66. It is just an ordinary supermarket, which has suffered too much to be a lotus area.

The corrupt woman is accompanying the glove of the glove, suddenly found that the people standing next to the trolley becomes a warm wind, and quickly waved to let him hide behind the shelves, don't be seen by Lu Rong.

At this time, the entrance to the supermarket was released "Hey, Shu Shi ~", the square shinched, waving his arm, attracting the eyes of the whole supermarket.

Rucone: "..."

Lu Yili looked up, holding two packs of disposable gloves in his hand, turning back.

Sure enough, the warm wind may be late, but never absent.

Lu Yi feels that his PTSD has improved. The PTSD came from his fear of , can be clearly realized that there is no lower limit of Yes, his fear suddenly turned into a strong battle.

The warm wind is against his eyes, holding an arm stinking a face, full of shame and anger.

Which pot is not mentioned in the pot: "How do you buy so many paper towels?"

The warmth is looking at a simple president. He suddenly emerged from an ultimate idea, and the big leg handed the car to the side: "I don't know who is, it is."

Lu Yida took a one-time glove and corruption, and calmly took his own cart and smiled and smiled. "The big master also came to the supermarket?" The expression is full of provocation and ridicule.

"Yeah." The warm wind said, put the arm on the shoulders of the square, "I will come with him, can't you?"

Corrupt woman: beautiful! , you have mastered the essence of the slag attack!

Wongli did not know anything about the Shunduu in front of him: "Oh, I just come here to buy some snacks. I have to go back, I will do homework ..." Then look "Jin Ping Mei".

The wind is in the head, and the land is fascinating: "What is it? Something I have to eat today."

Shougang is out of the outside: "Oh, really?" It's also a brother to catch the shoulders of the warmth.

: "..."

He is a long shoulder, you can see it as a new joy; if he follows the side of the other side to take the other side's shoulders, they look like two relationships are very stupid male high school students.

This is not what he wants.

The warm wind shakes the hand of the square.

The square is tireless.

directly under the hand, whisper: "Don't this."

Square: "Oh."

After 10 seconds, the adjustment and communication, they finally returned to the beginning of the beginning, so that the warm wind can look forward to the land.

Lu Rong waited for them to put Pose, sweeping a warm wind on the hand on the shoulders, holding a good smile: "I still have something, don't bother you."

Fang Long: "Let's!"

The warmth of the wind and the corrupt woman are looking at the eyes, and the other side has grown out the thumbs up: kid, on the road.

Square: Why is it so strange to see my eyes? !

: "This is the land of your class? Since you invite him, there are not many herself, together."

Just in the stationery area, the enrollment of the album has witnessed all this, grabbing the shelves, the finger is hidden: warm wind, you lie to me! Say good, I like Lu Ying, why is it?

Snack area.

Lu Rong pushes two carts, and the bamboo is clear and drunk in front.

The warmth of the warm wind is holding a square shoulder, pushing a cart walking behind.

The mask in the hood in the mall, there is also a hat to block his face, and the ghost is in the end.

Shougong picks up a pack of potato chips on the shelf. It is the yam potato chip that he has never tried: "Is this stuff delicious? Emmmm ... ...... "

Through the car: "Buy."

Square meat pain: "... I haven't thought about it, don't buy ... I have never eaten yam potato chips, have you eaten?"

: "Buy -"

Square: "..."

Lu Rong pushes the cart, the cloud is light, and it is not satisfactory.

Letter crushed a pack of mountain potato chips.

The front land is stopped to the seashper frame, and the president also stopped the footsteps, carefully picking two packs of chocolate, comparing the price on the shelf.

, :

Shougong smiled: "I can't eat so much ..."

: "Take home to eat."

Shougong is hesitant to: "It is easy to get angry, and it may be too shelf life ..."

The warm wind interrupted his words: "I bought it for you." There is no more fart.

"You don't say it!" Fang Changxing highly put the chocolate on the whole shelf to the cart.

Lu Yili does not touch the stranger rack.

The benevolent crushed two packs of chocolate.

"How do I know." Lu Yao Gu Gu Qi Quanqi, long eyelashes on his face, faint shadows.

: "How do you know? You are a housing!"

Lu Rong, I smiled, I didn't touch her: "It turns out ..."

Today, this group of small babies is a luxury triangle script, huh, huh.

: "Shougang's little smashing your man, spend your money, tolerance, this is not so much!"

Lu Yao is as good as the stream: "Uh huh."

: "They both dare to be in the face of your face, will you be better in the days of the family ?!"

Lu Rao, a smile: "That is not allowed."

suddenly excited: "How do you plan to win back?"

Lu Rong returned, looked at the warmth of the wind, one word: "I have no relationship with the wind, there is no relationship."

: "..."

: "Do you want this supermarket? I can buy it and give it to you."

Square: "Really ?!" He just came to a supermarket, suddenly changed to become a supermarket? !

Lu Rong: "..."

Order: "..."

: temperature! Dry beautiful! You finally sacrificed your big trick - banknotes! Just now Lu Rong said that, I thought you would want to ask for mercy now, I can't think of you solemn!

Let Rermad leave.

In these four movies, the poor does not have a name.

And Lu Yao is incomprehensible, holding a slate rack and a bottle of mineral water from the shelves, and checking the counter.

The square is immersed in the 16-year-old dream of a supermarket, excited.

Square: "Do you want to buy this chain supermarket, or buy this alone in a supermarket?"

Square: "Do I use it in the future?"

