Miao Chun is very guilty, who is Jiang Dai?Can she not count it?

Jiang Dai is the only general title sponsor of "Youth Camp" and the largest investor. She has already invested 800 million yuan in targeted investment alone. Let alone these trainee students, even the top executives and producers of TV stations, Director, who is not to hold her for her?

Miao Chun didn't even think about bumping into Jiang Dai face to face, and even because she knew Liang Zhenyu was Jiang Dai's object, she also wanted to take advantage of Jiang Dai's presence to intentionally be more intimate with Liang Zhenyu, and appear as close as possible.

Who would think... Jiang Dai would see it?

Miao Chun persuaded him for a few seconds, and calmly opened the corners of his lips and smiled: "Mr. Jiang is really good at joking, hahahaha, you are so humorous, I just made a joke with Zhenyu, you may not know, I He and Zhenyu were in the same company before, and we are all good friends. They often speak improperly, hahahaha."

Liang Zhenyu stood there, her face was a bit pale, although she was flustered, but when she saw Jiang Dai, she calmed down her breath, and secretly reminded herself not to be weak. With a strong person like Sister Dai guarding her, she must not guilty or give it to Dai. Sister is ashamed.

Liang Zhenyu raised his chin slightly and faced all the team members: "My face was given by my parents, my eyes, nose and lips are all real, without any falsehood. This is evidenced by the photos I grew up with. Looks almost exactly the same as when I was a kid. Moreover, regarding the dance style, I do dance softly, but it does not mean that I can only dance softly. The reason why I dance like this just now is because in my understanding, this A song is more suitable for this style. If... the teacher thinks this song is suitable for jumping in a highly explosive way, I can adjust it at any time."

Jiang Dai didn't hesitate at all, and said directly: "I watched everyone's performances on the monitor. I think Liang Zhenyu jumped very well. Although her limbs are very soft, she may not be explosive. She is now wearing training clothes and no makeup. Without choreography, it would be a very qualified C-level dancer to achieve this effect. As for classmate Bei Yujun...I actually felt a little too hard."

Jiang Dai spoke out the true feelings of the other four team members present, and even Bei Yujun knew that he had exerted too much force in order to be more eye-catching in the training room without stage art.

But the other four team members don't want to be embarrassed, and there are still shots being shot. Although the probability of broadcasting is very low, after all... it is not a good thing.

If there is a possibility of being edited and broadcast, you must either remain silent, and if you want to, you must show your good emotional intelligence and give the audience a good impression.

One of them opened his mouth cautiously: "I agree with Teacher Jiang's view. In a few short actions, it is not easy to say which one is stronger between Jun Yun and Zhen Yu. I just look at it from the perspective of song matching. Feather is more suitable."

The other two followed suit as appropriate: "Yes, yeah, I feel the same way."

"Well, I also think Zhenyu is better, but Jun Jun is also very good. Even if this stage is not central, there will be a chance next time!"

The other team member felt that these three people were warm and warm, and most of them still echoed Jiang Dai. They seemed to have no personality at all, and their emotional intelligence was not high. The broadcast effect would definitely not be good.

She thought a little, and planned to say something amazing, so she took a step forward and said with a smile: "Zhen Yu's dance style is really suitable for this song, but I think everything has two sides. If I remember correctly, Zhen Yu is leading When the personal talents of the film are displayed, the dances are almost similar in style, and the audience may be prone to aesthetic fatigue. Our group has a dance task that is partial to the H group style. You may try to see the overall effect, maybe with this song, There will be a contrasting beauty."

The little abacus in the girl's heart crackled, letting Bei Yuyun and Liang Zhenyu Miaochun tear it up for the center position. Anyway, he couldn't compete for the center position at his own level.Show yourself with some emotional intelligence and personality. If you are lucky enough to be edited into a feature film, so many shots will give the audience the impression that it will be cheaper than the shots that flashed by in the center. Many.

What kind of IQ Jiang Dai is, it is natural to see the girl's mind at a glance.

She didn't open it up, but went smoothly: "I think you can try it. Then all of you will dance in the style of Bei Yujun, and then vote for each other, and the trainer will help and see."

Jiang Dai appeared to be very fair, letting everyone dance in the style that Bei Yujun was good at, that was really... enough to give Bei Yujun extra points.

Bei Yunjun and Miao Chun also felt that this was a good opportunity, and they silently glanced at each other without refuting it.

Jiang Dai asked them to take turns to start.

Liang Zhenyu was the second-to-last one, but Bei Junjun was quite scheming and chose the last one.

Originally, I wanted to have a sharp contrast with Liang Zhenyu, who was the second to last, but I didn't expect Liang Zhenyu to change his style...

It was really fried!