Citrus's charm seemed to be working, and the snowmen who were blurry were defeated one after the other.

But the snowman comes from next to next.There's a hole in the cave, and it keeps coming out of it.

This member can handle it, but it's not a normal dungeon.

Monsters made of the magic of nature can appear almost inexhaustible, rather than a dungeon with clear limits for staff.

Considering Kraken and Hydra's regenerative abilities...

"You can't go out with someone decent."

"Oh, it's ridiculous to wear it out at this entrance."

Merlin nods at my whisper. [M]

Our purpose is to investigate the third floor, but one is to build a safe room in the corridor that follows the fourth floor.

It is not preferable to wear out in such a shallow place.

If this is a floor-boss battle, it's a victory with all your might, but it's not like that.

"Our leader will soon realize, but let's leave the defeat of the alien dragon to him, and we'll do something about the potato."

That's right.

So, what do you say, leader?

She seems to follow my judgment because she was temporarily incorporated into my party.

Mr. Merlin.

What is it?

Half right.

Oddly enough, it's a phrase similar to that of bandits.

"Ah, what can I get you?

Fill it up and fill it up.

"Let's make it happen."

Immediately call Mr. Fulcus.

"Mr. Fulcus."

"Break it?"

Snowmen can't come out if we break the hole.But...

"I don't want to collapse, so would you use your spear to block the hole?

"... interesting"

Mr. Fulcus has disappeared.No, I kicked the ground and headed for the left half of the hole.

Turn the door back and ask Merlin to take charge of the right and Fulcus to take charge of the left.

"Reme-kun. Citry, I'm tired!"

There will be room for magic, but I know you will be mentally exhausted in a situation where new snowmen are coming out.

Mr. City is leaning against my back and sighing. [M]


Thanks to her, I managed to defeat a lot of snowmen.

Perfect timing, let's get you some rest.

"Eh, Lemé's charm. What do you want to see?"

"I can't do that, so I'll take on the snowman with black magic."

"I don't know. Well, you don't have to be charming to bring people in ~"

Citriy-san wriggles her little head around my back like a whimsical sweet cat.


"I know my role.No matter what you do, I'll take Reme. "

Yeah, Mira-san needs help with the Hydra fight.

"... then I can't protect Reme."

I wonder if I could ask you to replace him with Defender .

It is judged that Mira's Attack Rating is more important than his Defense Rating.

Maru has already changed his costume.It is equipped with a "Mystic Strong Bow" flying with white "Heaven Wings" and infinitely loaded with arrows in the motion of guarding arrows, and a "Thunderbolt Bracelet" that grants lightning attributes to attacks.

Of course, her partner Bear Sub-Beast Nick has also appeared.

Merlin is here, so you should stay with us to harness the power of the [Defender].

On the contrary, Mira protects us, but she's better at attacking.

She should know that too.

However, Mira was delighted to party with me and burned to protect me. [M]

My body is already moving, but I want you to fight comfortably if you want to.

"Mira-san, I also know that Mira-san is cool.I want everybody to know that.I don't think so... "

Mira shortened the blade of blood like a knife, turned it around her back, and slit her hips.

From there, blood sprays and becomes the wings of a bat.Big, as big a wing as a birdman uses for flight.

"--If you want, I'll show you even the dragon...!

Mira-san, who was so motivated in an instant, flew away.

All the blood swords scattered for the snowman were collected and put together - a huge pile.

That's why they're going to hit the dragon's neck on the ground.

Minotaur's [defenseman], who came to replace me, stood in front of me and said, "I will protect you."

Thank you very much.

Then I called [White Wizard].



"Can you work a little harder?Give me a sustained focus on "rising thoughts."

"I can't...!

I focus my channel on the entire clan.

View (,,,).

Behind the door, non-combatants evacuate to a safe zone.Kraken has been dealt with, no other magical reactions in particular.

It is helpful to be vigilant, but only forward.

In front of it is a giant Hydra with nine necks.Responses include Ex, Arthur, Mar, Mira, and more.The skilled adventurers and subordinates also joined the fight.

Everyone has already adapted to regenerative abilities.

Mira stuck one of her necks with a huge pile and prevented her from regenerating.

Arthur also inhibits regeneration by burning wounds with the "Holy Sword of Light".

The arrow wounds carved into Maru's body are also a hindrance to regeneration due to the arrows remaining in the body.

While their companions were holding back, some crushed their necks with a boulder created by earth magic.

Incidentally, a demonic man with a huge body that looked up was tightening his neck with both arms.

Originally a powerful opponent that is not strange even to the floor boss, but everyone is attacked successfully like this - Ex has great power.

He touches the shadow of Hydra, restrains himself in his shadow, and sharpens his mobility dramatically.

Now, little by little, his body was being eroded by a black shadow.If that covers your body, it will no longer be useful where you can regenerate.Captured in the shadows, unable to move.

That member will not harm the Snowman Response Team by mistake.

"I guess I'll use what's already there, anyway.Yeah, come on, come on, come on.

Parts of the ice ground are shattered and huge amounts of water are sucked up from the sea.

Merlin shook his cane and the water hit an empty horizontal hole on the front right.

Fill the hole with every snowman that keeps coming out now, and...

"It's getting a little cold today, isn't it?


I don't know the length of the horizontal hole, but now there won't be any additional power from the right half.

Mr. Fulcus was also blocking the hole.

We cut through the snowman herd with one spear on its short body, and when we arrive at the horizontal hole, we throw a thrust.

The spear grew rapidly and blunt screams repeatedly.

But I couldn't hear it anymore.

