How much time would have flown. Things don't seem to be moving at all for what I'm looking at from the outside. That would be right. The only thing we can see is a 3D jungle maze that fills the venue and Ronnie moving her hands as she stares at it.

Of course, it's not like Richt or Ronnie have done anything. In the meantime, I know there have been various attacks. But the general public doesn't know what they're doing without a commentary, and that's the time that goes on.

"It's time for Ronald's concentration to break."

"Uhm. But the reason for that is also that consciousness has begun to be oriented towards unleashing the last blow"

'Inside Richter would be tired, too. I'm guessing it was meant to be a long battle for it from the beginning.'

Yes, thanks to my father and Mr. Shezario for continuing their commentary, we've also figured out Ronnie's aim is watching the game. At first, they thought it would be a waste of time not to attack where they were trapped in the maze, but the purpose was to exhaust Richter inside the maze. Sharpen as much power as you can, attack where you are alarmed, waiting for that moment.

'But Richt is not an idiot either. It would also stop you from draining your strength without darkness if you found it to be in vain. I can't feel the movement from the inside out. "

That's right. I won't be able to keep rambling until I can get out. I think I'm going to do it around my brother Juma, but I think most people will give up on the way. And think. I guess Richt is at that stage right now.

And that move should also be passed on to Ronnie. So it should be time for Ronnie to move on to his next hand.

"It will be decided in an instant. Keep your eyes open."

"! Yeah, okay"

Tighten your attention to what Mr. Gill has to say and I will keep an eye on the venue again. And......

'Ah! Finally, there's a move! The maze will collapse at once.'

The maze that was so splendid collapses raggedly. Is Richter inside crushed by rubble? No, I guess this much is okay. I mean, I wonder where you're around. I don't know where I am now because I haven't had any movement from inside since before it collapsed.

Up there.

I looked up as soon as I reacted to Mr. Gill's voice, where Richt and Ronnie had already hit each other with their fists in the air. That move, which also seemed slow motion, was really a moment, and the next moment shockwaves rolled into intense magic and fist bumps.

The rubble of a collapsed maze is blown away by its impact, blocking vision. Mi, I can't see...! What happened!? I can only hear the sound of a shock like something called Don bumped into me. Where are the battles going?!?

"Oh, there he is! There!"

I am well aware of the quality of their magic. By exploring not only the eyes, but the magic, I was able to immediately find the figure. Above the venue, the rubble of the maze created by Ronnie is piled up everywhere, and the match venue, which originally had bumps and holes, is more messed up. Just a little from its center, on the narrative seat side, I could see the two of them falling in.

Precisely, over Ronnie falling on her back, I guess it feels like Richter's on a horseback. That's all I see, I think Ronnie's about to get stabbed in the todome, but there's no such thing as an atmosphere between us.

Waiting for Ji to move, Mr. Kron, the referee, raised his hand before anyone else. Oh, maybe?

"Apparently, Ronald has declared surrender! Yikes! This battle is a victory for Richter from Demon King's Castle!!

"Uhm, that's a wise decision."

'Yeah, Ronald used his magic to the limit, didn't he?' Cause being able to pull on a critical line that doesn't force you too much is very important to survive '

Oh, well, you're out of Ronnie's magic. I really think I can afford a little more, but I guess I calculated this situation and the rest of my magic power and decided I didn't have a hand to beat Richt. You'll regret it, but I think Ronnie, like Mr. Shezario said, is so amazing to be able to see and judge his strength properly and objectively! Proud!

A huge round of applause is given by the venue. With that cheer, I saw Richt offering Ronnie his hand and letting him stand. Looks like we're laughing at each other. I wonder if you're honoring the good fight. It doesn't look like he's getting any major injuries, and good.

"And they were both amazing! I forgot to breathe when the maze broke down."

"Hehe, maybe you know how that feels. Really, we're both getting so strong. I have to work hard, too."

I can remember those days when I mourned helplessness, like I did yesterday. The three of us made up our minds to regret it, to fail to do it, to be absolutely strong, didn't we? Both Richter and Ronnie worked hard to actually get this far without forgetting their goals then. I'm as happy as I am about myself, and my breasts get giggled.

I'm getting stronger, too, aren't I? I'm still no match for the two of you, but it was another game that I was reminded to keep trying.

After a while, Ronnie came back to the audience. Yeah, it doesn't look like it hurt anywhere near me. Sounds fine to me! I applauded Ronnie with everyone as I pulled out the power of my shoulders.

"Good day, Ronnie"

Pick up a drink from the storage bracelet and go for words of labor as you offer it to Ronnie. When Ronnie noticed me, she laughed fluffily when she received her drink, saying thank you. There will be feelings of regret for losing, but it seems like a lucid look somewhere. I wonder if you feel like you've done it.

"I lost. To Richter. He was getting stronger."

"Yeah, I was surprised, too. But even Ronnie was amazing! I've never seen such a maze!

"Yeah. Me, too, I'm gonna do that in front of someone other than Kay, because it was my first time."

Oh, well, that was your first release. By continuing to train a lot, you seemed to be able to use it in more different ways. It is very big to say that Ronnie, a bad magician, has overcome his weaknesses.

"But it was a shame, wasn't it? If it wasn't for one thing, Ronnie might have won."

There will never be a battle! I went on to say that, and Ronnie said, um, putting his hand on his chin and then laughing like he was in trouble.

