Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! At a distance of 2,500 meters, this is almost the limit range of this K1A6. If it is farther away, the electromagnetic bomb shot out The power will be greatly reduced.

Qi Lin chose a hunter-level parasite as his target-this hunter-level was caught by the "iron tower" beside him and threw it forward.

Although the hunter-level parasite in midair is faster than on the ground, it has no way to borrow in the air, and the direction of movement will not change. On the contrary, it is easier to predict the advance of the sniper.

The "Eagle Eye" was turned on, and the Hunter-level tumbling in mid-air instantly turned into a gray and white slow motion, while a bright red virtual trajectory showing an arc spanned more than two thousand meters and penetrated extremely abruptly. The entire gray-white picture connected Qi Lin's muzzle with the hunter-level parasite.

"Target locked!"

In the next moment after the virtual ballistic appeared, Qi Lin gently squeezed the trigger, and saw a small arc flashing on the outside of the suspended ceramic barrel wrapped by the coil, and then a golden streamer drilled out of the muzzle. Follow the bright red virtual trajectory and go straight to the target two kilometers away.

Due to the special material of the rapid-fire electromagnetic bomb used in K1A6, the tail streamer formed by the high-speed friction and combustion of bullets and air is also different from the bluish blue of general electromagnetic bombs. It is extremely conspicuous and bright golden yellow.

With the aid of the "Eagle Eye", the surrounding gray-white space seems to be imprisoned, and the golden streamer can only move along the only colorful bright red virtual trajectory in the gray-white world.

In the stagnant slow motion like "Bullet Time", it took more than ten seconds for the golden streamer to arrive in front of the hunter-level, and at this moment, the hunter-level completed one in the air. Rolling, the whole picture looked as if the hunter parasite took the initiative to hit the golden streamer from a distance with his head.


The golden streamer hit the hunter-level head, and the entire head burst open like a smashed watermelon, and the remaining headless corpses leapt forward several tens of meters under the action of inertia. Distance, fell heavily to the ground.

In the eyes of others, it took less than a second from Qi Lin's shot to the headshot of the hunter-level parasite, but in Qi Lin's world, the whole process was stretched by dozens. Times.

This is also the first time that Qi Lin has watched the entire process from shooting to hitting in the full eagle eye state. Before, he usually opened the eagle eye, locked the target, and immediately closed the eagle eye after shooting. Only this time, Qi Lin clearly I saw the slow motion of the head exploding from the high-powered scope, and even captured part of the body fragments of the crushed parasitic worm in the pile of rotten meat.

It wasn't until the hunter-level corpse landed that Qi Lin closed the eagle eye state, and this time the side effect was just a slight dizziness for less than half a second.

After stepping into the ranks of the five-level evolution, although the degree of mental power growth cannot be directly seen from the attribute panel, at least when using the Eagle Eye skill, there are no such restrictions as before.



On the Herrens defense line, the E4 defense zone of the city wall, a newly enlisted soldier was leaning out and looking out. The golden electric light shot by Qi Lin shocked him and almost fell off the wall.

"Fuck, who is that person? Why did you shoot without even firing the artillery? According to the regulations of the defense zone, isn't it only allowed to shoot when the Kuroshio is within 400 meters? Even a sniper, shooting distance It should be within 800 meters, right?"

The soldier flinched back immediately, yelling somewhat puzzledly.

Now, the Kuroshio is still two kilometers away from the city wall. At this distance, even with an eight-fold mirror, the size of each parasite is smaller than an ant.

But as soon as he finished speaking, another veteran nearby sneered: "You don't even look at what guy they are holding, Gauss sniper rifle, you know? If you can get one, now you Can also shoot—"



After killing the first hunter-level parasite, Qi Lin pulled the trigger again and again, until he killed 14 hunter-level parasites, the Kuroshio entered the range of 1,500 meters from the city wall. Inside.

After coordinated calculations, the most effective range of the artillery of the Herrens Defense Line is within the range of 500 meters to 2,000 meters, and the depth of this first wave of Kuroshio is only two to three hundred meters. At this time, all The parasites have been shrouded in the range of gunfire.

At a distance of 1,500 meters from the city wall, a striking marking line was set up. When the first iron tower step crossed the marking line, Qi Lin stopped shooting.

Then, with bursts of howls tearing the air, various artillery shells exploded at the core of the Kuroshio, and the huge explosion sounded two kilometers away, still deafening.

"The artillery attack is divided into three waves. After the three waves of shelling, they will place the parasites involved within a range of 500 meters and let machine guns and flamethrowers solve them. The general infantry is responsible. Those who rushed to the dead corner of the flamethrower under the city wall.” Cheng Yanqiu inserted a magazine containing four air-explosive rounds into the XM25 grenade launcher, leaning against the thick wall crevice, and sat on top of an ammunition box. Come down.

"Yeah." Qi Lin nodded, pulled out the magazine with only six bullets left, grabbed the electromagnetic bombs piled aside, and started to fill the magazine.

At 3:59 in the morning, the first round of shelling ended, and twenty seconds later, the second round of shelling began.

At 4:06, the second round of shelling ended, and twenty seconds, the third round of shelling began.

At 4:10, all three rounds of shelling were fired. According to the results estimated by the battlefield observation team, these three rounds of shelling eliminated nearly 80% of the parasites in this first wave of Kuroshio.

This was good news at first, but anyone who has a certain understanding of the Herrens defense line didn't look good when they heard the news.

The number of Kuroshio that rushed towards the Herrens Line was 1.5 million, and in this first wave of offensive, there were only about 200,000 parasites.

But in order to solve 80% of these 200,000 parasites, the Alliance spent three rounds of all artillery fired ammunition base, and the entire stock of artillery shells in the Herrens line of defense is only enough to support ten rounds to ten rounds. Two rounds of volley.

The effect of this artillery attack was not ideal in fact.