When God Made Me
< 48 Coins - Quiz King (3) >
It is not a prize from the station. I couldn't let him go like this, and I had no more chance of sneaking into my house and leaving money behind.
‘And the prize was to be sent to the account in two weeks. ’
A reward for a 100% quest. I'm glad I checked it out myself now, but if anyone comes in with me, I'm in trouble.
Seung-ho even takes off a pair of shoes and enters the living room. I was embarrassed and always forgot the habit of leaving the key on the shoe rack.
“Wow, this is really going to be money, right? ”
There were two bundles of 50,000 won, a bundle of 100,000 won, and four bundles of 100,000 won and a bundle of unbound bundles.
₩ 11,438,000. Exactly the same amount as the winnings in the quiz program.
In case you were wondering, when you turned on the lights on your phone and shined the bills, holograms and hidden pictures appeared. It's definitely not counterfeit.
‘That's amazing. ’
I was surprised, but I had never seen such a large amount before.
What do I do with this? ’
I heard about what to do with the money right away. It's the safest thing to put in the bank, but if you put more than 10 million won in an escrow account with 30,000 won on it,
Of course, there was something suspicious.
Seung-ho took a tray from the kitchen, put all the money on the tray, and brought it to his room.
After the bank, a safe place is home. What worries me is that if my family finds out, I really can't make excuses.
However, Seung-ho's mother is in the hospital and can hardly come home, and her sister Su-jin walks into Seung-ho's room and searches under her bed.
‘Besides, there's no way my sister's cleaning. Haha.’
It was the safest place to put it under the bed. Even if I rolled my head hard, I did not think of the number of cases when Sujin could see under the bed of Ascension.
Seung-ho pulls out a box of books from one side of the room. From there, I took a few books, put them roughly in the bookshelf, and put all the money in the tray in the empty box.
‘Oh, but should I take some? ’
I took out a bundle of $1,000 from the box again and unchained money and covered it with another book. I didn't think it would be so helpful to keep all the references I used before.
Hiding it like this, I thought it would be unnecessarily serious to spend my mother's hospital and operating expenses anyway, but it's better than exposing this money to Sujin.
Seung-ho just took $138. I wanted to buy a flower bundle on the way to the hospital because my mother liked flowers.
“Shouldn't we go to the hospital? ”
“I'm on my way to the hospital. ”
“That's great. Tell him to be well.”
“Thank you. Oh, right. I'm going to buy some flowers. What do you think I should do? ”
“Don't buy flowers. I don't buy flowers at the hospital. ”
“Yes, there may be people in the same room who are allergic to pollen, and if you see a virus spreading, or if you see flowers bloom, you might not like it. ”
“You like flowers, but · · · I don't think so. We'll pick something else. ”
“Yes, I'm starting class again. Bye.”
Hanging up the phone with Sohee, Seung-ho sweeps her heart as if it were a blessing.
‘I almost made a mistake. ’
When I was traveling in mathematics, I used to drink coffee with them every day or make phone calls like this.
‘I'm going to buy something, by the way. ’
Because of pancreatic cancer, I couldn't buy delicious food, and there was nothing in particular to do.
‘I didn't even know what she liked. ’
I feel guilty in one place. I desperately thought I should give you some clothes and spend some time with you when you leave.
When I was around, I didn't know the importance of it, but I felt desperate even though I was still in the hospital.
After thinking about it, I arrived in front of the hospital. I don't really have anything to buy, so I stopped by the local specialty store, wrapped up my mom's favorite pumpkin skin, and went inside.
I'm in.
“That's amazing. Honestly, I wasn't expecting that. ”
“Oh, really? ”
“No, honestly. One in a thousand. Did you think it would be you? ”
“It could be. ”
Seung-ho pouted and walked to a park near the hospital. It's the middle of June. I'm starting to feel like summer.
“Sis, you don't do BJ because you won the prize anyway, right? ”
When Seung-ho cautiously asks, Su-jin smiles and nods.
“Thank goodness.”
