…… Oh, no!I intend to use Senpai Arba's magic sword!

When Bella noticed, I was activating my magic sword.

It is used in the same way as Aruba, as if it were used to imitate the appearance.

However, I only use one hand.Unlike Aruba, it's not like she's losing power.

Now, who am I aiming at? [M]

"Goddamn it! You're kidding!

Alba is staring at me with a broken eye. [M]

Mira-san's sword grabbed her flank and a sub beast bit her thigh.

"Yes, burn him with your eyes.You will be defeated by the magic of the Dark Wizard without skin. "

"It's annoying...!

That's right, Aruba can't fight the Four Heavenly Kings without his weapons and hands.

"Vera! Defend!

Bella shook her head to the side as Lily shouted.

"The Magus was watching Senpai Arba's movements!I know this party well!It may change the trajectory of the magic sword!

"Well, if we expand it widely..."

"That way you'll need to generate magic!In the meantime, I won't be able to use ice!


Definitely reject my attack as a straight line and erect an ice wall in predicted orbit. [M]This may be avoided.

That's why if I deploy a large ice wall in anticipation of avoiding it left, right, or up, the magic will have to be temporarily cut off and refined.

It depends on how much magic can be created and how much magic can be retained in the body.

Vera is promising, but still three years after [position (job)] turns out.[Hero] boasts a much faster growth rate than ordinary people, but magic-related abilities are difficult to grow in the first place.

For her, large-scale magic is not something that can go wild.

"Then each of the other enemies..."

Lily noticed, too.

If you can deploy an ice wall between all your enemies and allies, that's fine.

Phoenix could retreat Mr. Fulcus, and Lily could keep [Dragon Man] away.

Because Lark will play with his shield.

But Aruba is still there.

As a result, only one fellow left the party and is still being held by the [Vampire Queen].

If you abandon him, you can protect the four of them from the Magic Sword, but if you try to protect him, there are other threats besides the Magic Sword.

In a position where you can attack Vera, who can't use Ice Magic temporarily.

Adventurers are set to exist on the righteous side.You shouldn't abandon your people.

If you're in fourth place, you won't be able to show it to your audience.

"Per Alba. Hurry up."

Bella immediately followed Phoenix's instructions.

The appearance of the ice wall separates me from the magic sword and the rest of the world.

My magic sword stopped on the brink of ice walls. [M]The sword that quickly grew back.

I was able to read their judgment.

The purpose is to let Vera use her magic.

No, there's one more thing.

"Come (,,) - Marcosias, Navelius"

Marcosias, the wolf state's [Wolfman Leader], and Naberius, who has also transformed into a giant Cerberus, appear.

"You summoned me well, Chief of Staff!

"What can I do for you?"

My orders are one. [M]

Destroy it.

"Answer me!

"I understand."

Marcosias struck the ice wall and Navelius blew fire from the three necks a little further away.

I'll keep summoning contractors. [M]

"― Gracia Laboratories, Kimaris, Relage"

[Invisible Killer] [Warrior of the Dead] [Hunter of Darkness] also continued to appear.

Glass waved his tail and took a snack.

"... it's an amazing magic to summon all five of us in a row..."

"Let's say that's what we deserve.Your orders, Remegeton. "

"As I told you beforehand - Gracia Laboratories"

Speaking up, Gla invisible the three bodies, including herself.

They also decide when to move.

"Ooooh! It will open soon, Chief of Staff!

Left and right fists were shattering the gungan ice walls at a speed beyond my eyes.

"This one will melt soon."

As the ice melts with great momentum, it evaporates.

Timing the two of you.

"Got it!

"As Master Lemegeton said."

I hold my magic sword again. [M]

Next time, I was going to let one of you leave with this sword.

The enemies were very skilled in their maneuvering.

The Black Knight Fulcus is not attacking, he is moving to stop me, and he is parrying our attack with unimaginable agility from his armor.

"I thought you wanted to fight me again, but are you buying me time?"

"We act on the promise of one meal and one battle."

Sounds like using a bad voice changer.

It's an unfamiliar word, but... it means you're following the staff officer's instructions.

"You think he's a man enough to believe?

If I'm right - I can't mistake him for someone else - they won't be around for long.

But the answer was clear.

"The staff will make them win."

With that, Fulcus waves his spear.

Wherever he goes, he doesn't change.

The monster just seems to understand his contribution.

That's a little regrettable.Because it was something I couldn't do.

"Excellent, but we are the winners."

"What's the point of talking?

"I think so."

By speaking up, you inspire yourself.

As soon as the ice wall unfolded, I was astonished.

--There were more magical reactions across the wall.

And judging by the magic, it's a Floor Boss Class monster.

That's the five bodies.

Lark, I need Bella.


While playing [Dragon Man] 's fist with his shield, Lark headed towards Bella.

"Everybody be alert. There are five monsters across the wall.All the floor bosses. "

"Nah... There are already two Four Heavenly Kings in front of you!?