Mr. Fulcus' spear blocked the hole.

Her spear is magical.It is possible to change the shape more freely, rather than stretching freely.

Another point to note is that it can be detached.

Penetrates enemies, holds them off, puts back spears, blocks holes with shape change, and cuts them apart.

Repeat it at an unobstructed speed.

So, yes, I should concentrate only on the remaining snowmen.

Open your mouth. Issue instructions over communication.Precisely a suggestion, but everyone moves precisely.

There are five parties in the second round today.

No additional instructions are required for our exclusive and reme parties.

Some are participating in the extermination of Hydra, but basically they are working at a party.

If an Isolated Man is surrounded by a Snowman, use "Blank" to stop the enemy from moving and break through the enclosure in the meantime.

Shortly afterwards, have them poke behind the enemy at the same time as the other rushing allies and apply 'Defense Down' accordingly.

"Decrease Speed" is available to allies with high Attack Rating and high Speed.

There were enemies who were alert and working with us, so I called "confusion" and invited them to fight each other.

When [Wizard] 's magic is complete, apply "Magic Defense Down" to the subject.

Enemies who were about to hit their allies' shields were inflicted with 'Attack Down' and their allies were instructed to run with their shields.The snowman's fist broke.

They were originally gathered by Mr. Fellow and Mr. Maru, and they didn't have time to destroy them all.

Make sure there's no sign of a new enemy, and I'll clear my focus. [M]

I got him.

It was not long before Hydra was swallowed by her own shadow.

He can't sink into the sea and is still.


"Ah, your consumption is intense all the time.Thank you even though this great wizard is going to make you ice pickle. "

"Ahahah, you can really count on me."

"I know."

When Merlin iced Hydra as she said, Ex solved the magic.

A giant sea beast sinks into the invisible sea at the bottom.

Instead of the nine necks and the powerful magical Hydra, the immobile Hydra can easily be trapped in the ice.

It's not very easy on a magical scale, but that's Merlin.

"Well, we need to get the non-combatants back."

One of the crew rushed out to respond.He must have gone to call.

There is a little silence in the cave of ice.

Mira-san got down near me and set his wings.

You look good.

When I told her, she smiled as if she was illuminated.

What bothers me a little is that I feel like everyone's eyes are looking at me. [M]

The member in charge of Hydra was doing a lot of amazing things...

"I see."

Merlin said.

Look at me, she went on like this.

"That was a wonderful selection - [Best Black Mage] My lord."

She called me that with a ticklish laugh. [M]

I accidentally looked at her face in unfamiliar words.

There are many ways to put such names, whether they are street names or two names.

In the case of the Four Spirit Contractors, as in the past, it is in the form of Storm Warrior Flame Warrior .

Name it yourself, and it's a fixed form.

Someone named it, and it's a fixed form.

There are only four exceptions to the Four Spirit Contractors, and they are divided into two categories.

And there are few patterns that you can name yourself as an adventurer.Often it does not settle even if it does.

In the case of monsters in Demon King Castle, the Demon King will name them when they become floor bosses and their lieutenant classes.

In the case of monsters, they often accept what was named in the offensive video.

Of course, depending on the activity, it may also be said to be prestigious or meaningless.

"Don't you like it?

For the time being, there are some things like routine.

It's like staying within the rank of 100 for more than 3 years, 10 years since the debut, or attacking at least one dungeon with [Demon King]...

Somehow, I don't know if I've cleared these conditions among fans... like air.

The exception is as good as the [brave man] who contracted with the Spirit, and the [brave man] who is not has no inscription for a long time.Until you retire.

That's why you can see the excitement of [Lake Warrior] and [Unyielding Warrior] Altruit, Mr. Reiss's father.

Those who do not have an understandable sense of specialty as spirits are distinguished even if they are [heroes].

It was a brave man named Altruit who overturned his common sense and took his name off.

"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nI thought a lot of things about Reme-san. "

Mira leaks her dissatisfaction.

"Well, I'm sorry about that.What's it like, by the way?

"[The most powerful black magician in history] [unparalleled black magician] [unmatched genius black magician] -"

"I know how you feel, but it's been a while."

It was unusual for Merlin to laugh bitterly.

"Short words to show Reme's greatness... hah, how about this [to be great and unprecedented -]"

To put it in Mira's honor, there is nothing wrong with her sense of naming.

Well, she's only publicly speaking to my fans, and when it comes to [black magician] Reme, there will be a little disturbance to various abilities...

"I'm the Wizard of Foresight, you know.Reme, that's what you're going to be called. "

How many people are in line with Merlin's ability to look ahead?

I think she has the ability to predict the future just by using it in battle.

Let's just say we can see the future.

In fact, many of her favorite adventurers are now active on the front lines.

In my case, I can't imagine being more active in adventurer business right now...

Even if you are a peer, you don't have much opportunity to see a direct combat scene.

Did Merlin consolidate his appreciation for me in this journey and in the battle he fought? [M]

- [The best black magician].

What should I say?

You can crown as many casual expressions as you want.I know a lot of cool people.

Best. Simple, plain expression.Isn't it difficult for many people to hear this word and feel that it doesn't stick?In that sense, there is no playfulness.

Yeah, but...

What an honor.

The best (,,,,), I can't believe it.

Is there such a praise?

In the modern adventurer industry, it is even said to be unnecessary [black magician].

[Eternal hero] Some people like Ellie recognize its usefulness and use it for parties, but it's too few.

The name recognizes the existence and value of such [black magician].

"I will do my best to reach that future."

--Take care, carve it into your chest.