What Should I Do If I was Forced to Marry the Elf Queen

What Should I Do If I am Forced to Marry by the Elf Empress Chapter 206

After the magic power came into contact with the body, it transformed back into a human form again.

When I completely stepped into the door of the church, a lean rebooter gave me a blank expression, then patted my shoulder and said:

"You are qualified. Go along this road to the Great Sanctuary in the center."

"Um...thank you, sir..."

I pretended to be sincere and fearful, and walked forward quickly, until I completely avoided the eyes of the believers.He quickly took out a space beacon from his robe, held it in his palm, and pasted it on the mosaic image on the side of the porch.

Ok!This is the first one!

It’s not that difficult!

After sticking a blue beacon on the icon of [Heavenly Brother] that also has blue eyes, I walked forward naturally.

After that, because several rebooters passed by me continuously, and the passages on both sides of the corridor were basically blocked.I did not find a chance to sneak in and place the slide.

Had to continue to move forward according to the original plan.

After about five or six minutes of walking.

I came to the large chapel in the middle of the church.

The empty chapel is magnificent and magnificent. The ground and stone pillars are all decorated with intricate and colorful paintings. The walls on all sides up to the dome are decorated with mosaic glass depicting the story of the "Sacred Code", as well as gilt window bars and sculptures of saints.On the altar in the center of the chapel, there is a holy relic brought back by the Crusaders from the sanctuary-[Three Holy Kings Golden Coffin].It can be said to be extraordinary.

While I was admiring the interior decoration of the church with the mentality of a tourist, a rebooter waved at me impatiently, and then pointed to one side:

"Don't look, Tubaozi...Come over and wait where."

I saw that there were already a dozen teenagers waiting in the direction of that person's finger.On the other side of the platform, a few seemingly high-ranking rebooters sat on the other side, examining a young man standing in the middle of the altar.

Standing in the sacred church, he was watched by several big and powerful figures.The young man on the altar was obviously a little nervous. He took a few deep breaths before finally plucking up the courage and opening his mouth to sing.

For a time, melodious singing spread throughout the church.

Except for the slight trembling of the voice due to tension, the boys sang almost perfectly.However, several judges frowned very upset, waved, and drove him off.

Is there anyone so picky?

Although logically speaking, the elves are a race that can sing and dance.

But... thanks to the inheritance of the old bastard, I am a half-hearted elf, not only not good at singing and dancing... even serious pentatonia.

If they want me to sing, how can I fool it?

This is troublesome.....

Moving in the direction of the teenagers, I thought with some embarrassment.

Wait... I remember that there is a power called in "Five Star War World Jue"?It seems that as long as that program is turned on, the most basic vocal skills can be obtained.

But... Even so, I don't know what song to sing... I don't know anything about music.

Or, look at the old bastard's collection?

In the red wheel of fate, it seems like another old bastard’s playlist.

Thinking about this, I held the badge with the old man's head in my pocket and deepened my consciousness.

129. The name is love

After searching, I found a red icon named "Pig Raising Cloud Music" in the storage area of ​​the Red Wheel of Destiny.

Deepening my consciousness into it, a long list of playlists named after curvy words that I can't understand immediately appeared in my mind.

Although the old bastard used to systematically teach me to read and write the language of his hometown, the words on the playlist still make me confused, because except for a few recognizable square characters, the rest of the sentence is all like " I don’t know what it means, and I don’t know what it means.

But I don’t know why...Looking at these strange words, I always have a very erotic feeling.

The only thing that is certain is that the tracks in these playlists are probably something that will make people feel "Si Zhai steaming goose heart" after listening to it.

The reason for making this judgment is not because of my instinct or the knowledge of the old bastard over the years.

But a more direct reason--

These playlists are marked with "paper man" girls in shameless attire, which is too eye-catching.

Although, in the dead of night, or when there is only one person, I don't mind turning into a sound dolphin, hiding in the quilt and quietly feeling the sweet singing voices of young ladies in another world.

But... if I were to sing this kind of shameful song in the public...

Then forgive me for rejection.

After all, I am here. Miss Sister is in a piece of paper in another world. There are three "thorn apes" in the middle.The dimension wall is still too thick, and the sense of distance is still too strong.

Therefore, my cooking power is far from reaching the point where it can be called "faith", so forgive me for rejecting this kind of shame.

So I searched for a long time and finally found a few playlists whose covers were not paper people.

The first thing I opened was a playlist with Fat Applause as the cover. The names of the songs were all written in ugly words combined with circles and squares. I still couldn't understand a word, so I just clicked on one.

A majestic female voice rang in my ears immediately, but the lyrics she sang next almost didn't make me stagger to the ground!

"Golden jb perpetual motion machine-I have a long shot full of flowers!"

"You can't be poor in Shandong Smecta--"

Listening to the female voice singing, I almost didn't smile and suffocated internal bleeding.

What kind of mess is this singing, and the perpetual motion machine is out, what kind of shit is written in the lyrics?Not elegant at all.

No, no, this is definitely not good.

I resisted the interest of listening and switched the playlist.

This time I chose a playlist with a red flag cover.

Although the title of the song is still written in unrecognized characters, it is spelled in alphabetical characters anyway. Although I can't understand it, I still look kind.

