Wasteland Code Survival

Chapter 977 Sophia

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Just two seconds after Ling Kui woke up from a deep sleep, all the electrodes and hoses connected to her body fell off automatically. Immediately afterwards, the entire resin hatch of the life-sustaining capsule was blown to pieces by a huge force!

Ella seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago, and flashed to the back of an instrument extremely dexterously, only Qi Lin was caught off guard against being splashed with the physiological maintenance fluid.

Aya Kui seemed to be in a very weak state. After breaking the life-sustaining capsule, she originally wanted to jump out of it, but her knees softened and she fell directly to the ground. Qi Lin hurriedly went over and picked her up.

"Take your coat off." Qi Lin turned his head and said to Ella, who murmured a little dissatisfiedly, and threw the white coat he was wearing to Qi Lin.

After wrapping Aya Kui's wet body, Qi Lin noticed that the little girl passed out again, her head lightly leaning on Qi Lin's shoulder, with a look of fatigue.

"Don't worry, she just slept over...Her mental power is exhausted. Although she has been forced to sleep before, her mental power is constantly being stimulated by electric current... There is no way, for I can only do this to get the most accurate data possible." Aila shrugged, Qi Lin said.

"You will show that expression before, presumably you already know the kind of mental energy generated by the clone, that kind of power is our trump card to decide the victory." Ai La looked at Aya Kui in Qi Lin's arms and continued Said.

"The mental power of thousands of clones gathered together is indeed terrifying, but although that power can be controlled to a certain extent, it is still external energy that cannot be integrated with my own spiritual power. With my ability, The mental power that can only drive one or two clones at most is already at the limit. Your mental power is stronger than mine, but it won’t be so strong... As for Aya, I don’t think she can control all clones. The spiritual power of the body." Qi Lin retorted.

"Then you are very wrong. For her, although the mental power from the clone cannot be taken by her, she can easily use the mental power in each clone... …After all, to a certain extent, she and these thousands of clones are exactly the same person."

"How do you do it? I tried to control that kind of power, but I almost burst my head... Even if Aya can control the power of the clone in each round, then when these powers come together, they will also Put a terrifying load on her body, right? I don't want to see her head explode like a watermelon in front of me."

"This requires external force. We only need a medium that can temporarily store this energy, and concentrate the mental power of all clones on this medium... As for her, we only need to issue a'launch' command. "

"Simply put, is this'medium' so easy to handle?"

"I've done it," Ella stepped back two times, tore off the plastic sheet from a box in the corner, then grabbed a crowbar on the side and pried open the lid.

Inside the box is a large iron ball about one meter in diameter. The whole body is pitch black. There is a mortar-shaped base underneath, and densely connected cables are connected to the base.

"This thing can gather all the mental power of all clones into the sphere. Although it can only last less than 0.1 seconds, it is completely enough for us." Aila said.

"Okay... But how can I trust you?"

"Eh? This is very simple. We are all mental ability people. If you need to do experiments, you can always..."

"No, I mean, how can I believe everything you say." Qi Lin repeated, and emphasized the word "you".

"I don't have to lie to you, otherwise, I had already shot.

"This cannot be a convincing reason. There are many reasons why you don't shoot, and even if you do, I won't necessarily die in your hands."

"Okay... really a stubborn guy, then you say, how can I make you believe me?" Ella showed a helpless look on her face.

"seeing is believing."



"Are you really sure you want to see? It's too late to change your mind... The people you killed on the surface base have now been discovered by the organization. They are searching for you frantically, and the defense system of the entire base has begun. It's working. Once your whereabouts are exposed, I have no confidence to let you leave here alive." Standing in front of the airtight door with the words "Top Secret Area", Ella folded her arms and looked at Qi Lin. Said.

In addition to Qi Lin and Aya Kui, Lucas and John who was taken as hostage were also brought here...Of course, John’s expression when he saw Ella was quite wonderful, but very quickly. His expression changed from consternation to horror.

Qi Lin did not conceal the "Sword of Damocles" from Lucas and John. Anyway, his original purpose was to cause a change. Lucas and John would know this sooner or later, and Lucas didn't have much. Having said that, if John is willing to stand by Qi Lin and the others after knowing this, there can be one more person, and there will be a little more chance of success.

"OK." Qi Lin nodded.

"What about you?" Ella turned her gaze to the other three.

Aya Aoi did not say anything. The eyes she looked at Ella were still full of hostility and mistrust. Lucas said indifferently, "Whether you say it is true or false, In my current situation, is there any other choice?"

"...If... If the main brain really intends to erase the Yukon base... I... I am willing to join you... However, the premise is that you must ensure my safety..."

"If you are scared, I can help you now... the dead will not feel scared." Qi Lin stood on one side and said coldly if John disagrees, he doesn't mind killing another person. .

"No, no, no... I mean, join you... Yes, but can you let me do something to die... I know, I know if you refuse, you will kill me, but I really I don't want to die..." John's tone was already filled with crying.

"This matter may not be as dangerous as you think." Qi Lin turned his head and looked at Ella, "Open the door, I will only agree to cooperate with you after I see those things with my own eyes."

