And fly! I'm in the middle of a mission right now. It's very, very important. It's a life-threatening task for your husband. It's called shishishi carrots!

Of course, you spoke to the Dwarf kid before you flew away? Your husband asked for two things. You haven't forgotten? It's Eli's, right?

The Dwarf child only saw me as a light, but he looked so surprised when I delivered my voice. He looked so tired because he was running more and more magic on the weird painting at his feet... why would he do that? People don't know. Could it be that your husband, too, was a heron because he was playing tricks?

Don't think about things you don't really understand! I finished my first mission properly! Look at the timing, I want you to use magic, so talk to the covenant spirits. That child's first covenant. The Spirit was the son of the earth. Probably? I was in a demon stone, so I only know it somehow!

You've spoken to Fu, Homura and Shizuku, right? Because your husband didn't tell you this, but we all want to protect you! Shaw, I can feel it! Eli, right?

That's why I'm here on a mission. So now Shaw's flying! It's too late to fly a Byune or a Keane. I have to fly! Do you understand?

But, you know, I don't know where to go. Because I don't know where your husband's people are. But there's a mark!

It's magic. The continent here has very little magic vegetables, so it's easy to understand the magic you can find sometimes. My people have magic, so I thought I'd go easier!

Without magic vegetables, it's very painful. Shizuku said. He said it was as painful as when people were underwater.

But, Shaw, now that you've called your real name, you're invincible now, aren't you? I also get less magic, so I can only use magic a little bit at a time... because I'm going to have to try to find it by the time I do my best! So, let your husband praise you!

There's something over there? Mmm, over there too!

There was a small chunk of magic, so I went nearby. Oh, this is the magic of the Shadow Eagle! He's the black guy who protects your husband!

Because that's the spacing and the pompous... if you follow this, there's a shadow eagle! I'm sure. Your husband is just fine. We really had company on this continent!

If that's what you decide, no, no!

It won't be long!

Is this a castle? It's like a castle in the land of man. In one of those rooms, I found the person I was looking for. The Shadow Eagle, the leader (Don), and then the Demon King, who is sometimes seen at the reception of the Alliance! And then I wonder if you're the king of this castle? Then there are a few people in armor.

Um, um, it's a pain in the ass, so can I just let my voice out in front of everyone here? I can pick people and tell them, but I'm going to use a little more magic from my dear husband. All right? Nice! Kinki-jitsu, that's what it is. Oh, Shaw, I'm gonna stick it out!

Please help me!

When Shaw raised her voice, she turned her eyes round like everyone else on this scene was surprised. All right, all right, I hear you. We'll make sure of that, and then we'll use magic so everyone can see Shaw.

"Hey, what!? Light pink, light......?

A human king-like man raises his voice, and then the leader (Don) is the Spirit of Meg!? I screamed. That's why Shaw said so!

"Kinki-kun, it is! Help me!

"Calm down, Spirit of the Voice. What happened!? Or where is Meg!?

The leader (Don) is getting up and stopping by. I'm a little scared. Calm down. But Shaw, don't cry. Do your duty!

"Your husband is caught. With Dwarves, with human boys! So, it hurts so much, it hurts! Please help me!

"A lot, it hurts...?


"Are you hurt...?

When Shaw reported, the leader (Don), the Demon King and the Shadow Eagle muttered in a whimpering voice. Frightened! Frightened!

"Where! Where are you!?

That's how the leader (Don) screams. Ugh, it's frightening! But I'm sure everyone's worried about your husband. Shaw said this to the Shadow Eagle.

"The Shadow Eagle's magic was nearby. By the time I got here, I had 56! Your husband, uh, is in a room in the woods, under the ground!

"Fifty-six of you... Gil, you know what I mean?

'Cause Shaw, I don't know about this continent... so I thought I'd remember the numbers? Wasn't that helpful?

"I know. Enough information. Thank you, Spirit of the Voice"

"Wait, Gil! Don't panic! If you panic here, you won't make it!

It was the leader (Don) who put a stop to the shadow eagle that seemed to go right through the shadows. Then he asked Shaw a few questions.

"Gil goes to that magic in an instant. How long will it take you to get there?

'Uh, I don't know... if it was a sand watch to use in the Alliance's tea shop, I'd have flipped it three or four times, would I?

"About fifteen to twenty minutes... don't take long"

Shaw, you know a little about time, don't you? Isn't that amazing! Ugh!

But the leader (Don) put his arms together a little bit and started thinking. Aren't you going to compliment me? Dull.

"Gil will want to get there as soon as possible, but even if he can't get to the shadow bird, he needs to be guided from there, right? So let the Spirit of the Voice go back that far first and wait. Then you can show me around.... Can you ask for it? Spirit of the Voice."

It's sad you don't praise me, but now you're like Kinki-ku! Shaw's gonna put up with this from Eli! For your husband!

'I got it! Shadow Eagle, Shaw, hurry! Oh, my God!

"Oh...... please. I'll see you over there."

Save magic if you decide so! Shaw's gonna make sure he's out of sight of everyone, and he's gonna be right back down the road! I don't know the way, but I remember where the Shadow Eagle's magic is, and it's easy because we just have to follow 56 of them. I can count the numbers, so it's okay! I have to make sure I'm not mistaken!

Looks like the leaders are still talking a little. I was wondering if it was an ops conference? But no! You're talking for your husband!

Oh, I've accomplished my mission for the first time! Wait, your husband! With the Shadow Eagle, Shaw, I'll be right back!