But I don't know why... Just looking at the densely packed text, I have the illusion of shivering in the freezing snow country... I even want to drink high-quality distilled wine.Tons tons tons——

Let's listen to the song first...I chose the first song at random.Immediately, a majestic prelude sounded in my mind. The impassioned music contained a kind of brave and unyielding will. Just listening to it made people excited.

Yes, yes, the chants of the eternal holy sacred chants use this tragic tone.Singing this song is probably correct.

Would you like to choose this song?

I originally planned it this way...but after listening, I quickly changed my mind.

This song is called "Internaxonel", and at the beginning it just said "to fight for the truth".But when it came to the second paragraph, the first sentence was "There has never been a savior, nor does it depend on the emperor."

Sing "Never Savior" in the church of the Eternal Church?Then "do not rely on gods"?

It's like talking about steel plate in front of Hailan, I'm afraid it will be fatal.

If you really sing the lyrics, the scene will probably become a full-fledged fighter in minutes, and I will also have to go from sneaking into Wushuang, and I will have a bloody road.

Therefore, it is better not to sing such reactionary songs that do not conform to the core values ​​of feudalism.

Thinking of this, I shook my head and cut another song.

But this song is even more exaggerated. Although it is also majestic, it is full of extremely discordant words such as "smashing the cathedral and the prison" throughout. It must not be sung.

So, after listening to a few sentences, I immediately gave up the playlist.

Alas... It's a pity, the tune sounds very powerful... I think it's all the war songs the old bastards sang when they led the revolutionary army when they were in the revolution, right?They all oppose tyrants and the content of the church.

Perhaps... when these exciting words were sung, the old bastard was still a true idealist, a man with noble faith and willing to sacrifice for a grand goal.

I don't know why such a capitalized person...why he has fallen to the point where he is today, looking at the barely clothed pieces of paper all day and night, laughing silly, but even thinking about buying women's clothes for me.

This change.... It can only be said to be a kind of sadness for him and for me.....

Especially, if you like to wear women's clothing, just wear it yourself, why do you have to pull me on!

That's enough!

After condemning the old bastard again in his heart.

I reluctantly closed the playlist in front of me, and scanned the list of Yangzhuyun Music.

Why are the covers of these playlists full of revealing paper men?I don’t feel like it’s too suitable for me not to say....I saw that the chicken was hardened in the end...cough cough cough...

Forget it.... Dead horses are treated as living horse doctors, just follow your feelings...

Thinking of this, I screened and opened a playlist. The cover of the playlist was a paper man with green hair holding two green onions in his hand, and his clothes were normal.From the perspective of perception alone, it seems acceptable.

Do you want to try this again?

With the lessons of the previous two times, I was mentally prepared to click on a song.

But it turns out that the lower limit of the old bastard is far beyond my expectations...

What appeared in my ear was a whiff of a woman's breath...More accurately, it was the whimper of a woman doing that...


And the chanting is very regular and rhythmic...a pure boy like me listened to it, and couldn't hold it...

So I hurriedly cut my first hiccup to suppress my shock.

As a result, the second song, although it is not something so dissonant as Jiaochuan, but it is also a burst of incomprehensible noise like "Ya Wipea Beep Beep Beep Beep".

Cut the song!Cut the song!Cut the song!

I still don’t believe that there is no normal song in it!

I frowned, and focused on screening.Hearing that the prelude is wrong, immediately cut the song.

I don't know how long it has been like this... I suddenly felt shocked!

Oh my god.... How could this song sound so exciting!

It feels... just like being poisoned!Can't stop at all!

I feel that my tongue is about to sing along with the drums!

It's incredible!

In this way, I was completely immersed in it, and I don't know how many times I played it back and forth.

Until I was pulled up to the altar by rebooters and asked to start singing, I was immersed in the world of music unconsciously.

"Well... young man, express your devotion to the Lord!"

A rebooting education judge yawned and said to me.

And I also spoke subconsciously:

"Remaining life number ......"

130. Take it!

Following the rhythm played in the "Pig Raising Cloud Music", even if I am not complete, I can sing the lyrics smoothly.

Coupled with the help of the [Art Troupe] ability, my voice has been greatly corrected during singing.All the slurred or out-of-tune parts were dragged back to the original soundtrack under the correction of the power of ability.

Although I can't say that it is particularly nice...but the basic singing skills are still passed.

And the ability to project music directly into my mind in the Red Wheel of Destiny also gave me an extraordinary sense of presence, making me indulge in it unconsciously, soaking my consciousness in that crazy love. In the world.

Because in fact it is the same...

If it weren't for being forced to marry by Elmesha...how could I be frightened and wandering around?

By the way... Bing Jiao is really terrible!!

Under the influence of my own emotions, I devoted all my body and mind to singing, and began to sing more and more forgetful.

Finally, the song has reached the final climax!

And my spirit has entered an unprecedented state of excitement!

I almost spit out the last breath of air in my chest hoarsely, and sang every lyrics with emotion.

Finally the song ends.

When the last sentence of the lyrics of "Disease Name ..." ended.

The music that had been playing in surround sound in my mind came to an abrupt end.