"Speaking of which, what happened to the accessories the Demon King gave me?

As I thought, Liquorice asks me that as she looks at me.

Aren't you equipped? Faces like that.

We were finishing the fight and returning to King's Capital.

Now I'm buying out the ingredients, and the three of them are hanging out with me because they're here.

"You mean the dark ring? I'm not sure who to equip that thing with. It's still in the item box."

"It was the maximum MP increase effect, wasn't it? If you're one of the three... why don't you just let your sister or senior wear it?

Considering the ability of the MP charge, Siesta looks up as she rocks her long hair.

That is true in terms of aptitude.

"Liz is equipped with two more accessories, so she needs them."

"Hat and becca necklace... they were both a gift from you. Hung."

"I'm considering rebuilding my hat and set of protective gear. That's a pretty early hat."

If you arrange to enter the armor frame, the accessory frame is empty.

But did Siesta think of Liz taking that suggestion...

"Sister, you're going to hate it"

"You got it. That's right..."

Especially since the hat is my first souvenir, he doesn't want to take it off as much as possible.

For that reason, Liz's accessory gear frame has been filled.

While taking fruits, oranges, etc. from the store - whoa, I knew moisture rich fruits were expensive.

Are you purchasing from afar?

"Well, how about Senior Tobi? If it's the ring the Demon King gave me, wouldn't Senior Tobi want it?

Liquorice looks a little happy as she makes her nose stick to the smell of the fruit.

I knew you'd get caught up there.

"That's it. Light warriors have low MP-consuming skills, so they want us to equip them."

"Suddenly calm down!?

"Senior Tobi, you were making such a fuss with the Demon King...?

"Is that where you get gamer-like thinking..."

"He looked like he wanted it. I put up with you a lot."

He also contributed with cooking aid and information-gathering, so I said whoever had it would have no problem.

But, reasonably speaking, it's an accessory that doesn't fit Tobi...

It's also interesting to equip Yumil to increase the 'burst edge' firepower, but I would say no to this guy because of his character.

I can't get through because I'm not involved in making parfaits, or something.

"So, will the seniors be equipped after all?

"It's going to be. Well, if Tobi changes his mind, I'll give it up. I'll talk to you again the next time we're all three."

"You should. Ah, Heind! I want melons, melons!

"Oh...... wow!

I swallowed the word "expensive" in front of the clerk, and I saw the price tag twice.

What is this, the price at which oranges can be bought every box...

"... Yumil, I have one suggestion to make"


"Would you like to make fruit in our agricultural district?

"Oh well! If you make fruit in front of yourself, you can eat all you want for free!?

"Hopefully we can grow it well. Auntie, where can I buy fruit seeds? - Huh? Selling it here?

I know the clerk here, so I thought it was just information, so I called him...

Ultimately, they were going to be able to teach me everything from the basics of how to raise them to the tricks.

And on the way home, there's a melon in a box in Yumil's hand.

Siesta smiles bitterly with her threads.

"You end up buying it, Melon..."

"Think of it as an information fee, I guess it's a cheap one. Do you decide to buy fruit here again that you couldn't make well? He was kind."

Neither would the clerk who would be so kind to tell me that.

That much familiarity with how it is made means that it takes care of the producers who are shipping the goods.

The quality of the fruit sold is also impeccable. Expensive though.

"You were a good man! Senior Hynd, I can help you build the fields, too!

"Thank you, Liquorice. Do me a favor. Yumil, the herb making is stopping and moving to the main tree, and isn't this just the right opportunity? Let's make something real, not as small as before."

Ever since the mass production system was put in place with stop trees, only simple varietal improvements have been made.

It is also important to make better ingredients because there are buffs and fullness in the game system.

Why don't we rebuild the area that was the cultivation space for the herbs and turn it into a field for the ingredients?

Yumil nodded loudly at my suggestion, arming herself and declaring.

"Right! So, do you want to plow the fields today and then log out! It's a farmland remodel!

"Let's do that. What about Siesta?

When the three of us look at Siesta, she has some kind of grinding look on her face.

It's a hassle, so I thought I'd say I'm going home alone...

"……………… Melon"


"If you'll cut that melon on the reward I helped, I'll help too. As you know, I'm low health, so I can only move as much. Is that okay?

You're a good friend, saying you're lazy sleepy. Speaking of which.

My answer to that is settled.

"Of course, we'll all have melons when we're done. You can't even chill or shake ice with Knox ice. Melon syrup."

"Oh, that's good. The desert must be all year, but the real temperatures are still hot."

"Even if you know it's a game, it cools you down, in the mood!

"So what if you put armor on your work clothes, and you switch weapons to farm tools!

Across the city, there are players running around who seem busy with the event starting.

Having cut up the event battle one foot away, we first set our feet on the Alliance Home to put the ingredients down.