Today is the opening ceremony of the Ghana Film Festival.

The traffic flowed slowly among the dense crowds. Filmmakers from all over the world, sitting in the commercial vehicles prepared by the official film festival, drove towards the "Festival Palace", the venue of the Ghana Film Festival.

——In fact, the annual Ghana Film Festival is held at the Festival Palace. After all, the Festival Palace was built for the Ghana Film Festival.

The main venue of the Ghana Film Festival is located between Ghana Beach and the Yacht District, with a wide view and prosperous business.It is centered on the gorgeously decorated and huge six-story Festival Palace. The center circle is scattered and spreads over more than 20 cinemas and projection rooms, covering a huge area.

After the opening ceremony, filmmakers from all over the world will follow the festival’s procedures to watch the participating films in various cinemas.But they do not participate in the selection. The jury has done all the selection work while the film people are watching the film.Everyone watching the participating films is more for learning and to find inspiration from the works of other directors.

In addition to the selection of the film festival, one of the more important tasks is communication.

If an event cannot promote the progress of related industries, then the holding of this event will be meaningless.

Even if it is a sports meeting held by a high school and university, it can still exercise!

Not to mention the dignified Ghana International Film Festival!

The annual Ghana Film Festival will surely allow all directors to make progress together in exchanges, with a view to shooting more and better independent films in the future.

"Wow! Many foreigners!"

Sitting in the car, Su Qingxue "excited" very perfunctorily as she watched the people layer after layer outside, forming a circle.

If you add a "wow~", Su Qingxue will be able to play a parallel world Yu Shuxin cosplay.

But Su Qingxue is much more beautiful and pure.

Seeing Su Qingxue making exaggerated expressions like a passerby with no acting skills, Su Ye said helplessly: "Xiaoxue, enough, enough, too artificial."

Hearing Su Ye’s words, Su Qingxue put out her tongue mischievously: “I want to give the Ghana Film Festival a face. It’s the first time we participated in the International Film Festival. Of course, we must look shocked.”

"I am the only one in the car, who is shocked to show to? The driver can't see it either." Su Ye said, looking at the driver who was blocked by the baffle.

The two were sitting in the back seat of the commercial vehicle. The space was extremely large, comfortable and luxurious, while the driver driving in front was blocked by the baffle and could not see anything.

"You can't show your shocked face to outsiders, or else others think we're showing our timidity! Just show your dad!" Su Qingxue said with a smile.

"I should really record your performance just now and tell everyone that Su Qingxue's acting skills are just one word: happy!"

"That's two words!" Su Qingxue retorted very nonchalantly, and then remembered, "Dad, if you don't tell me, I have forgotten, I have to post live on Weibo the whole process! Hurry up and post Weibo Commemorate it!"

While talking, she picked up the phone, took a photo with Su Ye, and posted it on her Weibo.

"Resident Evil" was filmed before the Spring Festival this year and was sent to the Ghana Film Festival.Big news like this can't be concealed in China - in fact, they can't be kept from anywhere.

Su Ye didn't intend to conceal it, this kind of honor for the country, he didn't make a publicity and went around and advertised it as quite restrained.

It was also because the news of "Resident Evil" participating in the Ghana Film Festival was released. When the main creative team of "Resident Evil" set out to Ghana, China's domestic media almost went crazy.

Whether it is the media or netizens, many people are expecting Su Ye to make a history at the Ghana Film Festival.

As mentioned earlier, China and Ghana in parallel worlds are still slightly different from the big foodies on the earth and Cannes.The biggest difference is that China in Parallel World has never won a gold award in Ghana.

This is a pity, but also an expectation.Everyone is looking forward to Director Hua Xia's excitement at the International Film Festival.

This time, Su Ye, as the director with the best reputation and the best quality in recent years, came to participate in the Ghana Film Festival. It is impossible for netizens not to pay attention.

It is precisely because of this that the company signed an advertising contract with Weibo.While participating in the Ghana Film Festival, Su Qingxue needs to release new things at all times, not only to disclose relevant information to Chinese netizens, but also to increase Su Qingxue's popularity, and to let Weibo attract traffic.

Su Qingxue agreed to kill three birds with one stone.

Therefore, Su Qingxue has to post Weibo at all times to let domestic netizens watch an alternative live broadcast.

Needless to say, after Su Qingxue published this photo with Su Ye on Weibo, in just a few minutes, Su Qingxue's name appeared on Weibo hot searches.

Domestic netizens watched the live broadcast of the domestic media while reading Su Qingxue's Weibo, and were very busy.

"But really, is it really okay if only the two of us are here?" Su Qingxue looked at the car parked on the red carpet in front. The English director Keele and three internationally famous English movie stars got off the car. She couldn't help asking Su night.

"Soldiers are expensive and not expensive, what the ancestors said." Su Ye said indifferently, "As long as our movie is excellent, even if there are no people, they dare not look down upon us."

This time to participate in the Ghana Film Festival, Su Ye only brought Su Qingxue, the others did not even bring Han Ling.

The reason for this is that "Resident Evil" is a major female lead drama. Basically all the outstanding features are played by Su Qingxue's Alice. Others-including Lin Yan and Yu Ge-played The characters are basically sacrificed honorably at the end of the movie, so it doesn't matter whether you bring them or not.

The second reason is that Su Ye came to the Ghana Film Festival to build a reputation for himself and Su Qingxue, so it doesn't matter if other people come or not.

"If you say that, I always feel that there is still something weak..." Seeing Su Ye's nonchalant appearance, Su Qingxue said weakly.

"Don't be guilty, you haven't done anything wrong." Su Ye rubbed Su Qingxue's head, causing Su Qingxue to reorganize her hair, "With my dad, any problem is not a problem."

"It feels like you are there, and problems that are not problems will become problems." Su Qingxue vomited.

"...Oh, Xiaoxue, why do you have so little confidence in Dad?"

Seeing that the car they were sitting in had stopped in front of the red carpet, Su Ye sighed, pretending to be melancholy: "Others don't believe in dad, don't you believe in dad?"

Su Qingxue smiled and said, "Others believe in Dad, but I don't believe it."

Su Ye thought about it carefully, it seemed that it was really like this... Now that the company went from Lin Yan to Yu Ge, there was a blind trust in Su Ye, thinking that Su Ye could solve everything.

Only Su Qingxue did not believe Su Ye at all because he was used to seeing Su Ye's "life cannot take care of herself" in his dead house.

"Follow your father and I'll be fine!" Although Su Qingxue said something reasonable, Su Ye still said so.

"Yeah!" Su Qingxue was very cooperative and nodded seriously—even if she dislikes her dad and doesn't trust her dad, Su Qingxue will still follow Su Ye at any time, without taking it. A trace of doubt.

Su Ye smiled contentedly and opened the car door with the help of the waiter.

Su Ye and Su Qingxue's ears were filled with cheers and shouts of different races around them for a while.

The scarlet carpet in front of me stretches to the signature wall at the end.On both sides are countless fanatical fans and journalists from various countries. The flashing lights stimulate the eyes and the shouts stimulate the ears.

Su Ye, who was still very relaxed just now, unexpectedly became a little excited.

The domestic red carpet is one situation, and the foreign red carpet is another situation.The difference in attention alone can create a sense of tension.

Su Ye took a deep breath and showed a polite smile, holding Su Qingxue's hand, who had already walked to her side, slowly walking onto the red carpet in a flash of light.

"Great show, it's the beginning!"