It was a strange feast.

A variety of races surround the fire in magical spaces where nights are created, making fun noises.

"Look, Alba, you're a bad swordsman with your magic sword, so I'll teach you how to practice it."

What are you talking about when you're drunk?

[Warrior] 's Aruba and Blanca don't seem to go well together somehow.

"I borrowed a wooden knife, so try to put it in."

"I brought you something somewhere...Shit, all right?I'll prove that not only the leader, but also [Warrior] 's arm is winning. "

Ha, that's very prestigious.

The surroundings were excited, and the two engaged in a mock fight with a wooden knife for a while.

Alba tends to prioritize his senses over his sense of reason at critical points.

This is often good, but the opponent is of the same type and has even more experience...

"Hahaha! Puuuuu!


Alba's wooden sword runs through the sky and Blanca's wooden sword hangs on his neck.

"Young and young. Don't just stick around."

"... Baba"

"Looks like you want another fight."

"Whoa, whoa! I haven't picked up my sword yet!

Aruba's wooden knife shakes at a critical rate.

"Do you think that's a valid excuse in real life?

"You missed your lesson earlier!

"You're surprisingly pure to believe in enemy words."

"Ugh! Oh, shit!I'll do it!

"Hear, hear, hear!

What kind of phony is that?

Looks like fun.

"Vera, are you okay?You're not very good at making noise. "

"I'm fine, Senpai Lily.I've grown accustomed to launching after the invasion, and... I don't hate watching the bustling scenery for what I'm not involved in. "

[Hunter] Lily and [Ice Warrior] Bella are sitting side by side in a fallen tree and enjoying fruit sake slowly.

The man trying to get closer was shocked by Lily's cold gaze and retreated incredibly.

A few people gathered to have a gentle conversation with Lily after an elf woman who was in the qualifiers talked to her.

Bella didn't attend, but she didn't leave, and seemed to be listening blurrily to Lily.

Incidentally, [Knight of the Holy Knight] Lark is surrounded by women while choosing the dish to serve, and handles it with a sleepy face as usual.

Still, the women seemed to have fun with the caker.

... Lark has been so hot for a long time.

"Uh-oh!? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."" Magma liquor... a liquor that people say burns their throats!?"" We've got enough time to empty the barrels!

"Western Demon King Castle" Four Heavenly Kings [Bandit ruling the beast] Barbatos and Gallo party [Heavy Warrior] Gorka were in a drinking confrontation.

They are not very recommended behaviors, but they are also adults.You know your limits. Are you okay?

Let's find some [White Wizards] in addition to Jos.

"Come on, Gorka!I wanted to fight you too!

"Lord Barbatos is in there too!Fu, you'll have plenty of opportunities from now on!

That's right!For now. "

"Ah, with this liquor until one of you makes a sound."

The two voices said, "Fight!".

"I'm glad everybody's having fun."

"Fu, I told you.You can do it. "

[Wizard] Braw, the feast winner, slaps [Ash Warrior] Gallo on the shoulder.

"Since I was a kid, I've been tailored to my brother's indifference.I could use Lemé's help this time. "

You're doing really well.

There was a moment of silence between the two.

"... I'm sure you'll pass the qualifiers"


"I believe your brother is the strongest."


Next time, let's win.

"Of course, brother.Let's have fun winning. "

That's right.

Mr Braw smiled like a spill.

Gallo parties don't lose.But that doesn't mean I don't care.

I just have the strength to swallow my remorse and enjoy my next battle.

Incidentally, [Sword Dancer] Rafa performs a fascinating dance while being illuminated by fire.

Even their awkward dances are sublimated to art as a substitute partner for the women around them.

If you don't stroke a woman's buttocks and chest every turn, you can honestly impress her.

Thanks to Rafa's atmosphere and dance lead, I'm glad the women don't hate it.


I noticed Phoenix standing next to me.

I was given a wooden barrel of sake.


Receive and keep your mouth shut.

"How about a new party?

"It's fun. You're doing better than before."

"After losing at the Demon King Castle, I took everything you told me honestly and tried."

... I do remember saying something advisable.

I see. Well, we're doing fine together. "

Again, let's toast together.


"What is it?"

"I want to fight you again with all my might."

This time, I participated as a [black magician] Reme.

From the qualifiers, I didn't use any horn magic.

By passing his magic through the Holy Sword, he compressed and purified it and used it for magic.

"... I don't know.But you don't have to do that this time, do you?


"You can come back.To your people, to us. "

Because I and my men are on the tenth floor of the Demon King Castle.

Phoenix laughed.

Ah, let's do that.

"It's not that easy."

"It doesn't matter how hard it is.I'll get there. I'm a brave man. "

In so doing, we enjoyed drinking quietly for a while.

The knights were confused at first, but gradually began to talk to others.

Astra, who finished talking to us, is telling Joss what a knight is.... Actually, I left to escape, but I'll bring you some food later.

Les and Fran lay down and slept, and Melania looked at them with a gentle expression.

And... what about Mr. Volak?

"Ah, I noticed!Speaking of banquets, is that it?Fireworks, right? The reverse of the reverse eruption... in order?I'll show you guys!

"Reverse Volcano" is Volak's technique, which sprays fire from the sky, super accelerates, and decides to drop a high-powered heel.

Is the reverse of the reverse eruption meant to exhale the flame towards the top?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Volak!You can't run away!You can't say fireworks just by spraying the first fire.We've been bombarding the fireworks brothers' names in the neighborhood since we were kids.My brother! "

"Yes, yes... I'll get it ready."

"Fireworks brothers?So which fireworks will boil the audience or not?

"Hey, why don't you hire others anyway!Am I the one who uses fire attributes!?

If this were the whole city, it would be under control, but it's in the magic space, so I'm sure it's okay.

Mr. Astrair said, "Since the time of the kid...?"but Jos was distracted by asking questions about his work.

"Why don't you go, too?

I'll tell Phoenix.

"No, I...."


"... I'm going.I can't run away as a contractor of the Fire Spirit Body, even if it's just a leisure. "

You don't have to be ready to go to such a fight...

Okay, good luck.

"Ah, I'll go with enough vibe to light up the night."

"That's the sun."

I smiled and dropped off my best friend. [M]

Fireworks confrontation? The fireworks were very incandescent.

That way, the qualifiers are over.

The announcement of the results and the date of the battle were approaching.