Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 276 1. I know that the well is the whole of the world (1)

The penis closed for a moment.

The worst that she didn't want was unfolding. But I couldn't blame the damnation.

‘If I have to..... ’

And no one else.

It grabbed the hand of the passing messenger.

A gust of wind blew and tickled the skin of the penis. Then she opened her eyes and looked around.

The air in the intestine was hardened like a rock.

Everything was rigid, just as the wind I had just felt was an illusion.

No air, no people's faces.

The Faction Gatekeepers are terrified.

It was still a look that I didn't understand. What happened in front of their eyes was unrealistic. So it was hard to take it easy.

However, the appearance of the Party Red, who lost his head and fell to the ground, and the bitter bloodline were telling me that all of this was real.

“What the hell..... ”


They scolded it and stared at the wall. It was pathetic to see him still alive.

He looked at them indifferently and opened his mouth.

“Tell me! ”


“Who am I? ”

No one answered.

They touched the wall too easily, but had no idea who the last one was.

They looked at each other. But no one could easily open their mouth.

At that moment, the wall descended from its black ears and walked to them.

One step, one more step.

Every step, the left shoulder of the wall slightly lowers. At the same time, as they watched the unbalanced steps, the unmanned people of the faction thought of a single person.



A voice close to the scream echoes in the dry sky.

Their eyes trembled.

Although it was disconnected from the outside because of its closed terrain, it did not even hear the rumors.

Rumors about Damho were also widespread here in the Sacred City. Just believing in the rumors was a completely separate matter.

The Four Thousand Martyrs counted their pride. Among other things, the virtuosity and pride of the Unbelievers of the Party was so immeasurable.

I heard rumors about it, but most thought it was no big deal. No matter how great the Damho is, it can't be compared to the low power that the Faction Gate has been building for hundreds of years.

Damho walked towards them.

It was the step of a cliff they laughed at so much. But this time no one laughed at me. The closer I got to the wall, the more I felt the pain of beating my heart with a giant hammer.

“Why are you here? ”

The Faction Gatekeepers retreat behind the dance. Their faces were dull and white. Seeing the unarmed in the faction, he looked like he couldn't believe the evil and the virtues.

What kind of family is Faction Moon?

At least in the Sacred City, it was a family with a more terrifying mandate than King chlamydia.

In the Sacred City, the Qingqiang and Amipha clans exist, but people were more afraid of the poison and memorization of the Party Gate.

It was then.

“What are you waiting for? ”

Suddenly, a cold voice rang.

“Ah! Lord. ”

All of a sudden, the face of the Faction Gate is white.

The owner of the voice was the single soul of the lone dragon. He walked to the place where the unarmed of the faction were.

In the body of the sugary soul, a dark blood flow was flowing. His whole body was red with the blood of others.

The gaze of the Faction Soul lost its head and turned to the body of the fallen Faction Red.

“What happened? ”

“The author killed Lee Hong. ”

“It's a boxhorse.”

I was young to live in the eyes of a single soul for a moment. His gaze was toward the wall.

His pupils turned as transparent as glass balls, making him look so frightening.


“That's right!”

“Why did you kill Lee Hong? ”

“Because I used poison. ”


The eyes of the sugary soul changed even colder. Even those who were on his side trembled.

‘The singer's anger reached the pole. ’

The sugar soul of the lone dragon was as simple as the dragon's. But he cared for his men more than anyone else. I didn't know it was possible because of the faction's attributes made up of the same blood.

The souls of the faction moved their steps toward the wall.

“Didn't you know he was unattended? ”

“Got it.”

He also walked toward the soul of the Party. The steps of the stagger caused the ambient air to subside.

“You killed him even though you thought he was an unarmed member of the faction? How dare you!”

It was the party that had played so much in the past few months to absorb the Huanglongbo. Even though it can't be compared to the current period, it was never easy to absorb the Yellow Dragon Bo, which has a huge impact on the northern Arctic. So some people thought that even if they made sacrifices, there was no choice.

But none of his calculations contained the death of the unmanned man of the Faction.

“I don't know what your name is, but this place is sacred. There is no one to be afraid of your fame. ”


“Follow me gently. I'll let you pay for your sins at the gate. ”

A stream of air swirled around the body of the sugary spirit. It was proof that he pulled up his manoeuvres.

