"We've got all the heavy towns in Ortus, and it's a majestic one!

In a tone that dares to piss people off, the person says provocatively. There are people like this in every world. Really, you're not gonna like it, are you?

"Give Meg back"

"What are you talking about? That's where Oyla picked up the lost child, so it's already Oyla's monkey."

In a pressing situation where the air trembles just because of temper, the epic person mouths a line like some kid general. Picking up the word means knowing what you usually think of people. You used that word, so you imagined me picking it up in a cardboard box. Get rid of Meg!

... I seem to be the only one who doesn't feel nervous, yes. I'm sorry, I'll keep it adult now. But let me make an excuse, because I'm a little free because I'm not in a pinching situation and because I'm scared I haven't thought about some crap!! Ugh, I'm scared. Cry! No, I'm still patient! You're crying!

"Juma, what the hell is going on?

"I made a request and tried to get back to the guild, because I felt signs of this guy. I was right after you."

"We're all over the city, so can't we find more? You're gonna be flashy with something."

"I don't want to hide."

Kay asks without distracting from this one, and Juma-kun answers this without distracting from his gaze again. Then Epink raised his voice deliberately with a frightened voice.

"Wow. What kind of sign detection capability is that? A ghost is a real pain in the ass. Oyla, it's been too long since anyone's ever been able to find you! This could be a super valuable experience!

Epink laughs at what's fun. Is this guy okay with his head? I only know that these people are either doing dangerous drugs or originally psychopaths. They are all races that I don't want to be involved with if I can.

Me in the chavon balls dancing through the universe with Fluffy. He's got it out of his tummy bag while he's in his chavon balls, and he's got it all whipped up by this guy with one hand. It's not that intense of a move, but if I can keep going, I'm going to get drunk...


"Besides, my hair and eyes change color. Ouilla, that's awesome. Didn't you pick up the stuff? This guy's expensive. Maybe I'll pay you a dime?

"... hey"

Tension increases. Mr. Gill, Mr. Kay and Juma-kun are going to hit again. Well, maybe this guy, he's the one who trafficked people or something? I'm cunning at the rhetoric that seems to escape me no matter what. Wow, me, am I going to be sold?

Even so, I don't feel nervous. 'Cause I don't think Gil and the others, the central figure of Ortus, is going to be so easy on the enemy. Yeah, I believe in everyone.

"Oops, no movement? Not if an elf child, arguably a treasure of the world, crumbles a pussy because of an oila? I might accidentally lose the air inside. I don't want you to die that brutally! As a gentle oiler who protected his stray, I don't want to kill him if I can! But even oila spares his own life?

Wow, that sucks! And he talks a lot. As always, he looks like he's enjoying himself, so I made an observation of a flickering and epic figure in that gap.

Black eyes. Mr. Gill is black, too, but it feels like there's no light in this guy's eyes. The corner of his mouth was not rising much, and he was getting more creepy. Bossy chestnut hair has a long, wild impression of hiding her buttocks. Hooded hoodie in half pants with large pockets on hoodie. Looks like it was in that pocket. Really, it's like a bag of kangaroos. Or maybe he's a kangaroo sub?

"Don't think it's just gonna be okay, okay? Keep trying to escape. Consider Namo sold the fight to Ortus"

That's what Mr. Gill told me in a crackling voice. Namo? Uh, somewhere... Ah! It's one of the premium guilds! What a reputable offering! I was a member of this man's extraordinary guild. What's that, you're absolutely strong. That's why I can afford this. But this is the home of Ortus. It's this guy who's got bad minutes. In other words, fighting between superior guilds is a light war...!

"Ugh, I'm scared! I didn't mean to sell you an oila fight, did I? Don't argue with me. But I do. The Ortus guys are scared, and I was wondering if they'd just run away?

"You should miss it!!

When Juma-kun waved the sword, a tornado broke out on the spot, involving all the things around him and blew it up. Epink avoided the direct hit of that tornado without difficulty and moved to the roof of a house away by an incredible leap. I guess it's kangaroos, this guy.

By the way, I think these are momentary events, the one called the world of commas. So that's about what I figured out, and in fact, there could have been other offenses going on.

"Juma! What if I get Meg involved!

"That's so lame! Aren't you overprotective? Gil!"

"Both of you! Now all you have to think about is taking Meg back!

There's a hostage named me, so we can't seem to move as much as we think. I'm tired of not being helpful when my enemies catch me, and I'm only getting stuck in my feet!

"Ooh, I'm desperate! Do you guys want this product so badly? I protected you, and you're lucky to have an oil."

"" "Don't say product!!!

My killing temper swelled up all at once. I know it's not directed at me, but I'm scared of boulders. My cataclysmic body shivers.

"Wow, it sucks even if it's oil on boulders. Then I'm seriously getting away with it!

Epink made a fist and shook me up as he bagged me in the stomach with every shabbon ball. Then straight right (probably) at a speed that doesn't even go unnoticed. Then again, a lot of bubbles like that came out earlier. I see this is how you were bubbling.

That's all I could see. Because in the next moment I was in the dark. I think I heard everyone calling me.

And in no time, Epink seemed to have disappeared from the spot. To get out of all this siege net, even if it rots, is to say sea bream.

But this city is also Ortus itself. If you think you got away with it, you're making a big mistake!

I prayed that I would find him safely in the dark, and all I could do was believe in Mr. Gill and his men.

I can't do anything. Just be flushed by the flow on the spot. There's nothing I can do for you like this, and I'm a young girl, but I have great powers, and there's no such thing as cross-world correction. I'm just an ex-corporate animal, and I don't even work in the wisdom part. Instead, it's equal to ignorance when it comes to this world.

And the body is a more helpless toddler. Oh, there's nothing you can do.

... Painful of helplessness, tears streamed through my cheeks.