Wasteland Code Survival

Chapter 601: The Past

"Why is there a mark of mastermind consciousness on his body?"

"That can only explain one problem. He has had direct contact with the main brain consciousness, so he will leave such a mark."

"Direct contact...Are you sure he is reliable?"

"We scanned his body and confirmed that he was a natural person conceived from the womb and not a biochemical or cloned person. Moreover, the brain waves appeared from the first time he heard information related to the main brain. It can also be concluded that he did not know these things before."

"Is it possible that those contents were sealed in the depths of memory?"

"This possibility is not ruled out, but the probability is very slim."

"Then why does the mastermind have to contact him?"

"I don't know, but we found his life history——"&1t;i>&1t;/i>


"Born on July 7, 2017 in a small third-tier city in Zhejiang Province, China, her mother was a sophomore. She became pregnant unmarried. She dropped out of school after giving birth, but was abandoned by her boyfriend."

"Well, it's really a vulgar plot, but there were many such things in that era."

"A single woman who has never raised her own ability has to bring a baby. Life can be said to be very difficult. It is even worse for the poor family conditions. Finally, when he was four years old, his mother Sent him to a local orphanage."

"It's just that no one thought that the orphanage was actually a cover for a transnational child trafficking gang. Not long after he was sent to the orphanage, he was sent out of the country by human traffickers."

"Later, although this huge transnational child trafficking case was cracked by the police and all the criminal suspects were arrested, there were several batches of children who had been sent abroad but were not recovered. He was sold in those batches. Among children."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"After several twists and turns, he finally came to the Middle East that was in the midst of war. Taking advantage of the chaos, he escaped by himself and joined the local resistance army and became a boy scout."

"Resistance? How old was he then?"

"The exact timing is not very clear, but if you put it back, he would be six or seven years old at the time."

"Six or seven years old... If you are in China, this is still the age to behave like a baby with your parents for toys..."

"However, in such places, although child soldiers of this age are rare, they are not uncommon. After a little training, they can become qualified cannon fodder on the battlefield."

"Six or seven-year-old children, probably can't even carry ak, right?"

"They don't need guns. The Resistance Army will only give them some grenades. Only older child soldiers have the opportunity to get their own guns."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"I really used them as a consumable...Although I haven't seen the war there with my own eyes, during that time, I can often see reports on the news that both sides of the fighting wantonly use underage children to fight. "

"Yes, all sectors of the international community strongly condemn them and demand that both sides in the war immediately stop the recruitment of child soldiers." But what is the use of this. The war will not let a person be released because he has not yet reached the 18th anniversary. People who have not experienced war personally, no matter how righteous they are, he cannot truly appreciate the cruelty and ruthlessness of war."

"To be honest, I am a little curious now, how he survived that war."

"He is very clever and has good luck. It is well known that these child soldiers have a high mortality rate on the battlefield, but the high mortality does not mean that everyone will die. He is one of those who survived. ”&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"I remember that the war was exploded in order to compete for a large oil field in the desert. It was actually the Russians who stood behind the rebels. They provided weapons and funds for the rebels, but after the war ended, The Russians abandoned these chess pieces, and the remnants of the resistance army gradually became like terrorists."

"Yes, just before the end of the war, he rebelled against the rebels and joined the government forces. Later, his teammates once said that in order to gain the trust of the government forces, he personally shot and killed three rebels. Soldiers of the army, although the story is not highly credible, it still makes people feel a little chill when thinking of it."

"Clear-minded and decisive... Was he really less than ten years old then?"

"That war was fought for five years, and he should be just ten years old by then."

"It's really a monster..."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"However, he did not stay long in the government army. He retired after the war. Then, with his talent in marksmanship, he joined a combat team under the roc company. You should have heard of the roc company. A second-rate PMC company, also known as a private military contractor, is commonly known as a mercenary."


"That was the last ten years before the explosion of World War III. There were wars everywhere in the world, and the international situation was becoming increasingly tense. However, it was still stable within the big countries. It was the golden age of mercenaries. He worked for roc. Ten years, and then the war broke out. The roc company suffered a major blow due to several wrong big decisions and had to be forced to disband. At that time, he returned to China after a 16-year absence, when he was just 20 years old. ."

"One year after returning to China, the war entered the stage where nuclear weapons were used, and the shelter plan was launched. Since he did not have Chinese nationality, he could only buy the lowest-level slum beds, but at that time, even if he had A bed in a slum is also the lucky one in a hundred."

"So, before he enters the refuge, he has no chance to contact the mastermind at all?"

"Yes. So we are sure that his contact with the mastermind should be in the virtual world of "Wasteland Survival Code"."

"Can you mobilize his game data?"

"I'm sorry, we can't do this at the moment."

"...Then why should the mastermind touch a retired mercenary like him?"

"I have a guess, do you want to listen?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"Read carefully his experience in the first two decades. His life is full of the smoke of war. His childhood, adolescence, and youth were almost all spent in war. The mastermind chose to contact him, perhaps to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between mankind and war."

"The relationship between mankind and war... The mastermind's database contains all the detailed information from ancient legends to World War III. Is it necessary to contact a retired mercenary to understand war?"

"The biggest difference between those documents and those who experienced war is that the former is dead while the latter is alive. Some things can only be restored to the greatest extent from the living." ()

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