“Sister! I still feel alive!! ”

“Yeah, I can feel the spicy taste of this soup! The strength of this whip is very powerful! ”

Ye Tianxiao looked at the delicious and crying expression of the food people had made for themselves, silently tearing off the white headscarf, systematically prompted him to complete his task perfectly, obtained a large volume faucet, behind the faucet connected a small round bottle with a big fist.

Large Volume Fool Faucet (Space Wonder · Chef · Cooking): This item can store ten large quantities of liquid, adjustable to switch to different liquid spaces for release and is the baby every cook master dreams of! (PS: You ask me how much each liquid can hold? I guess a small lake is more than enough ----Master of Space Wonders Baban)

Ye Tiang put away the precious kitchen utensils and looked around, not here, hey hey smile, quit the restaurant found a few treasure spots, where are the things? Why not!? Those 38 are so unkind, I made them delicious, they didn't put anything inside, finally opened the dark door, inside is a purple gold coloured chest, baby I'm here!! Flushing past, just approaching, the treasure chest instantly opened, one bite bit Ye Qiang half of his body, his health constantly dropped, Ye Qiang hurried to message “Help me!! Help me!!! I got bitten by a fake chest!! ”

“Save... I... uh... ”

“ ”Everyone hurried to the position described by Ye Qiang, watching that Ye Qiang had disappeared, and joined forces to siege directly to kill the treasure chest monster, Lin Le opened the treasure chest, Ye Qiang's body was in line, thrown out, and Xiao Letian hurriedly revived it.

“It's so good to have this reward...” Junmo asked to see Ye's pale expression “told you to touch the treasure chest in private! It's purple gold! ”

Ye Cang wanted to revive himself with a suicide bomb, but now he uses it. What if a dozen BOSS people are dead and no one drives the body!? Think of yourself as a team leader, hey.

If the cool people knew Ye Qiang's thoughts at this time, they would probably want to go straight back to the North.

Lin Le gave something to Ye Qiang, two skills books that the world had dropped, and a key.

Light Alternate (World Fall, Lost, Extremely Rare): Zero HP ionizes light, resurrects again, restores HP by 50%, consumes up to 30% Magic, cools for 5 hours, requires a Holy Family Occupation.

Light Element Avitalia (World Fall, Lost, Extremely Rare): Read hymns, summon Light Element Avitalia into battle, consuming 25% of magic, cooling time: None, requires Elemental Summoning to be a professional or sacred priest.

Though he was moved by his heart, Junmo asked himself that he had a similar resurrection of death. The guy knew it, agreed to give Zhang Zhengxiong, summoning Xiao Yetian to Xiao Wang, he did not have all kinds of bonuses for summoning elemental creatures, it was not good value for money, he was also summoned exclusively by the sacred system.

And finally, the key.

Funeral Darkroom Key: The key to the dark room in the funeral area can be opened.

The key was kept by Lin Le after Ye Heaven repeatedly demanded resistance and was repeatedly condemned by others.

Xiao Wang excitedly began to summon the elements of light, the light particles began to flourish and finally condensed into a Myoman figure. Although there are no five officials, the whole body is constructed of holy light, but the body is very first-rate. Xiao Wang also knows what is going to happen. He looked at Ye Qiang, Lin Le, Zhang Zhengxiong three hands plugged there, touched there, and took a vomit to himself.

Avetteria has a very powerful group healing, monomeric healing capability, and includes the group light system elements of the sacred system and monomeric damage, and brings its own restoration of spiritual light, restoring vital values in her light, and a certain speed of magical recovery, which also makes the little king shake into a multifaceted hand, water element, muddy marsh element, lava element, and light element all with very good properties to complement and lengthen the team in various occasions.

The crowd went out of the darkroom and Mamana looked at the depressed Ye Qiang. "Be careful when you meet the three queens. They are very difficult to get along with because of the age and loneliness and the alienation of the king's soul. But the queen was a very good person before she died. I hope you don't hurt them, although you are not expected to be opponents of the queens. Anyway, be careful. ”

Ye Qiang nodded and the crowd proceeded, and finally came outside the palace decorated with three gemstone flowers, according to the palace lady, and stopped.

