What Should I Do If I was Forced to Marry the Elf Queen

What Should I Do If I am Forced to Marry by the Elf Empress Chapter 92

Then Brother R told me a big deal in one breath, and I was confused.

Finally, I helplessly raised my voice by an octave and said:

"Brother R! I want to ask, what am I doing here!"

"What are you doing? Of course it is to cure the hysteria of L's Young Master! He went crazy and turned the entire L town into this look!"

Halfway through, Brother R's face changed, he took off the silver collar from his neck and threw it into the celestial body.Surprised:

"Now, you are already doomed!"

I saw the silver ring turned into a flash of light, trapped something from the field, and dragged it in suspension.

I fixed my eyes and saw that the thing was nothing else, it was the yin who slipped away from Brother R** just now.

"I've caught you!"

Brother R took the collar and slapped Xi's buttocks fiercely, narrowing the collar a lot with his fingers.Le Dixi was trembling all over, wailing again and again, her eyes full of pleading.

"I told you to steal melons...you bastard, if you commit another crime next time, I will put you in the urine bucket of the old man's house, do you hear?"

138. I don't think that treatment can save people...

Hearing the threat from Brother R, Xi immediately nodded like garlic.

Only then did R brother loosen the silver collar slightly with satisfaction, but still used one hand to lift the nape of Xiu's neck, and pat the other hand on Xiu's buttocks:

"Hurry up, get bigger! I'm going to town."

As if to please he nodded to R brother, his body immediately swelled like a ball, and in a short while it became almost like a horse.

While Brother R lifted and twisted the silver collar, the silver collar immediately became as soft as a rope, bent into an "8" shape, one end was wrapped around Yun's neck, and the other end was held in his hand as a rein. .

After doing all this, Brother R did not know where he took out a steel fork and handed it to me:

"This is a steel fork that can be thrown without restrictions. You can take self-defense. Come up quickly, we should go!"

I resisted the urge to spit in my heart, took the steel fork, and tried to shoot at the melon field.

The moment the steel fork hit the ground, a new shiny steel fork appeared in my hand.

My grandfather told me before that at the beginning of this illusion, I can get a "weapons that can be used indefinitely, similar to a bow and arrow"...what I thought it was, was it such a thing?The gap is too big, right?

Having said that, even if it becomes difficult to purgatory... but this illusion will not collapse to such a degree, right?

The key is this way, can I still use the old bastard's opportunistic method?

According to Grandpa, the illusion of the old bastard was transformed from the scariest and most terrifying thing in his memory, and it was embodied as an underground fortress called "Umbrella Company" with a weird style.Inside are all kinds of incomprehensible machinery, there are already countless mutant zombies.And because the old bastard had more than ten mistresses before, he was a very disloyal person to love.

Therefore, in the illusion of the old bastard, the number of various zombie monsters almost reached a terrifying level. They rushed towards the old bastard from all directions, frantically trying to tear him into pieces.

But still so, the old bastard still broke out of the siege with his own abnormal strength.

According to my grandfather, all the horrors that appear in the illusion are the concretization of guilt and fear in the heart of the tester.Unless the will of the tester is extremely strong, or he has a clear conscience about what he has done, it is absolutely impossible to survive under the chase of the heart demon.

Obviously, the old bastards do not meet the above two conditions.

And his ability to pass the trial is purely using the compositional rules of the environment.

Generally speaking, the testers are extremely afraid of the deep cold demon realm's prying into their hearts, and desperately resist in their hearts.I was afraid that the secrets buried deep in my heart would be unearthed by the Demon Realm and presented in the environment afterwards.

The old bastard is different. He is very obedient and cooperates with the prying eyes of the Demon Realm, and unreservedly presents the novel "Unlimited Breaking" that he fears most to the Deep Cold Demon Realm, and even helps the Demon Realm perfect every one in the illusion. detail.Finally, he used the plot of the zombie crisis in the novel as the beginning of the illusion, and fooled the elders who were monitoring the content of the illusion outside, making them mistakenly believe that this is all in the illusion.

Then the old bastard took advantage of his familiarity with the plot to easily find the sleeping dormant warehouse inside the umbrella company.A fire blasted all the culprits who created the zombies into the sky, scoring enough reward points.After successfully surviving the time specified in the plot of the novel, he returned to the "Master God Space" and exchanged the reward points for the "Return to Reality" option, successfully leaving the illusion.Completed the trial of mind.

Because the old bastard's operation is too showy, and the setting of the main god space is too subtle.After that, the elders of the decision-making meeting retained the original illusion in the deep cold demon realm as a place to train soldiers' fighting will.

This was the conspiracy between me and my grandfather before.

But... because I triggered the trap set by the old bastard in the illusion.

This place now doesn't look like a place where a group of profitable businessmen study evil technologies and make zombies.It's like being in a certain village on the eastern continent.

Therefore, the method my grandfather taught me to cheat can be said to be completely useless.

Now... I can only take one step.

"So, what are we going to do?"

I once again posed the same question to the receiver R.

"Didn't I say that? Go and treat Young Master L!"

Brother R said as expected.

"What's the purpose of treating him?"

I continued to ask.

"Aren't you a reincarnation from the dimension of the main god?" Brother R looked at me with a strange expression, "Don't you know the task that the main god sends you better than me. Look, isn't it written there?"

After speaking, he pointed to the sky.

And I followed his finger.

Damn it!Words are still written in the sky!Why didn't I find out just now?

I saw it written in a huge font on the sky--

Task: Cure Young Master L’s Disease

Failure Punishment: You too get sick

It seems that this should be correct.

