This was certainly what the conversation was about before the duel began.

Make Mr. May wait and face Yumil with everyone by the fireplace.

"First of all, it's a characteristic of the profession (class) itself of militant... no way, I guess that's about the answer? Yumil."

"Mm-hmm? Uh... I don't have a weapon!

"Wow, that's the basics. Hey! Gauntlets and sorlets, gloves and boots to be exact...... that's what militants would normally be classified as protective equipment would be registered as weapons. There are other special weapons like Merikensack."

"Hmm. I guess later...... I feel like a lot of lightweight players!

"I feel... I'm dying to cry for fuzzy understanding. It is also the militant's specialty that Vegan's physical defense stretches most throughout his career. Though militants are not equipped with heavy metal armor"

The specifications around here are common to light warriors.

It is set that only protective equipment covering part of the body, such as breastplate and light armor, is suitable.

This gives the Heavy Warrior's Defensive Type (Guard Type) the top of the Physical Defense with Armor.

In exchange for conceding top physical defenses, militants can combine physical defense and mobility at a high level.

It is very important in moving fast that you feel little weight in the equipment due to the physical defense of the vegetables.

Keep asking Yumil questions.

"Anything else?

"Hmm... even if they say so, I don't know much about militants per se..."

"I don't care what you say when it comes to militants' synonyms. Is that it? Self-healing by skill!

"- Oh!? Now I was going to tell you!

"Don't lie. You were totally stuck with the answer."

A common skill of militants is' healing power (Chiyukou) '.

Approximately 30% of HP is recovered no-time, and WT is short, so it is possible to fight stickily if fitted.

As a result, the position of militant in the martial arts tournament was exciting, but that's why he disappeared one after the other in the tournament...

"Surely the stickiness caused by healing is a threat. But militants have low magic tolerance and max HP both. So Yumil, more of an offensive (attack type) knight winning pattern..."

"I'll erase my HP with a big move blow! - Wouldn't you!?

"… correct. The burst edge of an object demon mix is appropriate."

I don't know how far you understand it, but the main point seems to hold me tight.

And the characteristics for each type of militant are as follows:

Fist type (punch type), styles of manipulation-specific knocking in rushes.

Kick-type (kick-type), heavy style with a charge and a blow to attack at the counter.

Qigong type (cheegon type), a technical style that fights while using Qigong skills to self-reinforce and cause an opponent's state anomaly.

"And here's the thing. I mean kick-through, so watch out for the counter for the big moves... anyway, if you decide burst edge first, you win. I don't think he has the skills to die instantly in the knight's defense, but watch out for the Thunder God legs, the major moves of the charge on the other side"

"Will the lightning effect come in when the charge is complete? Then I'll be fine, I'll take care of it!

I am anxious to know if it has been communicated well... but can it only happen later?

After these explanations, Yumil and May in armed condition are now facing each other in the appropriate square of the village.

We, the bystanders, are completely defensive on the court, only waiting for the duel to begin.

"Let's make it a three-bottle battle, brave man!

"I don't mind. Two wins ahead, huh?

"Yes, yes. Then we'll get started!

A duel field was stretched, making it impossible to break into the surroundings of the two.

A signal is sent out from the system side, both slowly packing the time.

I thought both would naturally glue because of the heavy blow...... and Yumil usually poked me with an attack.

Mr. May rushes to the defense.

"Wow, wow! I have no idea. Straight forward advance!? But... fast!

"What's wrong? What's wrong?! Can't move without skills!

"Holy shit!

The beating began.

Both have high physical defenses, so it's not a deciding factor... but gradually the MP builds up and the time for settlement approaches.

"What do you think? Tobi."

"Ugh... you're a brilliant raw leg. Eye Bliss!"


Not there! and the moment I tried to get the penetration in, the feeling of my spine freezing struck me.

The gaze of women colder than the surrounding temperatures is killing Tobi standing next to me.

As a result, Tobi froze on the spot, remaining on the burning surface.

Healthy thighs peek from time to time from the gap in Mr. May's road clothes.

It's an integrated road outfit with slits... long, blade-proof boots at your feet.

I'm a man, too, and I can't deny I'm gonna have eyes on you just like Tobi.

"... Mr. Hynd?

With dark eyes that don't make you feel the light, Liz peeks into my face.

Physical temperature, ten degrees drop. Very cold.

Taking her gaze off so she wouldn't look consciously, Liz laughed nicely and glanced back at the duel.

Without moving my head to try it out, I move my eyes only one more time and look at my thighs- Liz standing slightly behind me pulls my sleeve.

Funny, you shouldn't have seen my face from that position... when I took my gaze off, Liz let go of her sleeve without putting it between her.

Look - pull the sleeve, don't look - let go of the sleeve... what do you mean!?

I'm sensing how you're looking at it... too puzzling for my face to think of.

When I regained my mind, I tried to shake my hardened Tobi back into consciousness.

"Tobi...... hey Tobi! Get up!"

"Ha!? Oh, oh... about the current state of war, huh? So far, Lord May has not shown the counter. Besides, I was wondering if Lord Yumil could deal with it and decide how the battle would flow."

"Right. I just have one concern before that..."

"Concern, is it? What the hell is that...?

Immediately after the damage usually caused by the attack is superior to Yumil… May activates the 'Healing Power'.

May takes a great distance while restoring HP.

May's move so far... good motor nerves, and definitely after a counterattack with skills.

I can't help but notice the high fighting sense of paying my sword with my foot moves to show it.

Still, due to the difference in reach due to the presence or absence of weapons, unskilled combat is overwhelmingly advantageous for Yumil.

The flow is in the humil...... but it is.

"It's three fights... among other things, it's still the first one, right? When will Yumil's abilities be fully demonstrated?

"Ah... is that what this is all about"

"I see. Mr. Yumil, I'm strong enough even when I'm normal. Still, if you want to rank it, it's about inside...? Compared to when you were pushed, you're really inferior."

"Mr. Serene is right. So, it feels like Mae didn't come up to win the fight competition at a strange level... thinking about it, this first fight - no, it's perfectly fine that you missed my predictions? That's a little worrying..."

Give my words an uneasy look to the members.

Liquorice, in particular, panicked and began to cheer for Yumil.

Yumil's current HP is 30%, and Mae is 70% with her just now 'healing power'.

Fulfilling, what happened to the battle......

"Eat it!

"No, Senior Yumil!


Step in big and Yumil wields a 'burst edge'.

The accumulated MP is over 80%, and if this hits, Mr. May will definitely not be able to stand up.

But when Mae cut the slaughter in a critical position, she moved as if to clear her previous depression.

"- Shallow!


"Ahhh!? Senior Hynd, Senior Yumil!

The intense counter move 'Back Rotating Kick' bursts, and Yumil drops her sword and rolls over the snow.

A system message informed Mr. May of his victory.

Did this happen after all......