Naran Green Soul looked at the distance behind him and sighed deeply, naturally pretending to say that the long and short boundaries of man were no different.

Leaf immediately upgraded acid injection with extra skill points, and directly upgraded it to Level 2 to Advanced Skill Acid Rain.

Secondary Acid Rain (Abyss · Primary): Sprays a lot of strong acid rain over the target range, inflicting a certain amount of corrosive and persistent damage per second, and reducing armor and corrosive armor, singing a large section of three bars, the technique needs guidance.

Ye Cao looked at a number of skill points and bit his teeth. It was estimated that it would be used later. It continued to rise to the third level. Secondary acid rain turned into death acid rain.

Death Acid Rain (Abyss Master): Sprays a large amount of terrible concentrated acid rain on the target, inflicting a large amount of corrosive sustained damage per second and eroding the target armor, singing two large knots, the technique needs to be guided.

Ye Tian sighed, then used 5 skill points, looked at the remaining skill points, there are 10 points, it doesn't feel much, but what he doesn't know is that even Naran Green Soul, Yunlong and others don't have so many ready skill points.

On the other side, Xiao Yetian returned to the front line to wave to Yunlong and Junmo, Yunlong and Junmo asked back. Later, he learned that he was going to sell strong acid agent and didn't fight. Shit, at this time, he was thinking about Circle old man's gold coin, especially since Yunlong felt that he had not been very wealthy since entering this season, and basically spent it on the grandchildren of those three emperors!! Considering that his shares and dividends in Sky Lotus Industry were decisively chosen to be slaughtered, so did Junmao.

Each person bought hundreds of bottles and gave them to the core players to prepare for a wave.

“When the father's skills are in use, the effect will be more prominent, so don't worry.” Xiao Yetian continued to be the Knight Commander of his second regiment.

Yunlong and Junmo asked slightly, the two people were much more fond of Xiao Yip Tian than Yip Tian, because they had to admit that Xiao Yip Tian's ability to plan and analyze can be said to be the first in the alliance, and the achievements displayed made people speechless.

“With a dog bear, the tank will last a long time," Yunlong looked at Zhang Zhengxiong and the toad.

“That multiple halo overlay is like '`” Junmo asked and laughed. He only had 2 halo rings. He entered the halo range of the male earthquake sky with at least 6 more halo effects. Nimma's, it's like moving a fortress + halo expert, turning around and looking at Lin Le, massacring and harvesting the ogres is called a trivial understatement. After all, he is an active super-heavy attack on the first person's giant star. He knows how hard it is to use the super-heavy weapon, let alone PK, and it is that he is now expected to overtake Angelite, and the acid bottle must have come from his hand.

Junmo suddenly asked what he remembered and looked at Xiao Yetian and asked, "Will that guiding skill be misguided? ”

Xiao Yetian silenced for a moment, and Yunlong, who had just tried to rush up, hurried back and informed the sea.

Ye Tian sighed, "Don't call me back, or do you want a lot of people to hold him still”

Ye Qiang's hands fluttered green, began to sing, the clouds over Balla began to turn green, the dark green rain fell, the strong corrosivity of the rain constantly eroded Balla's skin, hundreds of Tan on the other side of the front line also took charge of the death squad's cannon ash task, each pulled out strong acids and threw them on, baptized + baptized, Balla's skin cracked at visible speed.

Barra cried out, especially after several bottles of strong acids entered his eyes, his hands stomped up and waved a stick, and players in the fan range were instantly knocked off, most of them killed.

Ye Qiang's spell has also been guided.

“Let's go" Xiao Yetian began the practice.

The main tank and Lin Le's assault team launched another attack, knife to meat, and soon the BOSS began to weaken.

“Discipline Holy Dance!!” Zhang Zhengxiong raised the punishment of the Holy Strike to Level 3 of the Enhanced Edition. The sound of bone crushing continued to be heard from the huge war hammer. The last hammer knocked Barra down with the cooperation of the three series of shield strikes in Canghai. Ye Qiang watched as he entered the surrounding killing stage. Sit down again and drink water. Don't look over at Naran Green Soul pointing to his crotch and smile. "Let's get back to the subject just now."

“Opportunity, but not now," said Nalan Green Soul.

Ye Tiang threw the crossbow gun at Xinya and warmed up and muttered, "When I came out again, I smelled the artifact. You must believe me this time! It's not a joke! ”

The two beamed for a moment, Xinya took a deep breath and growled "Attention ahead!! Captain ready * * OSS!! Dark Alert!! Dark Alert!!! ”

“What!?” Stingray beat up 120,000 spirits and took a few steps back, staring dead at Ye Qiang who was about to rush “Don't mess around!!! This is the hard work of Neima's tens of thousands of elites! Not to mention so many dead core elites!!! ”

“Really? Is there a need for deep black vigilance?” Junmo asked, looking at Yunlong, Yunlong just nodded bitterly. "If he really touched me, I think you want to die. So far, I haven't seen him touch a piece of equipment, including a chest and a BOSS body.”

Junmo asked sucking in a breath of cold air without a good airway “then fucking touch it!!? ”

“Father has a terrible obsession with touching corpses, treasure chests, scratches and joys beyond normal people” Xiao Yetian sighed as he closed the court and held the healing.

“The key is that he truly thinks he is an Invincible Lucky Star, including those who believe strongly in his cooking skills, wrong ingredients and eaters.” Wu Na also withdrew from the canyon.

“`` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `Junmao asked Ye Qiang, especially the pathological tide in his eyes` red.

“He's invisible.” After Yunlong saw Ye Qiang rush, his body disappeared and drank.

Ice clouds laughed bitterly, beating a BOSS was hard enough, and we had to guard against the captain's black body and sink into the body ready to slay.

Yunlong's eyebrows rose!

Junmo asked the first to detect the breakout and force Ye Qiang out, the long sword chopped his throat, but the long sword very easily chopped off Ye Qiang's head, looking at the blue liquid in his neck, hidden passage, not good!! It's his reshaping skills!! The moisture explosion repelled Junmo for a few meters, and Yunlong rushed to the right, sweeping his legs, and Shenglong kicked Ye Qiang out again.

“Out of the way! Don't you want the artifact!? My divine hand resonated with it, this time the magic artifact!!” Ye Cao raised his own Kirin arm.

Yunlong looked white. "I'm not that gentle! ”

Said the swallows copied the water, Ye Tiang drew a knife to greet them, the two men fought together, Zhang Zhengxiong big step meteor rushed, Ye Tiangshadow came near the Canghai, but it was a fluttering shield, suddenly turned into several shadow rushes like BOSS.