VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~

With a basin, a calf and a bunch.

From junior high school, at this time of year, Uneu comes to visit the house every day.

Even so, I don't feel the difference because I'm particularly immersed in it this year.

I guess it's a consideration to make sure we don't miss him.

And the second day of the basin.

I did everything I needed on the first day, so I'm cooking loosely at home today.

It's cold. I grabbed your penis and wrapped it in rounded rice...

"Here you go!

"Ah! Here!

When the sneaking unblessed grabbed the calf, it quickly put it in my mouth.

I don't mind if I say I don't mind because it's something I'll eat later anyway...

"You're behaving badly."

"Mm-hmm! Sweet!"

"Oh, my God, you ate me first."

My mother squeaks in the Japanese room where the lantern is placed, which I don't usually use.

Rishi is helping me make a calf next to me.

The calves are also made on the seating table served in the Japanese room.

"Well, for some reason, we both probably liked the unblessed... and I don't think I'd be mad at you"

"Right. It's so busy and fun in the house."

"Okiyu!... I'll take care of it, Mino! As long as I'm around, there's no such thing as a day to rest quietly!

"The way you put it, you don't know if it's gratifying or annoying."

"It's hard to put your chest up, Mr. Busy. Would you be happy to carry a finished calf?

"Oh, you did it! Now, let's get it under the two of you!

Unblessed decided to put two pairs of calves in front of the small Buddha's temple, and then make them tea for everyone.

The grave visit had already been completed, including that of the Nanase family, and Uncle Zhang Wen, the unblessed father, also thanked me.

They also sewed between busy times to provide flowers, so it is each other.

Tombstones also work together to polish up shiny, eating out on the way home and coming home...... the four of us spent the first day of such a basin yesterday.

When he finishes brewing green tea, he alternates with a freshly finished calf and carries it to his mouth.

For a little while it was still unblessed to speak out after the silent time lasted.

"Speaking of which, did the Licoris say they wouldn't do things like go home or back to the country?

"They all live in their parents' homes and grandparents' homes are close. I think that's why he said there was no such thing. Wazawa-san, you're going home."

"How many times, Wasa? So you're talking about your friends in the game you're playing?

"That's right. It's a threesome of middle school girls."


"What is it?

Listening to what Rishi said, my mother turns a meaningful gaze.

"Hmm. You think younger people might be better off? Hmm?"

"Really!? Yikes!"

"How could that be the story? Why would your mother want to target the girls around me like that right away? I'm not that hot."

"Do you have a mother who doesn't care about her son's romantic circumstances!

"Yes, they do!

"No, wait. Unblessed. Who are you to say that...?

You're just getting on with your mother's words with momentum, aren't you?

When I soaked the tea and exhaled, Risei, whose face was frightened by the two of them, soaked the green tea in the same way.

"... So, what do you think? Brother."

"What is it?

"Isn't it decided? Whether your preference is younger or not."

"You too, Rishi!? Give me a break."

That doesn't match the look on your face.

What you are saying is entirely with the two of them.

"Mostly, as a mother, I've always wondered. You and Unyu and Rishi are just as close to each other, even though they're different types, right? It's a good opportunity, so confess in front of your two fathers! Come on!"

"Don't use your dads for dashi! You just want to know!

"- Unyu, what shall we do!? My son is in rebellion!

"Talk to him, dude! Doesn't Mino seem sad!

Uneu complains that way, but I can see her laughing over a smile no matter how she sees it.

Cut it back well here......

"If I told you that, even the two mothers married would be of a different type! It's a basin, so it's better to tell memorabilia about the deceased..."

"Oh, you want to hear it? You want to hear it? Fine!

If my mother is, then I'll ride myself out with a face like that.

Love for these two people feels like they don't fade, and it's very long to speak out.

I knew this was going to happen, but it's much better than the conversation going on like that.

But there's usually an unfriendly unblessed and rational life......

"Mino. I'm going to ask you this evening, so keep it that way."

"My father made me hold a luxury sake today. I just gave it to you, didn't I?"

"At the behest of Rishi and Unyu, sake is ready to go!? Aren't you the strongest!? Looking forward to the evening!


The exquisite combination blocked my exit, and the topic reverted.

When I broke my unfamiliar, slightly paralyzed leg in the front seat, I glanced at the Buddha's altar for help.