Ye Heaven showed himself to the Apocalypse Knight Disaster, and Villary jumped into the vicinity of the two bandits who fought the Disaster, Sacramento, Agaros and McCullough stayed close by to ensure safety.

Disaster looks on the sofa and looks at his own Ye Qiang, “Are you the commander in chief? ”

“Mmm... I want to ask you something.” Ye Cang smiled.

“Well, the end is our destiny, and I won't tell you anything... ”

“Willary, I'll make you some soup with his bones. What do you say? ”

“Eat what I don't choose. ”

“That's good...” Ye Cao looked at the skeleton and dust of the dead as if Camus had integrated with the glass, but now this is his own tall soup warehouse, looking at the skeletons all over the place, it's all money.

“Elder Agaros, control him. Let me see the quality of this ingredient.” Ye Cao jumped off the sofa, the two bandits knew nothing was going on between them, Agaros came out.

After speaking, Agaros' dagger was inserted into the orbit of disaster, unable to move. Ye Tiang walked past and Sachelimus pressed carefully on the knife handle. The first time there was a movement, he broke his body into pieces of dust.

Ye Cao opened the armor with a knife and said, "There's some dry meat, I'll try it. ”

“It's salty, it smells a little strange, but it's just right to make soup, and a little like ham." Ye Cao pulled off a little dry meat and tried it. The disaster looked at Ye Cao Soul's fire full of fear, what is he going to do!? Are you sure you want to eat yourself? I'm a ghost!

Ye Tian bent the head of the disaster and scraped it with a knife, surrounding the soul fire, a lot of black powder came out and recognized it. "Yes, this smell is so heavy. ”

Soon, with the help of Agaros, the disastrous equipment was stripped to reveal the entire mortal state, Ye Qiang began to examine the ribs, cut one with a machete, how was the taste of local life experiment boiled down, after a realistic cooking baptism, he understood that one ingredient had to determine its nature and sharing through a number of methods, this is also the first sentence of the Passionist formula, deeply aware of Ye Qiang, deeply aware of the culinary path really endless, Bain and Iensar both looked creepy, scalp and he really tasted and analyzed the fine taste of the water he had made, this guy is serious!? Suck in a breath of cool air.

The two men secretly said that they would never be enemies of this commander-in-chief, winning is fine, losing is like, dead spirits eat, he won't eat people!? Especially when the leaves of the sky put dry pus into the pot, and the stomach was like a wave of sand, turning around and starting to vomit.

The giant Bear Bumper watches Cesar tremble in the distance...

Ye Qiang felt so bad that he threw all kinds of corpses into the boil, plus some excrement from all kinds of animals' organs, and then grabbed the catastrophe and prepared it for live stew. At this time, the catastrophe looked at the screaming pot, and those filthy things inside, and hurried and said, "Give me a pain! I say everything! ”

Ye Cao smiled slightly “That's right, but I don't want to know anymore... ”

“Ah!?” Disaster.

Pfft, throw it directly in the pan, cover it, lose control of Agaros, push the lid inside the constantly struggling calamity, scream to make people listen to the whole body numb, Veralie dies and presses the lid “there is soup to drink. That's great. ”

“Devil! Devil! Ah!!! Ah!!! It stinks!! My body!! My soul!!! Ah!!!!! ”

Ye Qiang turned and smiled at Bain and Ian, "Are you interested in joining our Goddess Society?" ”

McCullough glanced, "You better promise... ”

The two men watched as they finally struggled in the pot to beg for forgiveness, and pressed the lid to wait for Veralina's bloody mouth and swallowed a heavy mouthful of spit. "Thanks to the wise for hosting. ”

“The two elders welcome to the extended family of the Goddess Society.” Ye Qiang lifted up their hands and laughed. Sachilimus said secretly that he could never get out again.

“Well, we have six goddesses here, you can choose one, and of course you can choose one faith separately.” Ye Qiang took out the portrait of the Six Gods, and Bai Eun and Ion Sa listened to the screams of disaster and said, "He seems to be really going to do it. ”

“It doesn't matter which goddess you choose first.” The portrait in Ye Heaven's hand resembles some kind of deed and deed of sale in Saki's eyes. Once you have believed and become a close believer, you will be utterly... Whoo-hoo.

In the end, Bain chose Onoya, Iensar chose Asenrosh, Ye Heaven showed that Villary could unravel the pot, only one head left in the scorching soup floating disaster, the soul fire in his eyes was about to extinguish, Ye Heaven caught it out with a spoon and smelled it “wrong. ”

Everyone beside them is silent, the taste is strange if it can be right, it blocks the sense of smell as much as possible.

Ye Cao intends to continue boiling his head again, and everyone hears the tears of the dead. "I really did. Please, don't let me go back. I really... Whoo-hoo... Whatever you need to know, I'll tell you whatever I know. Please destroy me. ”

Ye Cang blinked. "Say one first, if I'm not satisfied. ”

“Lord Sage, I can restore a little vitality to the fire of his soul, so that it will not soon be extinguished in the stew.” Agaros' words make the disaster utterly desperate. "The headquarters is in the mountains deep in the northern part of the desert. The strong who are now resurrected have nothing to pay special attention to but what you know, but the evil gods have intervened, and their strongholds are in the western desert. I do not know the exact location. There are other rebels besides the evil gods who will intervene. Be careful, wise men. And here's the nearest nest of natural disasters, just over a hundred kilometres north of here, which is also a front-line site, with many troops, including the blood-guy ancestors, famine, the Magic Elf King Temina, the Nine-Eyed Sword Saint Asus Optical Eye, the Virgin of the Punishment. ”

Ye Tian looks at Macaro. "How about that? ”

McCullough nodded "very valuable... ”

“Looks like you're repentant. I'm a self-merciful man. Join our Goddess Society as a partner for justice. ”

“I am the Undead born of the Knight of the Apocalypse... ”

“The purpose of the Goddess Society is to treat all things well, including the dead, and whoever says that the dead cannot be partners in justice...” Ye Heaven's hands trembled, and the head of disaster boiled in a purple cigarette pot crying, "I joined!! I'm in! ah!!! My soul!! It hurts!! ”

“Ah, excuse me, cook's occupational illness, hands shaking sometimes for too long.” Ye Cao hastily salvaged it again, Agaros frowned, "Are you sure you want to join the Order of Goddesses? Wouldn't the goddesses be upset... ”