Fang Long: "Is it a long to drink?"

Square: "I don't know if I should not accept it ... will this stuff be closed?"

The bamboo clear came over and excitedly said to the warmth of the wind: "It is beautiful, and it is true that it is really sour."

Shougong did not know how to go to Lu Rong, but there is a gossip: "He will of course sour. Land students love money. When he sent me a supermarket, I made money to make money. People are too cruel. "

"Is it hard to make money?" The first time I heard that this.

"He is living in our class, selling hands in the sale of hands. Wholesale two hair, sell it. Do you think there is a lot of paper towels in his hand?" He secretly felt his temperament, "Lian Qiuyou is busy doing small business--"

"Why?" The warm wind frowned. He felt that Lu Rong was a bit savvy, and he also knew that he was a living in the nightclub, but he did not expect Lu Yao's occupation.

The corruption of the corrupt woman warns the presserver to say anything else, but the nature of the people behind the president cannot depress. He regrets his head: "Lu Yingjia is not very good. He is a single family, only mothers, especially urgently make money."

The temperament of the wind and the face, resolutely decided: "No, Lu Yao is not only mother."

He also has himself.

The warm wind pulled out the black card in your pocket.

During the speech, Lu Rong pays, and you will go back.

After he was bypassed the last shelf, he slammed his shoulders.

At this time, he didn't have an elegant gas field, just like a flat and unmortical, early and smart body, it is not easy to have a good life, and photographer can become a Top Ten Pictures of China.

: " Rack and new packaging version of Nongfu Spring !!! "

will never forget, the day before she birthday, Lu Yao asked what kind of Starbucks Water Cup she wanted, she said that she would like to be able to maintain the cup of the ferrous temperature of the magic, the next day, the cup appeared in Lu Yidu. Position.

Lu Rong is abundant and rich is rich.

When they can dominate less than 20 pieces of zero flowers, Lu Yili can buy more than 200 water cups, and Zhuzhu Qing conservatively estimated his disposable funds up to 2,000 yuan.

However, the warm wind is no conceptual to these.

In his eyes, his students are extremely poor, there is no exception.

Other people can't manage, but Lu Yili can't suffer.

The last sentence woke up the warm wind.

There is a variety of beautiful plays, and the warm wind is again calm. Yes, the bamboo clay is right, and the little can't bear the chaos. He can't always be held in the nose.


cleans tones, facing it. This has solved the pressure on the land and economic, but also gives the president to give him a stronger oppression.

The president is happy to do this. "" How much is the password? "

: "He knows."

This is the Lu Ya's secondary card. Last time to the supermarket, the land is forgetting, and the wind is full of thunderstorms. This time, the warmth remembers it.

Square: "..." Why Lu Yong will know that the credit card password of the warmth! ! !

I always feel that there is not much right.

No, it is not too strong.

The square is a black card with warm wind, as if holding a hot saggy, I don't know how to talk to Lu Rong.

The land is indeed very pitiful, and when they reached hands, they will maintain their livelihoods when they have to spend their parents.

However, Lu Rong has never sold badly, never requiring class donations, and even he is a single-parent family, there is a fantastic style that his mother fights with other students, Lu Rong goes to the office.

Lu Rong is in school, it is not different from the small princess of these non-eating people.

He is carrying out the baby, and he does not hesitate to eat in the supermarket, because he hopes to support himself with his own hands.

Shougong believes that Lu Yao has his own pride, there is his own self-esteem, and it is not willing to eat.

It can be so kind, and see Lu Rong, I remembered Africa's poor children, I want to help him check out, support his individual business.

How can I say that Lu Rong is more likely to accept the festive money?

Fang Chang Ling machine moved, with an idea ...

The square pushed a trolley, sitting in Lu Rong, talked with him to talk to him: "Hey ... Lu Yi, what do you think of this person?"

The landless surface turned around and silently silently drank water.

Shougong looked back at the warmth of the wind, quietly followed Lu Rong: "After playing the ball in the afternoon, the squad leader is very impressed. You grow so clear, then you will make money, will also play People, he thinks you are very special ... "

Lu Yao is a sound: "Say, continue to say." Shougang Xiaobao, let me listen to how you continue to pit the warm wind.

The square touched the black card of the warm style: "He said that your paper towel tonight, you know what he meant? He likes you, it is deeply attracted by you - I don't say let you promise now He, but you can consider it ... "

Lu Rong nodded, patted his shoulders hard, picking his black card to stand up.

Square: "Waiting for a meal together! He said that he wants you to eat!"

Lu Yidaned black card and waved his hand, said hearing.

Fang Changsong tone.

Speaking of the wind, thinking about chasing the wall, so gives him a lot of money, and it is more natural than aid poor students! Neither injury to the self-esteem, but also make him very happy, anyway, Lu Rong is in the fantasy to touch his ass every day.

The president returned to the warmth of the wind, and it was easy to live: "The card has given him, he said thank you, wait for you to eat together."

The warm wind is favored.

"Don't see it?" When the square came back, the bamboo is self-contained. "You are cold, give you someone to others, let him have a crisis awareness, feel that he is orthogorated, He will immediately obey much - he will say thank you now. "

"Yes." warm wind agrees with her statement.

Lu Rong pushed the trolley, sent a voice in the wicked group: "Is there a collection of checkout to checkout at the checkout station."

I was still worried that I didn't have a credit card today, and the warm wind really sent him to him.

The warm wind may be late, but will never be absent.