What Should I Do If I was Forced to Marry the Elf Queen

What Should I Do If I am Forced to Marry by the Elf Empress Chapter 28

"Why do I smell a sour smell on a certain'washboard'?" I asked pretendingly, "Sister, did you bathe with vinegar yesterday?"

"It turned out to be... I thought I was poor..."

Realizing what I was saying, Lilith, who was ashamed and angry, rushed towards me with her teeth and claws.

"Go to hell! Dead perverted brother!"

"Hahaha... Isn't what I said is true? Hahaha..."

"Go to die, die to die!"

When our siblings were fighting every day, suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the room.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble...someone is coming..." I pressed Lilith and rushed to the door and asked, "Who?"

"It's me, Teresia."

The witcher's voice came from the door calmly.

Hearing that the guide was coming, Lilith let go of me bitterly.But before letting go, he glared at me, seeming to say "Wait will make you look good".

I also made a grimace at Lilith, then reduced my expression, walked to the door, and opened the handle.

"Miss Teresia, what's the matter?"

I saw that the demon hunter raised the card in his hand expressionlessly and said:

"Don't you come to the game of Gwent?"

45. Quint 3: Gamble


I thought a little when I heard the name.

According to the old bastard, this is a card game that is more popular in the eastern part of the mainland, and the rules are slightly different from the mainstream card game.Generally speaking, different characters, weapons or monsters are often drawn on the cards of Gwent cards, and they have different abilities.Players need to win through these card battles.

The winner can take the money or the opponent's card.

In the eastern part of the mainland, this is a very common and popular game.But in the western part of the mainland, and in Britain, which is lonely overseas, people still prefer orthodox card games.

Fortunately, I am another playful and non-decent dad. He is always keen to collect all kinds of things related to games.

The Gwent brand is one of his favorite collections.

So fortunately, I have several complete sets of Gwent cards at home.

According to the old bastard, this was found from the homes of a few nobles when he was in the [Warsaw-United Republic of Lithuania] "hitting local tyrants and dividing the fields". Otherwise, it would be impossible to collect them based on his poor card skills. Such a complete Gwent deck.

Actually, I’m still a little bit skeptical. He checked the houses of the nobles for those Gwent cards... After all, if the lord of the fish and meat village is really bad, the old bastard will often treat them directly. Drag and hang the street light without talking nonsense at all.

And these aristocrats who loved the Gwent brand were released by the old bastard after being criticized and educated.....so I feel...um...

Not far, although I can't say how good at Gwent cards.But at least the family played a few times with the old bastard, and the skill of squeezing his feet to crush his dish was not stressful.So the basic rules are still understood.

Thinking of this, I stepped back to make room:

"Okay Miss Teresia, please come in."

Although I might not deal with anything in the future, at least for the next half a month, I will rely on the help of this demon hunter.

So it’s good to have a chance to increase the relationship, at least let her and Lilith get along...

After all, the expression of this demon hunter's lady has always been so indifferent, and she can't see the happiness or anger, if Lilith offends her, let her hold her hate.Then, on the following journey, we are probably going to suffer a little bit... This is the lightest detour, just because the nests of swamp witches, water ghosts, and deer heads... are too bad. Up.

"Brother, who is here?"

Lilith stood up and asked "curiously", as if she wanted to check the visitors at the door.

In fact, he stared at me fiercely with a reproachful look, as if saying, "Why did you let this woman in?"

"Gwent, do you play?"

Teresia shook the card in her hand at Lilith.

"Brother, is this?"

The little witch was really confused this time.

"It's a game popular in the Republic of Warsaw... We played it before at home."

I hurried to the aid field.

"Oh, that."

Lilith nodded, not seemingly interested.

This atmosphere is too bad.

But fortunately, the Gwent card is a two-player game. If I were to play two rounds with the Demon Hunter and Lilith watched the game next to her, perhaps she would be interested.

Thinking of this, I disregarded my sister's murderous eyes and helped Teresia move the stool.