Lily's fired arrow hit [Dragon Man] 's arm.It pierces beyond the scale.

"... the ice walls will soon be destroyed."

Beira has a painful face as she throws a spike from the shadow of Lark with a Rapier-shaped sword.

"What the hell is going on!At most, there aren't six of them, there can't be eight of them!

Aruba shouted.

Floor bosses are integrated in each hierarchy up to the level of a roaming or lieutenant monster with comparable combat power.

That's the basics.

The exception of the Four Heavenly Kings, himself and, if there is one, his lieutenant.

Up to six floor bosses can appear in this layer.

But at the moment, there are eight.

"But it's happening in reality.If the rules were followed, it would be due to summoning magic. "

"But to summon the contractor, do you consume the magic that makes up the subject's body as a consideration!?If I summoned all five of them - it would be a Demon King level Demon Man like that...!

He can do that.

If only he had trained his magical organs from the age of ten to this day.

"Phoenix, ignore me and use my magic!

I can't respond to Aruba's cry.

My large-scale magic gets caught up in the surroundings.

It's not impossible to burn apart, but such delicate magic manipulation will not be forgiven by the enemies in front of you.

If you step into force, you can defeat Fulcus with sword moves, but in that case you will be away from your allies.

It's obvious from the movement that it's a purpose, so we can't let you ride it.

"The ice walls are breaching!

In a moment, the wall was crushed and a big hole was opened, and at a slightly distant position, the wall melted and red flames were seen.

"My name is Marcosia!Brave of Fire, let's make a wish!Let's go, bro!

Whether he was hiding or summoned, several [werewolves] under his command advanced.

"My flame, my fangs, this time to you....!

It looks like Navelius melted the wall.

"... there were three more of them."

Lark's melancholy voice.

The response to the three bodies is the same, but more than that...

Watch out for the Magic Sword.

"I know. Right, Bella... but... l... uh...?


Lark didn't have a problem.

The ice melted and the equivalent of two floor bosses came to our side almost simultaneously.

The magic sword grew.

In other words, I set the trajectory of the magical sword the moment I saw this positional relationship or just before I saw it.I can't think of the latter.

I guess I just saw it for a second.

The magic sword stretched toward Bella, and Lark held his shield without playing it.

But the tip was a shield (...).

A sword who bypassed the shield as if he had the will pierced Lark's chest.

Heart position, fatal wound.

"No... this is crazy... hey"

Not the usual sleepy eyes, Lark has eyes open.

I perfectly manipulated Aruba's magic sword.

No, it's not.

Have you read this movement and adjusted it further with black magic?

"Carmilla, that's enough.You don't have to do this anymore. "

"If Lemegeton says so, let's get this over with."

Alba had several cuts on his body, a sword in his abdomen and a bat biting him inside.

"Thank you, [Warrior] Alba, for dropping [Holy Knight] Lark with your magic sword."

"... remember, Temee."

Carmilla smiled nicely.

I forgot already.

The bats started sucking blood together, and in an instant Aruba's body withered and collapsed.

"Hah, I can't believe I'm not going to be one of these kids either..."

Along with that, the magical sword scattered, and Lark's efforts to grasp the sword and pull Remegeton became wasted.

"Gome... Pheni..."

Aruba and Lark left.

Enemy damage was inflicted only on two [Dragon Man] who had been frozen by Bella and stopped by Lily and Lark.

Not commensurate with lost combat power.

"Leader... now I'm convinced."

Bella didn't say anything more, but she told me that she had noticed who she was.

"I should go here.Permission granted. "

His movements are those of those who know us well.

Then it seems right that he should be the only one he doesn't know.

"You don't want to go because you want to do it."

That's not true. No, I feel that way, but I don't want to make the wrong decision because of that.

My concern is that if he were us, he would be reading about using Vella.

"We'll get Lemegeton out of here as soon as we're alert to the remaining three.The leader should protect Senior Lily and destroy all surrounding enemies.It will be simple. "

Bella thinks she can do it.

"... that's fine.I asked. "


Vera jumps out.

None of our enemies will stop it.

--It's still being read.


"I know you're invited!

We can't leave Lily behind and follow her.

The monsters stood in my way.

"The Chief of Staff gave us a chance!Give me another chance to fight you!

Marcosia screams.

"In order, it will come from me."

Cerberus advances to Naberius.

First floor boss.He claimed he had the right to fight again first because he defeated him first.

"Aren't we all going to call?"

"In that case, there were many ways to destroy you sooner.The Chief of Staff drew on our wishes. "

Looks like a pretty good boss.

I'm proud to be a friend.

And then...

I've been licked a lot.

I didn't think I could defeat Flame Warrior sooner.

Certainly, the opponent has the advantage so far.

However, the match has not yet been decided.

"I understand. I'll take care of as many people as I can."

Everyone has to leave and fight.

I take the burning sword and intercept the enemy.