That storage room is a good choice.

The original owner of this house can almost be regarded as one of the best "big households" in this middle area. They are the kind that can almost move to the rich area. The quality of the construction materials for their house is not good. Worse, there are a lot of solid wood furniture that was expensive after the war, especially the storage room in the middle. There is a layer of bulletproof steel plate in the solid concrete structure. It was discovered by Qi Lin that a stray bullet broke the concrete wall. Obviously, the security in this neighborhood may not have been very good, so the owner of the house transformed the storage room into this way.

In the event of a riot, as long as you hide in the storage room and lock the iron door, it is obviously impossible to open the storage room only with the weapons in the hands of the rioters, and the large amount of living supplies in the storage room is more than enough. Let the owner of the house insist to the refuge and garrison troops to suppress the riot.

Although all the living supplies stored in the storage room were taken away with the relocation of the owner of the house, this storage room, which looked like a fortress, remained.

"Cortana, does Thor's Hammer have any remaining smoke bombs and anti-infantry mines?" Qi Lin asked.

"There is one more smoke bomb and two anti-infantry mines."

"Seal the collapsed wall with smoke bombs, and place mines under the door and the other side of the window."

Accompanied by a few sounds of "dong, dong, dong," Thor's Hammer quickly completed the task assigned to it by Qi Lin. The huge hole in the wall was blocked by dense smoke, and two anti-infantry mines It is also fixed on the door frame and under the window sill.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Lin asked Thor’s Hammer to release Song Xiaodie. Until now, the girl was still in a coma and high fever. Qi Lin opened her eyelids again and found Song Xiaodie’s pupils. Not only did the blood in it not completely fade away, but it also felt a little bit of a comeback.

Her condition is very bad, but Qi Lin can't help her. The top priority is to get rid of the attackers first, and then take Song Xiaodie out of here.

After carrying Song Xiaodie into the storage room and wrapping her in a blanket, Qi Lin put on Thor's Hammer, but at this moment, he suddenly received a communication request from the organization's intranet.

"Communication request?" Qi Lin was stunned for a moment, but still chose to accept it.

"I'm Qin." A familiar voice came from the earphones, and the other party did not cover it up, as soon as he came up he explained his identity.

"What's the matter?" Qi Lin asked. Although Qin has been helping him all the time, but I don't know why, Qi Lin has never regarded him as "his own person"-mainly this mysterious guy. Filled with too many doubts, Qi Lin has never been willing to come into contact with such a character who is too elusive.

"First of all, I have to thank you for sending 0592 out. He is my most loyal subordinate, and I don't want to lose him easily."

"0592 was injured because he helped me and George block the grenade. We naturally can't leave him alone... Besides, if you don't want to lose him, you should not send him out. You know a biochemical man is in the organization. Is it such a crazy thing to sway above it?" Qi Lin said grimly.

Although 0592 did help him a lot, it was precisely because of the existence of this biochemical man that Qi Lin had to be cautious throughout the course of his actions.

"Let's not talk about this, there is bad news, very bad news."

"Let's talk, I can bear the worst news." Qi Lin said, manipulating the Thor's Hammer to unload the red and deformed machine gun barrel and throw it on the ground. The glued floor instantly A big black hole was burnt out by the hot barrel.

"Your information has been leaked, and the Revolutionary League now knows your true identity."

"True identity? Shadow Force...?"

"No, it's not that, that agent's identity doesn't matter at all.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand." Qi Lin was shocked in his heart, but he didn't show it all in his tone.

The ability to evolve has been exposed...If what Qin said is true, it is indeed bad news, and it is the worst kind.

"You don't have to hide it from me, you know what it's talking about." Qin said lightly.

"Go around this topic first, even if they know it, what are they going to do?"

"The main target of the looting plan was not the ancestor blood from the beginning, it was just a smoke bomb, and what they wanted was you."

"To be honest, I have already guessed that for Song Xiaodie, it is not worthwhile to inspire people like this." Qi Lin said, although he was puzzled by how his information was leaked, from all the signs, Qin did not Deceiving yourself.

Only a "super evolutionary" can make the Revolutionary League invest such a high cost.

"There is even worse news--" As the saying goes, Wu Wushuang comes, and misfortunes never come singly. Qin's next sentence quickly plunged Qi Lin into silence.

"This information has already been known to a senior spy that the organization has planted in the Revolutionary League. Although it is not known whether the organization’s intelligence department has received the message from this spy, there is no doubt that you will soon He will be wanted by both the Revolutionary League and the organization at the same time."

"...Who are you and why do you know this?" After a few seconds of silence, Qi Lin squeezed out these words from his teeth.

"You don't need to know this, you just need to know and I will help you."

Before Qi Lin had time to answer, the explosion and screams came from the other side of the house almost at the same time-the anti-infantry mine placed under the window sill was detonated, and the flying steel ball penetrated both. In the body of the attacker who wanted to turn the window in, the two of them fell to the ground, struggling in pain.

"I suggest you go to the sixth district immediately, and I will help you arrange the retreat route... Well, maybe the'escape route' should be more accurate."

"Where can I escape?" Qi Lin asked with a wry smile. If he is wanted by both the organization and the Revolutionary League at the same time, it can be said that there is nowhere to stand in the entire underground world.

Regardless of the many criminals, "ghosts" and desperados wandering in those abandoned tunnels, if the organization really wants to search for a person, even if Qi Lin hides in the deepest part of the underground mine, they can find him come out.

"The surface." Qin gave the answer.


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