In this way, Teresia took out a soft cloth to make a card table and spread it on the table, and began to deal the cards.

Seeing her skillful handling of cards, she seemed to be very skillful.

But I'm not ignorant of Gwent cards...I shouldn't lose so badly, am I?should?

After half an hour...

Seeing my good hand being beaten by Teresia's bad cards from the Squirrel Party, my eyes widened.

Hey!I just don’t believe in this evil today!

"Come again!"

I said boldly.

"Okay." Teresia nodded blankly. "Just warmed up, now even if it officially starts, how much do you want to bet?"

Because all Teresia's cards are used, so I can only gamble.

So I nodded, ignoring Lilith's blocking eyes and took out a shiny Ducat gold coin from the entanglement. This is the most comparable in the entire Western Continent and is issued by the Republic of San Marco!

In the folk, just one can match the value of three ordinary empire gold coins!

"come on!"

One hour later.....

"This is impossible! This is impossible!"

I looked at the cards with a blushing face, just now I lost seventeen games against Teresia!

At this time, a dozen shiny Ducati gold coins had been piled up on the desk on the side of the demon hunter.

"Are you coming?"

Sorting out the endgame on the field, the Demon Hunter said calmly.But from her red face, I clearly saw a trace of excitement!

"Brother Tu, you are too good! Change me!"

I don't know if it is because I can't stand my embarrassment, or because I am infected by the charm of the Gwent card.

Lilith rolled up her sleeves and drove me aside to go into battle herself.

Another hour passed.....

"No! It's impossible! You must be cheating!"

The little witch patted the table unwillingly and said.

"Okay, sister, accept your bet and lose..."

I reluctantly patted my sister on the shoulder. Just now, Lilith, who was better than me, lost more than 20 hands in just one hour, and at the same time indirectly reimbursed us for about a third of our trip. -Thirty Ducats!

At this time, on Teresia’s table, the shiny gold coins have been piled up into hills...

"Do you still want to play?"

Although there is still no expression on the face of the Demon Hunter.

But somehow...

I feel she is very happy.

A joy from the heart.

"Mummummum...unwilling not reconciled!"

Looking at Lilith's little flushed face and straight eyes.

I understand that if my sister won't win once today, she won't be reconciled...

But this Gwent card is definitely unplayable.

Because I feel that even if I add up to the old Lilith bastard, I don't know how many Wallaces are shorter than Resia...There is no chance of winning this kind of behavior.

But our siblings just lost more than forty Ducats!

The thought that it could have been used for eating, drinking, and having fun... or even finding a pretty big sister to "talk" with so much less funds, I felt heartache.

So this place must be found back!

Thinking of this, I took out the secret treasure I brought from my hometown in another world from the package, and the wonderful card game that contains the wisdom of the oppressed-Doudizhu!

"Come on, Miss Teresia, let's change the game!"

A wicked smile appeared on my face.

"Oh? Interesting..."

Looking at the cards he had never seen before, the Demon Hunter showed an interested look.

"Come on then."

Lilith and I looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Humph!This landlord is the secret of the family of our Glamorgan family.

How could the cricket hunter understand the firm will of our resistance fighters?

See how I stand up as a serf and sing, my son, and turn you, a local tyrant and evil gentry, on my horse!

46. ​​The God of Gamblers Teresia

"Wang fried."

The Demon Hunter calmly threw out two trump cards, and easily knocked out my straight...

Looking at the mocking smiles of the two jokers, I just feel the sky spinning round and round.

Lost again?!Don't bring this!

"No! How could it? How is this possible!"

And Lilith beside me is in a state of collapse...

"Do you want more?"

The Demon Hunter raised his head and asked.

"Don't...can't manage..."

I said weakly.

"Oh, I don't want to..."

The little witch buried her head on the tabletop and sobbed.

"Okay, right three."

Teresia put the last two hands on the table, spreading her hands to indicate that she was finished:

"I won."

"Good... good..."

I mechanically took out the last two gold coins and pushed them in front of the Demon Hunter.