Ye Tian felt the eyes thrown by the Emperor of Fire and smiled slightly “I gave in. ”

“Hmm, three daisy characters win the entertainment mode what has to say!” The flames came out full of disgust.

The Emperor Yan reached out and stopped him. He looked at Ye Qiang and smiled slightly. "Losing is losing. There are not many people who can make me happy. I look forward to fighting you next time. ”

Stingray felt that ignoring his own eyes, yeah, in his eyes, it was Ye Tian who beat him, not me, which is also true, to think that the unwillingness here is filled with heart, I must promote to SS! And then really challenge you! Flaming King!!.

The Flaming King glanced at the stinging rose, this woman, among the ants, she was the most boned, with such a bone, will one day stand in front of herself, but `` 'now, you are far from it.

“Next fight? Your status, I've gradually grasped, be careful. '` `' 'Ye Heaven looks at the figure of the Emperor of Fire and others leaving muttering.

The whole venue was covered with thorns, the roses fell in the sky, and the thorns roses all stood in the middle to feel the call of the whole venue, congratulations, cursing, spraying and heartbeat.

“Thorn rose crowning effect, this is the fourth time it has appeared here, too old, but compared to the flaming dragon's gorgeous flying dance, the bloody red petals and thorn bushes in the sky have a different flavor.” Zhong slowly rose up to applaud, Zhao's face began to applaud with tears.

The podium, the Flaming King, and the Cloud Dragon were not present, which was also unexpected by everyone. An elderly man appeared on the podium with a dragon bowl in his hands. This man is Wang Million, president of the Huaxia Games League. "Congratulations, Thorn Roses, Roses, the club you run, it's interesting `` ``”.

The symbol of taking over the championship with a trembling rose. The Dragon Bowl nodded with tears and took a deep breath and shouted the club slogan "Thorn bush! Rose is dead! ”

However, none of the back leaves and others intended to merge, making the stinging rose very awkward, implicitly hearing the discussion behind.

“Good second slogan, what do you think, I can't shame this man.” Xin Yashu's nails are rather disgusting.

“Just her, 27, 8 people, is still the heart of a snake sperm.” Ice blood sigh.

“JJ Jungle! JJ died!!” Lin Le was messed up by the word thorns in the generous roar, even the bloody burst shirt, leaving Mosaic's lower body to lift a giant blade, and this move caused a great deal of cheer, a real man, a husband, the birth of a child in the sky.

“Best MVP of the season in this Huaxia S-Class League, guess who's down!!” Zuoyi felt the stinging rose going away and hurried to laugh at the round field with an MVP medal.

“Flaming King! Brother Hero! Big Diamond! Cang Hai! Mad Devil Lego!!!” Various voices are calling.

“The median thorn rose, agile class player! Brother Hero. Snow!!” Zuoyi directly announced that Ye Cang slowly came to power and officially took the medal with him, smiling lightly. "Here, thank Brother Yunlong, Brother Yan, and the people I killed, thank you for your kind love. ”

Once again, there was a war outside the field.

Then best-10, Zhang Zhengxiong, Lin Le, the blades were all voted in, the votes on various lists were also announced at the end of the competition, Thorn Rose succeeded in becoming the worst club in the evaluation, packaging the most technical violations, least want to encounter the type, most hate encountering the type of lists, etc.

Various interactive activities pushed this residual heat to the final `tide, Lin Le met female fans and was not happy, Zhang Zhengxiong was confessed by the stubborn man, his frightened face was white, Ye Qiang did not go forward, and there was some ambiguous' meaning in the radio chat with Nalang Qing Soul. The corrupt women began to fill various chapters in their brains, so much so that the afterglow was not over, various corrupt texts began to emerge, had to feel their professionalism.

As the club's president, Busy is not happy to deal with the gaming media crowd.

Celebrating, cursing, the whole loud venue temporarily belongs to Thorns and Roses.

Back in the game, Ye Tian brought the team to Haisha Village for a boat ride. Taking into account the hidden and corner terrain of Haisha Village, Ye Tian consulted with the village chief of Haisha Village and finally convinced him to agree to the plan to build a large dock.

Ye Qiang's pedestrian returned to the island of Alabachia once again, watching XV so open-minded to Ye Qiang's eating in the deep sea area, and everyone was saddened by the shape of his little bear No. 1, but some flower fairy's heart. Every time he saw the way it was applied, his goose bump fell off as if he were a 'fairy’ dancing in a flower, and the ice cloud looked far away. Indeed, everyone but me who joined this team was normal.

Ye Tiang's position, let Abado's fondness for humans improve, try to agree to trade with each other, and people look at Abado's daughter, Aban, a shy fisherman who is admiring Ye Tiang, this so-called fisherman, Big Shaman, Cold Khan Lian, are you someone else's daughter's killer? How many girls do you want to harm?

Escorted by the Abyss Fisherman Warrior, he returned to Harbor City. Farsach, and Mary Sue, who welcomed everyone, was more certain that Ye Tian could stand up and cross the abyss south again safely. His words were true, and he came to the main city hall with Ye Tian and Xiao Ye Tian. A brilliant metallurgist in a purple robe sat at her desk and processed the documents. The beautiful face of the knife was cut, and the royal 'sister's breath made one wonder, looking at the Ye Tian brought by Mary Sue, and getting up slowly. "This is what you said, Count Asahue from the Seven Years Empire.' ``"

“Yes, Lord Menos, this is Earl of the Seven Years Empire.” Marissou saluted and then withdrew.

“Distant guests, I am not finished speaking Menos, Ye Qiang's lifted wolf head hood revealed a true smile“ To be brief, I come on behalf of Black Rock City, I hope to establish a long-term partnership with you "`"

Menos beamed a little, which was an interesting guy, and he gazed seriously, "What's in it for us? ”

“Hmm, back and forth with Black Rock City, which is one of the benefits, let's just say, we now have a giant magical crystalline mineral vein, which is just the tip of the iceberg.” Leafy snorted cold.

Giant magic crystal pulse. The news is true. I didn't expect it to be theirs. If it could be transported back and forth, it would be profitable, `` `` `` `' ', let alone reselling goods and trade with each other. This has always been one of the plans that Seaport City is eager to complete, but the peril of the Abyss Sea has been on hold for a long time. Marissou said that he is an Abyss fisherman tribe, the Great Shamans of Alabachia, but is this true? In case of blackmailing my mother through the sea of the abyss, we must act with caution. Farsach's crystal mine is consuming too much, and the Orcs are starting to riot, and there are fewer and fewer sources of stability.