So I looked at Brother R in surprise and said:

"That Young Master L still knows the main god space?"

"Of course, Master, he is a person who has studied, and he has also been to study abroad in Dongying. I know a lot!" Brother R said proudly, "He gave me the trick just now!"

"But... how could he be crazy?"

I then asked.

"It's not caused by foreigners." Brother R gritted his teeth. "The foreigners from Citigroup Umbrella Company took the iron boat to the capital to pretend to pay tribute, but they used the plague on the boat to attack the emperor, the Lafayette and the adults They all turned into zombies! The whole world is full of dead people dressed in officialdoms, jumping and jumping, scaring people to death!"

"Although I don't know what you are talking about...but it feels like a nonsense...and then?"

"Then the court died." Brother R said sadly, "Now the world is in chaos, and ghosts and demons are rampant everywhere. Foreigners rely on the plague of the umbrella company to dominate."

"Then...what does this have to do with your young master?"

"L town originally had no foreigners, but since they came, these days have changed from day to day. Master he was very angry, he said that he could not do this. Then he tried to help those who had the plague and had not become zombies. Cure."

"It was okay, but after the treatment, the young master didn't know why, and he became unhappy. He said to me,'I don't think the treatment can save people', and then he locked himself in the room to study."

Having said this, Brother R's expression became terrifying:

"After that, the young master went crazy. He kept saying "cannibalism" in the room. It was scary!...Others said that the young master was hysteria... I thought, within a few days, everyone in the town became hysteria!"

"Then it becomes what you see now..."

139. Dragon Swordsman Click to send

With that said, Brother R pointed at the surrounding melon fields, and said helplessly:

"No, even the watermelon has hysteria and started to go crazy."

It seemed that this trial would be passed by helping Young Master L cure his illness.

Although I still don't know what the situation is, I can only take one step at a time.

Thinking of this, I nodded to Brother R and said:

"Generally I understand it, so I will trouble Brother R to lead the way."

"Come on, it's still a long way from here to the town. Let this beast yawn and save a little effort." The expression on Brother R's face was a bit unnatural, "After all, the road is not peaceful. "


I was a little embarrassed when I walked to Xi's side, looking at this bull-like badger, I couldn't help but feel uneasy.

But when I thought of taking out the plan of Hanshuangshan, I gritted my teeth and crawled onto its back, clutching the fur of Yan.

Seeing me sitting up too, Brother R shook the silver collar vigorously and yelled "drive" as if driving the horse.

The beast dashed forward with all his strength!

Yun ran very fast, four stubby hooves were retracted and put on the ground, and the sharp claws slapped on the ground continuously, running like a gallop.After a while, he ran out of the melon field and came to a country path on the side.

As Xia ran, I, sitting on Xia's back, naturally trembled.In desperation, he had to hold on to its fur so that it didn't roll off Xiu's back.

After embarking on the road, the road conditions have become much better, and Xi's running has also begun to stabilize, no longer as bumpy as before.

And I was finally able to straighten up and reluctantly looked around.

I saw many people wandering aimlessly in the fields on both sides of the road. They moved slowly and moved strangely.It looks like a lame person, which is very abnormal.

So I asked with some doubts:

"Are these people suffering from hysteria?"

When I heard my question, Brother R didn't look back, but still focused on educating you, he explained:

"Those people are okay, they just caught the foreigner's plague and turned into half-dead walking corpses...people with hysteria are far more terrifying than this!"


I nodded relievedly and looked forward.

I saw a grave on the front side of the road.A group of people with their hair dyed green are standing on the grave with two green onions and dancing, but they are chanting "niconiconiconi", as if they are schizophrenic.

So I asked curiously:

"Brother R, are the people on the grave over there also zombies hit by the plague?"

"over there?"

Brother R shifted his gaze slightly, his expression immediately changed and he lost his voice:

"Not good! It's Tomb Tou Beng Di!"

After he finished speaking, he squeezed the collar vigorously, causing Xi to brake hard.Then he quickly turned around:

"Those must be people with hysteria! So we have to change our way..."

But before he could finish speaking, the old bastard's wretched and sexy voice rang in my ears:

[The world will be in chaos, the world war is about to start, and the coming rain has awakened the sleeping zombies, the best among zombies-the king of zombies!

If it's just that, then forget it...

The most annoying thing was that when the old bastard uttered the first word, the time in the entire illusion stopped abruptly.Whether it is Brother R, Yu, the hysteria of Toutou Bengdi, or me, they all stay in place, unable to move at all!

Special!Are you a plot kill?

Lin Dengwan, do you want to be so silly?!

Can't you leave me a way to survive?

The moment the narration was finished, time resumed its flow again.

Just hearing a loud bang, the graves beside the road burst open!

The powerful impact lifted the soil on the grave to the sky!For a time, the woods and rocks flew, and the mud splashed!Even the people who had just jumped on the head of the grave bounced out together!

And under the confinement, a huge black coffin was revealed!

Then, just listen to the loud noise of "Boom——"!

The heavy coffin board was hit and flew out instantly, spinning in the air, spinning in the direction of brother R and me!

"Hurry up!"

Seeing that the heavy coffin was about to fly.

I shouted immediately and jumped off Yan's back.After rolling on the ground several times, it finally stopped.

As soon as I landed, the heavy coffin hit Brother R from the side instantly, making a heavy muffled noise, and knocking R Brother Lianren into the air, flying in the air for a long time. Just fell heavily to the ground!