"I tried everything I could. But there was still room for Richter. Probably a handful."

"What, really?

I didn't realize that at all. He nodded gently and explained when he turned to Mr. Gill, who had come nearby at some point.

"You were imposing a handful on yourself rather than a handful. Don't use more than a certain amount of magic, how many times do you use metastatic magic?"

"Yes, what..."

So you're saying that Richter is really stronger, huh? That's so awesome and good, but somehow when I heard that, my heart made an unpleasant noise with dokun.

"But I wasn't insulting Ronald. Instead, I guess I put a handful on myself because I wanted to fight it out of my mind"

"Me too, I think. So I don't think I want to. The game, it was a lot of fun, from"

I see. Richt wanted to have a game with Ronnie. Speaking of which, Richt's other games were light enough to be over as soon as they started. If you mean it, I could have finished the game with Ronnie right away, but I didn't want to. Richter wanted to enjoy the game with Ronnie, like he did then. Then I'm convinced.

"I think Richt will win."

Go on, Ronnie quietly told him so. I unwittingly open my eyes to those words that I am convinced of. Not so much...?

"I think everyone who fought Richt was so convinced,"

Maybe it's because we fought, but it's oddly authentic, or it feels right. Richt's next opponent was Brother Juma, wasn't he? With Brother Juma abstaining, Richt will continue to make it to the final.... Did you even beat my brother Juma? I'm just curious.

"Definitely would be. He's going to win this tournament..."

Mr. Gill cut the words there. Hmm? What is it? Leaning his neck and peeking into Mr. Gill's face, Mr. Gill, who sighed as small as he had given up, told me to continue.

"He was a challenge from the Demon King to win this tournament."

"What!? That's what I was trying to do, Father!

I'm intolerant, that challenge. Looks like they were working out at Demon King Castle...... When I hear about that challenge, I get scared to imagine how much training I've had so far. It must have been a hell of a workout. You've endured well, haven't you? Hiya.

"But if it weren't for the martial arts tournament, I think I could fight a little more, too."

"Oh, that's right. Fighting is not the same as fighting on having rules. Ronald is good for action."

Hmm, is that true too? It's not the same game as in action, is it? I don't know what the real battle is, because it's everything. Otherwise it's life-threatening.

"Yeah. For my dreams, that's better, in that direction, I've been training"

Ronnie's, dream. You just wanted to look around the world with your own eyes.

Ronnie, who has lived in a closed place called a mine, has always admired the outside world and had a case of being flown to the human continent, which allowed him to move one step forward, right? Of course, that incident was a very difficult one for Ronnie, but the experience at that time reinforced that thought more.

Somehow he also persuaded his father, the chief of Dwarf, to belong to Ortus now and train... The real dream should have been to travel around the world. So I'm still in the middle of a dream. It may have meant testing your strength to get into this tournament.

...... that means maybe I'll leave Ronnie, Ortus for the journey soon. I kinda miss you...... If it's a dream, I want to support it.

"Ronnie, are you going on a journey?

When I looked at him and asked him that, Ronnie looked at me with a little surprise. Then he answers me with a light grin on his mouth and gaze at me.

"Yeah. After the tournament, I think I'll be there in a little while," he said. Yeah, I think so. "

"Oh well.... Fine, you're on your way."

I knew the answer, and I want to support you, but I'm really going to shombolish it. Even before, we've been too busy with each other's training and requests to face each other, but it's still different just because we live in the same place. I knew I'd miss you.

"But I belong to Ortus. Keep in touch at all times, so you can get in touch, and hold the magic props. Around the world, while we go around, we do requests, we bring information back, right?

Oh, well. Ortus' affiliation is unchanged. Maybe there will be a job that can only be done locally or something. That's right. Ronnie's role as Ortus is only going to change around the world.

"So Ronnie's house, Ortus?

"Yeah. My house, Ortus and the mine. Sometimes I come back."

I don't know, huh? Then I can put up with it. With all the loneliness and the desire to work hard mixed in, my breasts gutted, I held that thought straight to Ronnie. Wow, that was Ronnie who leaked her voice down low, but she holds me in jeopardy. Its warmth overlaps with my memory of when I got mumbled, and I smile about my nostalgia.

"You're here for me, Ronnie. Let me drop you off, okay? You'll definitely show me your face when you get back, won't you? I want you to tell me a lot of stories. When you're in trouble, you ask for help, okay? Then, then..."

I keep talking to you as much as I can think of, yeah. Ronnie carefully hammering me one by one. It's true, it's sweet.

"You're gonna be careful not to get hurt or sick or anything, right?

"Yeah, okay. Protect it all. So, Meg, too, huh? Protect what I just said, Meg."

At the end of the day he looks up and I say, Ronnie tells me to keep his word too with a gentle look. He wants me to come and drop him off, he wants me to pick him up when he gets home, he wants me to listen to him, and he wants me to tell him what the trouble is. And then, take care of your health. Oh, well, it's each other.

"So, do you want to finger it?

"When you make a promise, the one who does, right? Fine."

When I put out my pinky finger, Ronnie also put out his pinky finger and tangled it. Finger-cut, and when I sing, Ronnie will gladly go along with it.

It's only a little bit further for Ronnie to travel, but now we're good. You'll be able to laugh and send Ronnie out when you leave.

After finishing the finger-cutting, we grinned at each other, holding both hands as they were.