Wasteland Code Survival

Chapter 126 Zombie "Wild"

On the third door of the corridor on the left, Qi Lin walked to the door of the air pump room and pressed his ear to the door.

From time to time, there was a sound of footsteps that were so light that it was almost negligible to hear through the thick door. It seemed that it should be the zombie in Wang Yuanhai's mouth.

According to the display on the 3D three-dimensional map, this air pump room is about the size of a basketball court, during which six five-meter-high air pumps occupy most of the space. The entire air pump room, except for the manual console at the door, has only There is about two or three meters of aisle space between several air pumps.

In such a narrow place, the characteristics of low agility and high strength of zombies will be brought to the extreme, and Qi Lin's current most powerful weapon, the Gauss sniper rifle, will be in a very disadvantaged situation due to the need for charging time.

If you fight in close hands... a zombie of at least E grade, no matter how the power attribute must be above 20, the strength is definitely not comparable.

If it is more agile... there is no room for dodge in the two or three meters wide aisle... Qi Lin thought for a while and made a risky decision after all: draw the zombies out and fight the opponent!

The corridor outside was five meters wide, which was much wider than the battlefield in the air pump room.

Sticking three pieces of directional breaking bullets on the wall with black tape, Qi Lin immediately withdrew five or six meters-"Boom!" With a loud noise, the metal door of the air pump chamber was blown out of shape instantly, but But it did not completely fall off the door frame.

In fact, when searching for supplies just now, Qi Lin also found some aluminum heated grenades. This thing is much better for dealing with metal doors than directed bombs, but the use of aluminum heated grenades in confined spaces is really dangerous. It's too high, and it can't cause the current effect.

"Bang!" Through the cracks in the door, Qi Lin saw a human figure slapping heavily on the metal door panel that was scrapped, but still stuck there. The dull impact sounded constantly, and the metal The door panel also began to teeter.

This is the reason why Qi Lin only used three directional blasting bullets-to attract the zombies, but not to completely blast the door. In this way, the broken metal door can be used as an obstacle to get Qi Lin enough before the zombies enter the corridor. Much time.

The zombie slammed and hit the door panel frantically, while Qi Lin went to one side and opened the miniature brain on his wrist.

"[Wild], a highly alienated mutant zombie, an E-level boss, powerful, and unclear specific information."

"Wild?" Qi Lin was stunned. This zombie actually has a name, so it means: this Wild is a "unique" NPC.

As usual, the identity of the unique NPC.Generally, it only appears on neutral characters, such as the zombie on the radiant lake, such as Wang Yuanhai, which can release tasks to players, but rarely appears on monsters.

Like that powerful King's Blood Dragon Lizard, there is no name that belongs to it, because no matter how powerful it is, it is just a monster, and in this wasteland, there must be more than such a King's Blood Dragon.

And the zombie called Wilde in front of him is unique.

Qi Lin squinted his eyes. The situation in front of him indicates that this zombie is likely to be a crucial point in the plot, and not just a simple character such as a "guardian BOSS". Then, do you want to directly Kill it?

If it can lose its resistance, will it find more information on this zombie?

Thinking of the mysteries on Wang Yuanhai's body, Qi Lin bit, put down the Gauss sniper rifle that had been loaded with bullets, and picked up another PSG-1 with a weaker power.

The metal door was knocked open more and more open, Qi Lin can also roughly see the appearance of "Wild"-only a head of two meters tall,

Under normal circumstances, the strength of a zombie depends on the integrity of its body muscle tissue. Like some zombies that are rotten and overgrown with neoplastic polyps, they are all the weakest scum at the bottom, and the more advanced zombies, their The higher the degree of muscle recovery... and the strongness in front of the Wilde can no longer describe his figure well... Qi Lin suddenly thought of a word from the old age: "muscle monster", which is probably used to describe the present. Of this thing?

Most of those muscle monsters are not purely natural exercises, but through injections of steroids and other drugs, and what is more, kerosene and alcohol are injected directly into the muscles-this kind of muscle monsters, completely deformed muscle masses. There is no beauty at all, only ugliness and horror are left.

And the big guy in front of me is obviously more exaggerated than the "muscle monsters" of the old age. If it weren't for a normal head on the neck, it would be a bunch of muscles clumped together—or all. The kind with the skin stripped.

Compared with Wilde, the original corpse king was simply a good baby who was still sucking his fingers in the kindergarten...

"This guy, the power should have 30 points, right?"

Looking at the crumbling door panel, Qi Lin no longer hesitated, raised the sniper rifle in his hand, and at this distance, he quickly pulled the trigger at the monster in the gap without using an optical sight!

A gunshot reverberated in the corridor, and the metal material made these sounds deafeningly amplified. However, when an extended magazine was empty, all twenty 7.62mm bullets were stuck in the muscle tissue of this monster. Inside, let alone how much damage it can cause, even the actions that affect the opponent can't be done.

"I'm going, the defense is too high!" Qi Lin cursed secretly, threw the sniper rifle back to his back, picked up another assault rifle, and kept firing at Wilde while quickly backing out.

Judging by the strength of this guy, it would be very difficult for Qi Lin to take a slap shot. He could only retreat to the cross of the corridor and use the elevator column in the middle to deal with it.

The two 40-round magazines were also quickly empty. The 8mm steel core bullet also did not cause any effective damage to Wilde. On the contrary, it was the metal door. After being smashed by the monster, it slammed from the door frame. He tore it off, and then slammed it towards Qi Lin with a roar.

As soon as he saw the metal door panel rotating at high speed and flying towards him, Qi Lin quickly dropped the assault rifle in his hand that had been shot out, and lay directly on the ground. Then, the door panel was engulfed by a gust of wind. A dozen centimeters of the floor above Qi Lin flew over, and with a loud noise, he directly smashed the solid outer door of the elevator together with the inner door!