Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1027 Relay Race

“Isn't this fun?” Zhao whispered to Zhong.

Chung nodded. "That's him. ”

Damn it! This is my idol! Big Hangout Di Mad Demon Le! The pattern on your T-shirt is! “As a fan, I'm going to start blowing... ”

“ ”Brother Chung Khan.

“Next up is a non-discriminatory relay run for the team project to see what's on the coast...” Brother Zhong's words were correct, and he began to look at the list of members. There were four people from the ninth school district on Brother San's side. Sun Quan, Yang Qiao, Lin Le, Zhang Zhengxiong. I'm afraid the continuous use of the Admiral is not good for physical energy consumption.

Zhang Shaofeng didn't want to line up Zhang Zhengxiong in a row, but he and this Lin Le and the terrorist Sun Quan over there had to go. Besides, he was reassured that Zhang Zhengxiong had little energy and physical qualities to consume. He would retain his full strength in the competition with higher scores in the later fighting competition. As for Lin Lezhang Shaofeng, he also knew that the boy was hiding so deeply. No wonder Song Xin would like him. Even that hand darker was wary. You should know that the darker made good students very competitive in the battle of the five schools, which is why all five schools more or less let Tang Mendi join the core layer to match the multifaceted nature of the formation.

“This rule and the running ahead are almost the same, just bring the relay and pick up the boundaries, the person with the relay rod is knocked down by the team arranging the distance ahead will pick up the relay rod to continue to complete, including the unfinished distance of the faller, which is equivalent to the distance punishment, so our people are down, the next handover must hurry to pick up the relay rod first to continue the game, while also knocking down other college city opponents on the track as much as possible to stop their momentum. ”

Zhang Shaofeng arranged Lin Le to run the first batch, Zhang Zhengxiong ran the last batch, Sun Quan Zhongjian, Lin Le took over the chrysanthemum-shaped relay rod, stood in position on the side of the Linhai, everyone was in position on the long track, Xie Yuer relieved breath was lucky he was the last batch, but don't look over and greet Zhang Zhengxiong scalp is more numb, do you?, how can you play with Uncle Shi, sighed “Hello. ”

“Well, brother, I still have a disciple who understands...” Zhang Zhengxiong thought that after getting acquainted with Zhao Xiangyu, the girl was not big enough for a day, and now she knows how to hide.

Zhao Xinru, the first great man on this side of the runway, looked at Ye Qiang who was still sleeping. Luckily, he didn't show up. If he failed, he immediately remembered the flesh of the mutant who was flying in the sky, and his stomach stirred for a while.

Sun Quan felt a little bored in the middle of the runway. Song Qing had guessed that this was not a good idea. Most of them were the same as Liu Bei. There was also a man named Cao Cao. This Nima Zhang Shaofeng had such a master participate in the battle of the five schools to compile his name. Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, from Didu, also changed his identity. It was all retired veterans. The system immediately generated a hard resume. The secret authority was the highest. Turned out to be the dragon team, and he could not see his affiliation. It was also hard to re-enter the university at this age.

Qin Zhong in the VIP room watching the Battle of Linhai Five School can't help but pinch a sweat for several other schools. You may not know that you will encounter a truly hidden master, Sun Quan himself does not know, but the power of Liu Bei and Cao Cao is deeply missing, so should the power of Sun Quan. Senior Lin Liang is respectful in front of these three people, and this respect is not like a guest condolence, but a habit, an acknowledgment, as for pulling the "must win" banner in the shouting the power of Bai Long Beard youth is even more horrible, you only saw him pull a bow once, presumably careless, the distant island, after a flaming sun, disappeared until Lin Liang Senior recovered the island, but the vegetation can not recover.

Lin Le looked at his left hair tied up and looked a little like a Taoist and smiled humbly at himself. "Please teach me more and give orders to Fox Cheng. ”

“My name is Happy, please give me more guidance.” Lin Le smiled politely.

Stammering at Lin Le, it was very affectionate and full of children's real smiles. If he didn't know that he was the same natural black as the one who slept in bed, he really thought he was a neighboring boy. Unlike Ao, Happy's natural black was more natural, and it was unpolluted natural black. He always did something unexpected to make your scalp numb, and the vengeance was extremely strong. The ridicule power was the strongest of the three, and the brain hole broke through the sky with so many ideas.

Old Li cooked the jade belt next to Kumbucha with the tallest soup of fish bones, put it in the purple ray festival of Wan wine to scrape out thin pieces of fish flowers, put the fire out quietly to the bottom of the fish flower, pass the impurities, the delicious taste is intoxicating, Old Li put the tall soup in the square cooked by Kanto, then put the emerald radish, four unlike muscle, secret fish board, golden wheat bamboo wheel, oily spirited tofu, Montenegrin potato silk, fried eggs, black ray ray fishbone thread, put in by phase, although stinging rose just finished breakfast, feel hungry again. Old Li bitterly smiled and stared at the people who were boiling hair in Guandong. "This is going to take a while. There are still a lot of rights left over from this soup to drink tea. ”

A cup of stinging rose is poured with a cup. It's refreshing and splendid. Unlike the big fish meat, it's simple and simple and fresh. There's nothing gorgeous about it. It's low-key, simple and authentic. The way this soup enters the mouth and provokes flavor buds is completely different from BBQ, fried and other irritating methods. This kind of provocation is to gently touch, comfortable. This cup of tea is so comfortable. ~ ~ ~

Lin Liang took a sip of "good tea, good soup. ”

“I'm thirsty." Huang Zhong shouted a little thirsty. I drank a hot soup. "Yum! ”

Jia Zhuoxu looked at Li, Li looked at this look a little uncomfortable, released a single piece of tall soup and put a copy of the unlike the four brains into it. Jia Zhuo sat quietly next to his own, Guandong boiled, staring at the process of slowly maturing his brain and gathering his mind. Wu Na watched Jia Zhuang whisper to Lin Liang, the band's Guqin player, “Did he really turn into a zombie? ”

“No...” Lin Liang couldn't help but smile. This guy is a million times scarier than a zombie.

The quiet moon silently sipped, eyes began to get wet, this smell, I thought back to my grandmother's favorite cooking of this kind of high soup outside the temple on the morning of New Year's Day, the first worship of the New Year, people came to the temple with negative snow, a bowl of soup to eat a cup of radish chill, luckily, I also liked to drink the soup of Grandma outside the temple, that kind of warm body and mind, seriously look at Li “Thank you... ”