"Well, you guys are ready to fight at any time...Although there are no humans in the workshop, there are a lot of biochemical and robot guards. Don't even think about sneaking in. If you want to see what you want to see, exchange fire. It must be unavoidable.” Ella said, affixed a tile to the electronic door lock, and then quickly tapped on the pda keyboard with ten fingers.

"Then you went in like this last time?"

"That time there was an extremely rare power outage at the base. More than 80% of the automatic defense devices went on strike. Those robots also turned into metal statues after the battery ran out... As for the biochemical people, When they were not instructed by the mastermind, they were all soaked in the cryogenic curing cabin.

"Can such a power outage be caused by humans?" Qi Lin asked.

"I know what you are thinking, die this heart... The reason why the power outage happened last time was because of some problems left over from the reconstruction of the underground shelter. Now the power supply system in the entire shelter is there. It was completely reset after the accident. If you want to cut out the entire base, you might have to blow up six nuclear power reactors and the geothermal power generation system at the bottom of the shelter at the same time."

While talking, Ella did not stop the movement in her hand. After entering this place last time, she took advantage of the power outage to leave a back door in the almost completely paralyzed security system, and used this back door. , She can open the three security doors leading to the satellite workshop without triggering the alarm.


There was a beep from the pda, and then the red light on the electronic door lock turned to green, and the closed door slid open on both sides.

"There is someone at the back door!" Just when the security door opened a gap, Aya Kui issued a warning, and Qi Lin and Lucas also pointed their weapons at the door instantly.

Those were four robot guards. Although they were wearing armor that could block direct shots of 10-mm full-power projectiles, with Qi Lin and Lucas’s marksmanship, the bullets were shot through the armor gaps at their joints at a time. It was sent in, and the four robot guards were paralyzed on the ground.

"Cut off their central circuit, don't let them sound the alarm!" As soon as Ella's voice fell, the harsh alarm sounded in the narrow corridor!

"Hurry up and open the remaining two doors too!" Qi Lin and Lucas set up their guns one after the other, while John squatted into the corner with his head in his hands. They could clearly hear the sound of dense footsteps. Approaching here from the far passage.

"I know..." Ella's fingers speeded up again, a large number of codes and strings rolled frantically on the pda screen, and the guards who heard the news finally appeared in their vision.

It was not a "black-eyed" unit, but a well-equipped but not unified tactical squad. The first thing it felt was not like an army but more like a group of elite mercenaries.

The commander leading these people was a woman in her thirties. She stood behind a shield wall made up of two transparent bulletproof shields, looking at Qi Lin and them in surprise.

She did not order her men to fire at the first time. Instead, Qi Lin and Lucas first poured a shuttle bullet onto the shield. Of course, the 4.6mm bullet of mp7 was useless for the shield made of high-strength special resin. .

Just when Qi Lin was about to switch to a Gauss pistol, Ella stopped him and said to him: "Wait, that's Dr. Howe's guard unit... That woman is Sophia, she is My... good friend."

"But she is not on your side now, is she?"

"According to the original plan, she will be one of the first people I plan to win... Trust me, this matter will be handled by me." After Ella finished speaking, she directly raised her hands and turned towards Sophia. Walked over.

Of course, Qi Lin did not put down the gun in his hand. If Ella planned to hide behind the shield, Qi Lin would pull the trigger without hesitation. The electromagnetic bomb could easily penetrate the transparent resin bulletproof shield. She kills with Sophia.

However, Ella didn't do that, she stopped when she was still a few meters away from Sophia.

"Ella?! Why are you here? Why are you with those people, can you give me a reasonable explanation?"

"It's hard to explain clearly in one sentence. I just want to ask you one thing, do you believe me?"

"Believe? How do you want me to believe you now?" Sophia's expression was extremely strange, but she still didn't let her men shoot, and from her expression, it seemed that the relationship between her and Ella seemed It's not simple.

"You will believe me soon, but before that, you have to give me some time?"

"Give you some time? Then let you break the lock of the security door and take them into the top secret area? Have you forgotten the ban on the base? That place is not where we can..."

"Then have you ever wondered why there is this ban? Why is this place banned everyone from entering?" Ella suddenly speeded up her speech.

"That is the secret of the mastermind, not what we should know... We just need to complete our own..."

"Then what if I tell you that the secret behind these three doors is to kill all of us? Do you still think it has nothing to do with you?"

"What are you talking about... how is this kind of thing possible... Besides, you haven't been here before..."

"No, I have been in, I have seen it with my own eyes, so I am so sure!"

"When?" Sophia's expression suddenly changed slightly, and she asked in a deep voice.

"Three months ago."

"Then why didn't you tell me then?"

"Because the timing was not ripe at that time, let you know that this matter was just a burden..."

"What about now? Just because of the intruder? Do you think the time is right? And... what's in it?"

"Space-based kinetic energy weapons."

"Space-based kinetic energy weapon?"

"Yes, a high-density tungsten rod launched from low-Earth orbit is powerful enough to destroy half of the Indian peninsula when it collides with the ground... and the preset point of impact of this tungsten rod is here."

"It's impossible!" 2k reading network