The enemy's abilities are overall high-level, with few weaknesses.

Behavioral patterns use floating and fast movement to attack directly with the sword of light, fly light needles from the wings, healing behavior, and….

"Hey, what!? Angelic sparkle is increasing!?

"Yumil, leave!

"Ma, in time -!!"

"Senior Yumil!

Immediately after greatly reducing the HP of the "Trial Giver" in the "Burst Edge," it rapidly approached the humil emitting intense light.

Liquorice, who runs with a shield, can't even be followed, and 'The Giver of Trials' is-


It burst, involving the yumil.

Shock waves and dust scattered around the area, making Yumil incapable of combat.

Siesta put a stop to the "Trial Giver", who stopped her from exercising her powers.

"Uh, I'm here. These harassing enemies."

"The HP below constant triggers?

"It would be. I was wondering if it would have been a bad idea to have the rest of the millimeter."

"Triggering behavior in the general energies of the event... I guess it's a pattern that doesn't exist in the low-level field ones. Hard to deal with for less-skilled beginners"

"Sure. From more than a few levels - maybe special behavior like that."

By the fallen humil, Liquorice puts her hand on the item pouch and makes it a dick.

I approached him glowing my wand and called out to Liquorice, "Leave it to me".

"Oh, you were well revived as you spoke, Senior Hynd...... sorry. Senior Yumil because of me."

"It's not Liquorice's fault. Never mind."

I deserve half of it, but Liquorice couldn't move because she was continuously attacked by three...

You knocked them off, and it's cruel to blame them too hard.

Release the finished 'Levive' towards the humil and flank it with a cane.

"Look, I'm up. I'm up."

"-No. Ahh! I thought you won!

"Ah, Senior Yumil! Thank you for your help!

"Nah, never mind! Helping juniors is natural as a senior, right?

"You look great..."

"If this isn't making me incapable of fighting, I can't complain..."

Liquorice seems happy, so let it go.

The risen Yumil recalls the earlier battle or twists his neck.

"But what the hell is that?

"Isn't that something similar to a burst edge? It looked like a magical liberation system."

"If you can cut it off, it's easy to win because it's like Stan."

"But sometimes you could fly and it was pretty fast, right?

Liquorice and Siesta share that sentiment they were watching in the avant-garde rear.

Yeah, I think they're both right opinions.

"Liquorice seemed to have a wide range because of the subtle damage she took, too"

"It's the same as recovery, and if you can knock it out, you won't have a problem?

"You're right, but it's important to follow up when you couldn't defeat him. Neither could I stand up to throw weapons..."

"I was just finishing up shooting attack magic. Magic has instantaneous power..."

"Ah, but if I'm not surrounded in the first place..."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"'Cause the reflection comes out later. Looks like we all know, and let's go around here and see what we can do next."

"Um. By the way, did Marne do something to you in the current fight?

To Yumil's words, Siesta and I looked at each other.

If they ask me if I've done anything...... yeah.

"" Nothing in particular ""


"I wonder why... mainly because of the short combat time"

"Battle time......?

"Speaking of which, Senior Yumil was the first time you fought with Marne. Marne is, uh, an auxiliary system, but it's a little longer than normal to activate a skill."

Liquorice follows slightly and explains Marne's characteristics to Yumil diligently.

It's usually the role that Saineria does, but unfortunately she's not here today.

Siesta, who would be able to explain smoothly if she wanted to, is just nodding with a sleepy face.

"I see... so can a slightly longer battle be truer?

"I think so. Oh, but some fields have lasting effects. It would help if you were on a field hunt! I can stand!

"Well, it's primarily our clergy's ability to make things easier."

"Seniors are right. When I found out my skills, I was glad I chose her."

Marne is a god beast who could make raising parents easier... if she were.

Yumil says she wants to see the effect, so we decided to move on to the next fight as soon as possible.

After the WT digestion of "Burst Edge," the battle slowly proceeds to the eye, while waiting for Marne's skills to activate.

In the midst of the battle, Marne's cool treble sounds......

"Huh? - Whoa! HP twitches..."

"It's a healing song. It gradually restores HP during effect time."

"The same effect as a damp cloth! I mean, this is a damp cloth song!

What are you calling me by...

Liquorice, who prevents the attack in front, sees the humil next door with the face "eh".

"He sounds kind of stinky with such a beautiful voice..."

"No heart or Marne's voice is sad..."

"You're totally... ha..."

"Storm of Condemnation!? Oh, I'm sorry! Even I have a heart that thinks the bird's voice is beautiful! True!"

Such a damp cloth - besides, 'Healing Song' is very useful, and the total recovery is poor.

They say other canary species godbeasts learn a separate buff from the clergy, but Marne is still unmastered.

If the information on the bulletin board is correct, they're making it a special buff for long-term battles.

And the next 'Trial Giver' battle punches in the total firepower out of the 'Burst Edge' after buffing.

"From Raid Steps...... snake slap!

"I'll match you with a revenge edge!

"Yes, yes, I didn't open the ray. I'll shoot you."

"You only throw roasted balls. Yikes."

The challenge from about 50% HP is a successful success.

It was sharply critical, so it might be safer to adjust up to about 40% in this party.

Of course, this is not the case when "burst edge" is available.

When I see "The Trial Giver" going back to the sky, Yumil puts his sword to contentment.

"All right, we're going at this rate! Earn more and more XP items! I want to see Marne's buff!

"Right. Both of you, is the time okay?

"Yes, I'm fine!

"I can go, too. Marne still looks okay, too."

"Yeah. There's Knox, too, so if you look tired, tell me right away. Soya, Yumil. Let's go back to war."

"Um, let's go!