“I, Male Zhen Tian, Cang Hai, Rose, Xiao Long, depending on the situation, the rest of you, according to the normal dispersed position, priority kill order random strain, white brothers, you can observe the guidance and follow your identification.” Junmo asked.

Everyone entered the inner palace, the long palace corridor, the columns on both sides are made of precious metal, gemstones, interwoven with a fantastic glow, the most inside sits the red, yellow and blue Three-Three-Three-Three-Three-Three-Three-Queen, from left to right Red is the catwoman, yellow is the dwarf, blue is the elf, the eyes sweeping at the people “How dare you, the king's sleeping palace also dare to come in...".

The three women rose up slowly, and their eyes were full of killing intentions.

“Ready! I'm agile. I'll take care of the cat girl. You're demonic. You're in charge of the elves. The dwarves let the sea go.” Junmo asked to prepare for the attack.

At this point, Liu Bei stepped out, "Madam, is it bitter to be alone for a thousand years? ”

“Ask the world what love is? The direct teaching of life and death promises... There must be a lot to say in the millennium that nobody cares about.” Cao Cao also stood up and suddenly thought of Queen He, long ago thought, cough...

“I can feel the pain in your heart.” Sun Quan came directly to the elf throne and looked at Sogmari's lonely deep blue pupil, smiling slightly.

The third woman silenced down, the intent to kill turned into confusion and pain. Liu Bei walked in and made gestures with his hands in the younger generation. "You go, leave this to us. ”

No one knows the women in the palace better than the three of them.

“ ”Everyone was sweating cold and Ye Heaven chose to believe that they were pulling everyone out of the inner house and coming outside.

After a long time, there were all sorts of disgusting sounds inside.

“Your three cousins, um... Very impressive.” Gongsun Qian embarrassed.

Stabbing Mai is a direct fool. After all, he needs to sleep in his new village mayor's family of old and young animals.

Wu Na walked far away with Xiao Ye Tian "children, ladies can't listen to these messy things! ”

“It's so tragic, I'm afraid it's over the top.” XV starts brain-filling.

Xiao Wang explained in his first authentic book, "Our saints of Huaxia have a very good set of super-dead spirits. ”

Junmo asks the speechless little king about the moon, no saint is as good as them! With what super! Hanging!?

The moon covered his forehead, without saying anything right, almost none of the team can communicate normally.

“Congratulations to your team for completing the hidden task, Uncle Han, Mende's new book. After only the Trainer succeeds in surpassing the three women, he gains the trait specialty and special skills of the three women, as well as the exclusive equipment one. Congratulations on winning Experience Reward Level +2, Random Epic Specialty 1, Skill Points, Specialty +5, Attraction Value +20, the entire Sleeping Palace area becomes a friendly area. ”

“ ”Everyone came to the palace without a word to look at the three people who had just emerged from the Queen's three bedrooms behind the throne in the state of a tobacconist.

“Such a poor woman reminds me of Hejin's sister.” Cao Cao shushed.

“I knew you'd be interested in people a long time ago. Think Green Spirit.” Liu Bei snorted.

“Afterwards, I think you want to give up the Emperor. Unfortunately, Queen Volkswagen, how can you put up with the idea of locking people up to death?” Sun Quan took care of his legs, his hair and his shield.

“She was too big to die, but your wife was really nice.” Cao Cao remembered the woman and then thought of the stepper.

Sun Quan glared at him.

The people came to the three of them, did not hear their conversation, but thinking of the Emperor of the Palace of Heaven, Qi Qi mourned for a few seconds and died in green...

Heaven falls and the throne falls.

A black robe wizard looked at the jewel on the champion of the battle boxing as if it had turned green. "The jewel on your crown as if it had just turned green. ”

“Don't tear the subject apart, everything your master has promised, if he's lying to me, he won't want to see the colors in the sparkling stars of paradise. ”

“Of course... ”