Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1257 Star Colour

Naran Green Soul looked at Ye Qiang slightly changed, his eyes fluctuated with blue water lines, and his arms began to show signs of scaling. His skin began to feel a bit like octopus, but he also looked fine “you. ”

Ye Heaven also noticed his body changes “okay. ”

Reaching out his fingers and turning into a big tentacle with an octopus sharp blade hook, the palm is a huge suction cup mouth, constantly leaving out the mucus, shooting out the inside tongue to lick the face of the stinging rose.

“Nima's! You won't let go of a chance to make me sick!” The stinging rose felt like a sticky face.

Ye Cao's degeneration will be normal in the palm of the human hand. "Go, find other people and clues. ”

By joining Avanti and the donkey, Ye Tian solved a large number of dog and male zombies in the school playground while looking for a car, chose a German seven-seater SUV, led by Ye Tian, co-led by Chimchi Sha, sat in the second row by Avanti, donkey and stinging rose, stinging rose, and looked at the donkey sitting next to himself, is this donkey hanging like this? Still kicking Erlang's leg, back against the sofa, front hooves like a human sitting around the big man, still chewing books in his mouth, eyes despising the kind of beating, Avanti picked up an animal and nature book and handed it over “There are a lot of animals and plant patterns and text on it, you should love to eat. ”

The donkey opened his mouth and bit the book and started chewing and said, "Uh-oh."

“He said it tasted good, look for two more.” Ye Cao translated.

“Hmm!?” Everyone stands still, you even understand donkey talking!? How many languages do you speak?

Avanti squeezed her chin and said, "I think it's talking about a different flavor... ”

The donkey glanced at him, and Avanti smiled bitterly, "Looks like you really speak donkey. Can you teach me? ”

“I don't know, I can understand it anyway, Ahoy, Ahoy ~! ~ ~ Ah!!!!! Ah!!!!! Ah!!!!!!” Ye Qiang started the car and the donkey screamed.

The donkey grinned and couldn't close his mouth. Then he choked Avanti and patted him on the back. The donkey calmed down to continue eating the book and said to Ye Heaven, "Ah!! Ah!! Ah!! Ugh!!”

“Ahh!! Argh!!!” Ye Cang smiled.

“I hate to ask, but ask, what did you say?” Chimney Sha covers her forehead.

“I told him a joke, once there was a male donkey in love with a mule, guess what happened to them in the end!?” Ye Qiang hasn't finished his words yet, Xiao Lingsha and everyone hastily said, "I dare not interest you at all!! ”

“Cut, you guys haven't had the funniest donkey...” Ye pale people glanced, stepped on the throttle and flew out, rushed out of the university, reached back, the donkey reached out his hooves, one by one, the donkey slapped, some reluctantly looked at the crowd including Avanti, stupid human...

Coming to the streets, a bunch of pigmented radiation flew in.

“Let's go!! That is the colour of the superior race star!!” Cigarette Cold Sha immediately contacted the shout.

Ye Cao showed his magical driving skills again, but the color of the stars chased behind him, because it was gas, always kept the chase up in the sky, when the color of the stars made a sound like a frequency.

Ye Tian sensed the translation, “It's a tune, saying that we thought we could escape its pursuit... ”

“There's nothing else you wouldn't speak, except human language.” Stingray sighed.

Ye Cao bounced his tongue emitting frequency, the color of the stars stopped to emit frequency again, Ye Cao stopped the car to go to the underground parking lot, the color of the stars came through the window to the SUV of Ye Cao et al., emitting frequency, the color became slightly blue, but most colors are still undefined colors.

Ye Huang sighed and continued to breathe frequently.

“Translate!!” Everyone shouted.

“I was just saying, can you stop chasing us, or I'm going to attack you, and it says," You know our language, and you tell me to stop and talk. "”

“It sees my face and my book, it knows I'm a deep diver, it says that we were deep divers and it was hostile, but now, in this situation, only great beings hidden beneath like it are not infected and corrupted. And then it started complaining to me that these zombies were utterly unsavory and that those energies were as disgusting as human shit. And I began to persuade it that the world was like this, that we all survived, and just look away, that's about it.” Ye Tian's words let Xiaolu spit in the gutter "Are you two off work complaining about the world's OL on the top floor!? ”

“Well, he asked me why I was with humans...” Ye Qiang translated again, people secretly said that people already think of you as a Krusuru system creature, deep diver.

“Think of a better answer.” Stingray looked around, Ye Qiang continued to be frequent, and Xiangxia had an idea but saw that Ye Qiang had already started to communicate.

The colour of the star turns slightly red and circles over the car, and everyone looks at the prompt of the colour of the star · γβT40 to join, becoming a special partner.

“What did you say?” Everyone is curious.

“I said I was protecting you. You're all zombies. That's all, endangered species... It says," Tall! "It also absorbs a small amount of your delicious strength and energy, and I argued with it, and I said you were my goods, very precious, let it find something else for itself, and it started to want to fight with me, and finally it was agreed that he would suck a little of your physical energy together to protect endangered food.” Ye Qiang's words make people not happy at all. Emotions treat us like livestock.

Everyone looked at the colors of the stars circling above.

“It kind of sucks a little bit...” Ye Qiang said.

Avanti reached out her hand and pressed the machete, ready to try to attack if there was an excessive amount of problem.

Starcolors began to be absorbed with color. At the behest of Ye Heaven, they absorbed less than one-tenth of the color. Even one-tenth of the color, some of the colors of starcolors became pink, and the frequency groaned.

Ye Qiang looked at it strangely, "You're salvaging... ”

“ I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I haven't had such delicious vitality in so long. ”The colors of the stars are frequent.

“Follow me, there are more than twenty living humans to gather with these animals, but these obstacles may require your help, after all, when they die, you and I will lose something so delicious.” The leaves are huge.

“Mmm!! Nobody will take them away except the Supreme Being!! This fragrant smell... All these years...” Part of the color of the stars turned golden and full of anticipation, but by the time the frequencies came up over the years, the colors began to become very strange, the leaves sighed and the frequencies were common comfort words “I understand...”.