Known to the world, the main weapon of the Party was poison and memorization. But that did not mean that there was no weakness.

Sophisticated handwriting was essential to deal with poisoning and memorization. And, of course, strong internal porosity was necessary to develop handcrafts.

The Apostolic Solicitor was one of the leading figures of the Party.

Anyone above the elders of the faction could learn, but this was a few desperate anarchists.

The Party Marriage Court held such a plebiscite.

I knew that Damhoe's helplessness was counted in the underworld. But he was also a man made of bloodshed. I couldn't fight poison any longer than I was human.

The poisoning was spreading in secret around the sugary soul.



At that moment, the body of the single soul bounced back. My head is shattered, and my mouth is covered with blood.

Between Faction Soul and Damho, there was definitely a distance of O Elder. Nevertheless, the sugar souls were shocked and bounced off.

At a crucial moment, the antidote came to power, so I almost screamed without even knowing how I would have been otherwise.

The eyes of the sugary soul shook for the first time.

“A big factory?”

“Same thing.”

“What do you mean? ”

“It's not a savage thing. ”

The gaze of Damho turned to the body of Faction Lee Hong.

Faction Lee Hong also tried to hack into Damho secretly, but the faction's soul did the same thing.

“It seems that it is the way of the faction to solve the poison in secret while having a conversation. ”

“How dare you!”

“I don't think that's a bad way. But we have to choose our opponent. ”


Damho hit the ground. The replenishment is unfolding.

The eyes of the sugary soul echoed.

A powerful dissociation has been pushed. My skin ached as if I stabbed my entire face with so many fangs.

The sugary spirit hurriedly spread out the palms of both hands. Then, the herbivore of the day of slaughter, the cultivation of the aperitif, was unfolded.

It was the technique of simultaneously issuing the fifteen readings absorbed by the body. We may be able to stop the herbivores, but we can't stop the poison in them. It is because it is absorbed into the skin even if you block your mouth and nose.


At that moment, a sound rang out.

The body of the sugary spirit burst into flames like a giant rock. His eyes were also shaken.

The left palm of his hand was completely crushed when he opened the meadow on the day of the slaughter. The total number of bones forming the hand is twenty-seven. Eight on the wrist and five on the palm of the hand.

At first glance, it doesn't look like much, but it can be harder than steel by training methods. And the sugar souls trained harder than steel. But the bones were all shattered and rattled. His suffering collapsed in one shot at the fist of the Wall.


Later, the moaning came out.

His face was filled with the light of disbelief.

The poisoning he released was indeed a terrible one. And Damho reversed the readings. And yet he didn't see any symptoms of addiction on his face.


The pressure to reprocess has overwhelmed the sugar soul. This turbulence of damho is flying.


The sugary soul hurriedly retreated and scattered its intact right arm. Hundreds of silver saliva have flown to the dam in the air, so delicate that they can't even be seen.

It was a memorization of the name 'Wind Wind'.

A fine needle, unidentified by the eye, penetrates the respirator in the wind and travels through the blood to attack the heart. He who is beaten does not know what happened, but his heart stops and he screams. However, even within the Party Gate, there were very few unarmed people who could handle the air tax as a free material.


First, I buy time with a suction needle and then I retaliate with a penile venom. That was the calculation of the bereaved.

It was the combination that saved him so far. I thought it would be the same this time. But there was a time in the world when things were separate from the king's common sense, and that happened at this point.


Suddenly, countless fine flames burst around the wall's body. The breeze was burning.


The eyes of the sugary soul widened.

The violence was wielding the entire wall. A new thermoscope was unfolded.

An instantaneous gust of wind swept by the rain disappeared without a trace of fire. Subsequently, a massive pressure came upon the sugary soul.


The rupture exploded.


With a desperate scream, the soul flew backwards. Even in the shock of losing his mind, the sugarcane marriage instinctively tried to balance the faction's methods.


It was that moment. His hindquarters were in someone's hands. But the soul couldn't turn its head. I still knew who it was.


It was Damho. One day, he moved to the back of the Party Soul.

The body of the soul flipped like a lightning bolt.

In his eyes, the earth expanded rapidly.

“Oh, no! ”


His body was thrown upside down on the ground.