, and Renoir dumped the bow blocking Ye Qiang's stabbing gun. “You're good, but `` `is naive. ”

Said that the blade of fire was opened and led to the cutting of the fire lotus, with the explosion of the stab, Renoa, sideways dodged, in the turn of the roll, completed the pulling of arrows again, bowed and squatted up to shoot, breathed no pause, the water element core of the old king next door was hit, split on the spot, the death of Gongwna made the old king dare not show up, continue to re-sing the summoning formation after the stone column.

Renoir's rise toward the blade is an arrow at close range, and the blade's very dangerous shoulder dodges “Tactics in a strange twisted position!! ”

Ye Tian waved his finger and yelled "Tactics!" Pursuit! ”

Said that he shook his hand and shook the red lotus flame again. Renault smiled as if he were cold. He jumped a short distance from the red lotus flame attack again rapidly. Suddenly his heart sinked and stepped down and threw out Thomas-like motion. It was this motion that escaped Lin Le's rapid jump and slashed the knife. One flash, turning the body back is one foot to kick Lin Le into the floating sky, with a bow to shoot him, a straightened figure also raided from one side, Renault quite angry to withdraw the bow, drawing out the arc blocked the slaughter of Tiger Thunder, the blade, Ye Qiang chased the surrounding again, Renault again released the bow and arrow, the two swords came out very accommodating to deal with the siege of three people and one beast, on the contrary, Ye Qiang and others dared not carelessly, if attacked, one bloom is continuous to the death dance chop, the sword film covered the area.

The blade lowered its head and dodged Lin Le's sweeping sweep. After the blade, it followed the next five straight hits. The long sword's skill resulted in a heavy final hit, allowing it to enter a rigid inertia and retreat. Ye Qiang also relieved his breath. Finally, there was a fractured, ruthless straight puncture, looking at the disappearing figure in front of him, no good! He'll shift!

Don't look over at the figure of Renoir by the stone column 20 meters away, and the moment he pulls the arrow, he intends to disperse immediately, Ye Heaven sinks and his shadow is ready! Hurry the shadow in its shadow position, stab gun point at its arrow tip to interrupt it, the blade relaxed breath, scum shadow cooling time should not be very long, if not stopped just now, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as staff reduction, most of the group will be extinguished, this BOSS is too perverted, it is intelligent, knowing the order of the killings, little girl does not dare to show up, has been waiting for opportunity.

Zhang Zhengxiong relied on Shizhu to solve the skeletal shooter, hurried a few arrow steps to support the very strong Ye Qiang, Zhang Zhengxiong joined, the pressure suddenly decreased, when the blade support came, watched the cooperation between the two. After Lin Le joined, the pressure caused by the siege of the three together actually suppressed BOSS, the blade couldn't help but lament the attack between them, Lin Le The chances of Big Kai accidental killing are too high, but for the two guys, it seems like they don't have to hide. The attack of the three of them is as smooth as a whole. The three brothers` `` in the real new town are really fitting. After joining the siege, Xiao Yetian finally began to show up to weaken BOSS, thinking about when the high price is buying a resurrection technique for Xiong, if he dies, no one will resurrect. If he sees BOSS, he gets a bow. In the hand, hurry into the stone column.

With the melancholy and aggressive attack of the people, they couldn't hold the bow shooting at all, eventually Zhang Zhengxiong, and sometimes while the safety appearance of Xiao Yetian restraint weakened, was killed in the form of two swords, Ye Qiang's stabbing gun penetrated his eyebrow heart skull, relaxed breath, nervous tightened all the way, didn't dare to relax at all, the threat of that shooting was too great, recalling that if only two or three people could not seal his shooting at all, so many people were forced to seal it.

“Thanks.” The Soul Fire of Lenor's Two-Purpose is fading away.

“Congratulations on killing the Phantom Skeleton Archer. Renoir, get 3,500 experience. ”

“This BOSS, I `` `` '" Ye Cao stretched out his hand and warned, "This is a shooter BOSS Oh, shooter BOSS Oh, Happy, will definitely make a good bow, a good skill book or something, are you sure you want to bet!? ”

“Yeah, what if he didn't take his gear out? No, he didn't take his gear out. It's his business. It's none of my business. I'm God's Hand, just go out! It must be a divine bow, an arrow second to kill the gods, something like that.” Just as Ye QianYY reached out, Lin Le had touched the body. "Brother Bai, out came `` `”

Ye Qiang stretched out his hand for a moment, and his hand was patted on the back of Lin Le's head. “Again, you sneak up on the body while I'm not paying attention, hey, it was an artifact, an arrow second of the gods' skills book ``”

“There is no such thing as' `' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Ye Tian looked at Lin Le wanting to reach his finger in the right direction, he tried to set me up again! Hurry back behind the ice cloud and hide.

Lin Lelian beamed for a while. Whatever. Xiaotian is gone. And Xiaolong said, "It's the dragon that made me touch it." "

Ice clouds roll their eyes, this joy `` `.

Ye Huang sighed, looking at the items, three pieces, a golden bow, a pair of gold-grade boots, and a skill book.

Renoir's Composite Heavy Bow (Gold. Nightmares. Rare)

Category: Compound Heavy Bow

Demand Attributes: Power 90, Agility 85

Attack Power: 27-30

Power +15

Dexterity +14

Penetration +30

Range +50

Accurate Speed * Composite Heavy Bow: Shooting Speed +15%, Calibration +8%.

Eye of Renoir: Next two shots, range +100, MUST CRIT for 1 minute, Cooldown: 30 minutes.

Speed saw that the long boots were assigned to Lin Le, and the blade agreed. Even if it is not available now, Le Le's suit should be slowly replaced with gold grade or dark gold. Let's start by putting it together.

As for the skill book, which is a bow and arrow type of skill book, there is no objection to the fact that Ip Man learned, the blade is quite eye-catching, because the skill rating is epic.

Phantom Archer's Moving Shots (Epic. Primary... Passive): Reduces the inertial difficulty of fancy ejection in various positions and increases its calibration accuracy.

Ye Qiang imitated that he had just rolled over Renoa and finished aiming at the second shot. He could have done it before, but it was not so natural. How to describe this feeling, as if he had unlocked the genetic lock, and opened the shackles himself. Reflecting on it, he felt that there were some chicken ribs. Close to him, he pulled a gun and stabbed a lot, but who wanted to play fancy shooting, but it was good to deal with some special situations of distance, such as just BOSS dodging Nana's ice spear, and then jumped at the same time to catch the bow shooting `` `.