The war between the off-site chefs was ignited by the inner uncle, and Ye Qiang and others on this side have launched an attack on the city.

Zhang Zhengxiong's gigantic body used Zhou Zhengxiong's shield against the flying leaves, the spike, the corn grain heavy rain launched an attack, Huang Zhong was located far behind the straight line, the gigantic body made a hundred meters of running position, watched Zhang Zhengxiong about to reach the front end, pulling his legs began to sprint, Zhang Zhengxiong felt the rear movement, his side and Huang Zhong misplaced, huge dog head giant hit the city gate, ghost fire exploded! The whole city gate and city wall were bombed, people killed into the city, Ye Qiang and Sun Quan were ghostly enough to kill the guards, Itisi controlled the vine and pushed himself up the city wall to find a place to start sniping, pea bullets were precisely harvested, the skirts were thrown open, the bullet rains to the dense hemp death and injury large.

Chelsea is constantly infected with plants parasitizing their own fungal spores, controlling the Army to kill each other, and the mycelium is spreading faster and faster.

Lin Le constantly dropped from the sky shock wave circular channel bombardment, watched countless corn fly to Ye Qiang's side, immediately landed gold sculpture blocked the corn unbroken, Ye Qiang lifted the watermelon and threw it, the sky stomped like a circus running ball clown, the ball grew bigger and bigger, eventually became more than 10 meters diameter of the watermelon, Ye Qiang jumped off the watermelon, watched the tank watermelon rush deep, watermelon end!! The blood-red explosion opened up huge bloody flowers, and watermelon seeds splashed.

Several other schools also killed into the city while preparing for the final resource accumulation, but looking at the wildly crushed head of Zhang Zhengxiong and Huang Zhong, Nima, are their resources delivered by rocket? So horrible. What kind of evolution is this? Ji Xue just sighed, his throat was cold, his head slanted against his neck and slowly fell. He saw a clown squeezing a poker card in his hand in the air. He watched constantly fly before landing, his head dropped. There were only very slight fluctuations in the air, these perverts.

“Stupid!!!” A solemn woman shouted.

Everyone looked at a giant onion standing up, and the top of the onion stood a slightly fat woman with a crown over her head, staring at Ye Cao Zhengxiong and others laughing. “You should have killed them all. ”

The gaze came to the distance “Itrissi!! Chelsea!! What do you mean!? ”

“Complete the mission the master has given us...” Chelsea has come close to laughing, "we should go, and me and Yi have found the Destiny and made a pact for the protection of a biological vein. ”

Seresh understood something, was a little stunned, but quickly reacted. "Is this not a good place? Why did you have to leave? We are royalty here, we are rulers here! ”

“Don't you get it? From the moment you fell in love with that human teenager, you faded away from our mission. You blamed all the zombies for his death. I didn't say anything at the time. Now you hand over the master's ship, and Itisi and I can let you go. At least you want to stay here forever and keep the zombies involved is none of my business.” Chelsea stared at her with her waist waiting for an answer.

But after a long time of not answering, Chelsea shook her head “It seems that there is nothing left to say. ”

Seresh clenched his fist and smiled at Chelsea, "I've lost my way, at least I want to protect... ”

Speaking of which, Seresh's eyes grew sharp, he was in a terrible mood, and his onion skin slowly peeled off, and Chelsea shouted, "Stay away!! ”

Liu Bei was merely contaminated by the scattered fog, and the blade blade at the contaminated position began to melt, and he was suffering greatly.

“Bong!! ”

Huge peas go like meteors, and peas rush into the fog at an incredibly slow rate as they go into the fluid, eventually landing.

“This is how to fight...” Ye Canghuan, can't get in, can't hit, watching Cao Cao's cannon also touched the fog, then melted to the ground.

Jia Zheng's sceptre, corrosion cloud fog scattered, although countervailing effect, but only kept at the confluence of the two, unable to spread.

“Master, prepare yourselves to enter. Remember, onions can't get close, and if you want to get close, you have to break your eyes, your sense of smell, or you're in pain.” Chelsea retreated to Ye Gang.

Ye Cang nodded, although he did not understand, presumably there was a way to deal with it.

Chelsea grabbed a sharp seed from her pocket, spreading it on the ground with mycelium filaments, and countless windmill-like windmill-grass grew wildly under parasitic conditions, and then began to spin. The fog was blown in the opposite direction quickly to reveal Princess Seresi, the myriad fungal spores grew out of the mushrooms under the spread of the wind, and the mushrooms emitted dust gas to surround Seresi with the windmill, but also extinguished without coming any closer to the onion.

Zhang Zhengxiong and Huang Zhongzhong and others took the opportunity to rush in under the push of windmill grass, blind their eyes, ruined their noses, deeply inserted their hands into the onion, rotting flesh began to battle chestnuts, that kind of corrosion pain.

Ye Cao carefully cut huge onions and turned the cards to explode simultaneously, but the number of layers and stacked defenses of the onions is very high, blowing up several layers is already the limit.

But it's a good thing there's a distraction from Seresi by sniping Seresi's backup cover in the distance.

“I can't imagine, without the help of two dukes, can this Princess Seresi really fight?” If you stabbed Mai, let Zhao nod slowly. "So this game was not cleared at all. Originally, their five schools compared to the siege was actually to see who stood in the siege for a long time. To be honest, seeing this place gave me a glimmer of hope, if it was them. ”

“It is important to note, however, that there are other survivors of his school to avoid eventual accidents.” Brother Chung cares a little.

Brother Chung also thought of Cao Cao and Jia Zheng, let alone beat this perverted princess, but at least guarantee victory! Cao Cao said to Sun Yi, "You go to other school rats, pinch them to death, leave it here for now... ”

“Oh...” Sun Yi had a feeling for the first time that he could now pinch the elite of other schools. Although he attacked less, he was at least a super-evolutionary zombie. Did he, at most, evolve as much as he could? How many times do I kill him? Don't even think about running. I am the lower body speed but SSS +, only one less place than that white hair demon.

Brother Chung laughed off-site, "It seems that someone still noticed that Sun Yi went to clean the field to protect the bottom. ”

“Sun Yi went from cannon ash to the present, but really according to the attributes, other schools and him together killed him at most once, and he saw one kill, this attribute line is on the knife edge, the power to the greatest evolution is completely enough, the speed, defense and vitality need not be said.” Ice clouds say.

In addition to watching Seresh slaughtered, the audience watched a big mummy chase the zombies with all sorts of twists, splits the bodies, pulls them in half with her bare hands, and so on.