"- Ha!?

Unexpectedly, the sinking consciousness surfaces suddenly.

I think I slept around a few dozen seconds to a minute......

The first thing I felt was the softness of what my side head was dealing with.

"... marshmallows...?

Soft and warm objects everywhere, like uprooting your mind to get up.

When I was a marshmallow, it was like a bottomless swamp, inviting me to sleep a second time.

It's extra marshmallow to smell sweet.

Much bigger for marshmallows though.


When I closed my eyes without defying them, I had a feeling of tranquillity incomparable with reality.

Is it due to the TB-specific refresh effect?

As such, the vision is close….

I could see the green light, the HP recovery effect, fluttering up and disappearing.

"What, are you going to......! Damn it!"

Immediately afterwards, I rushed to the thorny (thick) voice I heard and checked my surroundings, although at first I was blocked from sight by a rounded object….

When I moved my vision slightly, I could see that six arms were crossed overhead.

Slow moving hands are paying off the arms that stick out sharply at me lying down.

"It's a stupid question, sister. Anything you know about your sleep can also give people sleep, right?

"I mentioned something like a master, this guy!? Holy shit!"

"Or the movement is weird before the dialogue!? That would be crazy!

Siesta, who pays the hand of Yumil and Liz, moves only slowly.

But if you've completely read through it, there's always a way to prevent it.

It's like a thousand Kannons.

And finally, I can see where I am.

I could confirm... but I can't move!?

To a different situation, all the cluttered emotions disappear somewhere in an instant.


"Hey, what!? Siesta!"

"I know you're guessing thinly...... sorry. Even so, I thought I'd try my best."


"I also wanted to know a little more about how you feel on the knee pillow side. Too bad. Farewell to this."

But it's still in the motor nerves to Yumil.

Liz pushed me off with the abundance of build patterns, and Siesta's hand began to be pushed.

In addition, the lack of stamina makes the slow movement even slower from the beginning.

Eventually, they grabbed me so hard that they'd peel my hands off the spot.


From his soft knee, he fell with two feathers that were on his stomach.

However, only I was struck on a hard floor, and the two wings were winged......

Again, the sound of a feather landing on my back reaches my ear.

"... what is it? This. Lord Hynd..."

"... I want to ask, I don't know..."

Tobi pokes me in the flank, not to wake me up.

I sighed heavily as I stuck on the cold floor.

It's a mystery whether you wanted to heal me, hurt me, or have any other purpose, as he said again...

Restore your mind and go back to making accesses.

"So, seniors. Why were you gathered today? Even though there are parts of us that we can't do on our own, it's okay to create access in pieces, right?

"Oh, yeah"

You talk plainly even though this is all Liz and Yumil are staring at you...

Nevertheless, I can't help but steam it back. Let's keep talking.


I'm the one who put everyone together tonight.

The reason is we have a story about Alliance Home facilities......

"He said it was a simultaneous level up of production-related facilities!? It's been a long time!

"Oh. You've got quite a while."

It is up to me to manage the funds I collect for my guild, but at any rate, it can be a lot of money.

I want to do it after I get approval, and I don't think it's the same thing to do in silence.

There seems to be no one to disagree with to see how everyone reacts when they hear a riding humil.

"The user-friendliness of the facility changes, and we all need to do this. So I want to take a vote."

"Agreed! Agreed!

"No objection"

"Oh, uh... I'm so happy that the funds are okay...?

"Don't be guided, Lord Serene. I'm sure you've saved enough money to sign off on the GO."

"I'm not an asshole. Call me a covenant house."

"So, then I agree! Agreed, of course!

Perhaps Mr. Serene will benefit the most from this level up.

Therefore, it is also directly linked to the performance of our weapons and protective equipment.

... the migratory bird side doesn't seem to be a problem, but the funds collected also contain those on the hina bird side.

"The three Hina birds..."

"It's okay!

"Originally, the production facilities are allowed to use this one... I'm fine too"

"You're tough, seniors. You don't have to say no for a while, I won't say no."

I got my consent, so I nod and then call the Alliance Home menu.

Level up the facility immediately with one touch from the items in the menu.

They don't have any particular problems with having players in the room in question.

"Nevertheless, that's a good time...... Mr. Hynd"

"You're shaped to fit the accecon. Coincidence, though."

"But I remember, in the calculations, saving costs was way ahead...?

Liz must have last seen the funding status of the home at the end of the last 'Tower of Sky' event.

Although there was a lot of item consumption, there was a slight increase in the prize money of the side prize to fill it, etc...

"Is that a cost saving factor? That's on the trading board...... heh. Heh heh heh..."

Bad, I can't stop laughing when I remember.

The reason for the increase in funding is simply that we make a lot of money on the trading board. That's also in its current progression.

As the prospect suggests, or demand for recovery items that soared in the sky tower has not yet subsided.

On the contrary, it is an ever-increasing form of anticipation for the next event.

While we secure our own with recovery items that are in the system of increasing production, we increase as we look at the funds by simply putting the surplus into trade one by one.

"Wow, the seniors look bad..."

"True! You look horrible!

"No, no, because it's a normal smile!? That's what we all worked so hard to produce!? I only do legitimate business!

"It's rude, you two! There is no way Lord Hynd, who is worried and over-considered and careless, could do anything but legitimate business!?

"You're the rudest!

Either way, I'm not convinced it's going to be demeaning.

I just haven't really done anything wrong, and the Bird Alliance/Stop Wooden Mark restorative pills are rather offered at an excellent price.

Quality is also stable and would be a thin profit for directions.

That's why they sell, and they're getting better ratings on bulletin boards.

Unlike before, the current in-game situation… is at a selling pace that I can sell from the side I put out.

"An intimate guild in Sarah has come to buy it directly. It's easy to calculate income and expenditure because you have reservations waiting for production, and with that you get consolidated funding. That's why there's so much more funding."

"Now that I know the recovery pills are selling, Hynd! Level up fast!

"Just give me a minute. Ah......"

It's an item I don't usually use, so I took a little time to call it in.

So, look at the amount shown... my finger stops.

I knew it, but it's very expensive to check again.


... That's really expensive.

"... Yumil, do you want to push?


"Level up button. You'd like that, wouldn't you? You know, it's Gilmouth, and if you're gonna do it, I think you deserve it better than me."

"Push, push! Of course I want to push!

"Mr. Hynd......"

"- Buffoo!?

Don't say anything, Liz.

And don't laugh, Toby. You're right, motherfucker!

You have no choice but to look at your forehead and your fingers tremble.

Given the amount of time it took to save this amount, it's never light.

"Bye, Gilmouth. Make a decision."


When you throw the menu screen, Yumil receives it as it slides.

And without any hesitation, we headed to the decision button.

"Let's go, guys! Let's start with the blacksmith, level aap!!

With the declaration, I waved my fingers down.