“Hahaha. I was actually looking into Mike and Cam for a BJ, but I'm going to have to find another one. ”
“Yes. I don't think they're bad, but I don't want you to be bad to other people. ”
“Yes. Hahaha. Anyway, it was really good. That's why I think it's breathtaking. ”
“Yes, I will win all the other quiz programs. ”
“One is enough. Don't be greedy. Study hard. ”
Seung-ho took a joyful walk and brought out the prepared words.
“Sis, I found out while studying that there is a bankruptcy report. It's for people who are not able to repay their debts.
Seung-ho learned the word while studying in the dictionary and searched hard on the internet, not unconditionally, but in the current situation, Sujin is likely to declare bankruptcy.
It didn't look like much.
“Oh, really? ”
Sujin tilted his head as if he didn't know.
“For those who are incapable of paying their debts · ·”
Seung-ho explained in detail that Su-jin could understand. Soojin was increasingly lively in his eyes. It's not that big of an expectation, but a little bit of an expectation.
While we were talking, the two arrived at the hospital. Seung-ho has been studying at home and in the library for days preparing for the quiz program, and Su-jin continues to stay in the hospital.
I took care of money.
Hence, Seung-ho was going to do well and take turns for a few days from today. Sujin agreed with Seung-ho to see how tired she was.
Seung-ho told Su-jin about the bankruptcy report in front of the hospital.
“Yeah, I'll see what I can do. Thank you."
“Wow, I'm creeped out. I don't think I've ever heard you thank me before. ”
“Go quickly. ”
Sujin slapped Seung-ho's forearm with a playfully annoyed face and pushed her towards the hospital. Seung-ho smiles and shakes his hand at Sujin.
“Let's go. Talking when we get there.”
“Yes, you're doing well. ”
“Take care of yourself. ”
Seung-ho said hello and went inside the hospital. Deep night hospitals felt as if the whole place was asleep, as well as the sound of TV coming from several break rooms.
When I entered the room, my mother was already deep asleep, tired. Seungho covers a thin duvet underneath his neck and comes out of the break room.
Fortunately, the lounge lights were on all night, so it was a big help for Seung-ho to study.
‘We're recording next Wednesday, so let's work hard. ’
Seung-ho took out a standard language dialogue borrowed from the library and started studying. It was a very thick book.
However, Seung-ho, who had seen a much thicker book in the last few days, was only about 600 pages.
Moreover, my habit of studying hard since midterm exam has made me think that my concentration has improved noticeably when studying these days.
After studying for a long time, focusing on the book, it was past 3 in the morning. Most of the patients' caregivers went to the beds next to the bedrooms or the sleeping lounge to get some sleep.
C. Only Seung-ho was left alone in the break room.
He didn't even know how focused he was. The woman next to me sat down on the other side of Seungho. However, Seung-ho was still focusing on books.
Seungho looked at the book for more than five minutes, then suddenly he looked up at me.
“It's Mommy!"
Seung-ho was startled and almost fell back. The nurse sitting across from him laughed loudly.
“Hahahahaha. Surprised? ”
Seungho barely made it to the table and did not fall. However, Seung-ho was still embarrassed.
“Who are you?”
“I'm a nurse for a neo-microscopy patient. I woke up homeless today, and I came to get a drink from the vending machine, and I saw you coming. ”
“You're my mother's nurse. Hello."
Seung-ho bows his head. The nurse smiled and pushed one of the two soda cans on the table to Seung-ho.
“Thank you. But how did you know I was my mother's son? You don't know because I don't come to the hospital very often. ”
“I also SNS. ”
It was a short but understandable sentence at once. On SNS, you will know Tabongstein Sujin, where Sujin made a video of Seung-ho as his brother. Besides, that video is so graphic.
Seung-ho's face became famous everywhere, and it was made public that he was Sujin's brother.
“But what are you studying? If you're looking at a dictionary, I don't think you're just studying. ”
“Oh, I'm fighting my horse next week. ”
Seung-ho and nurse Han Ji-hye spent time having conversations like this. I was worried that Seung-ho might be taking too much time, but if something happened, I got in touch with him.
He told me not to worry, and the conversation continued until it was too late.
“This is the final of two men who survived the fierce five headlines of the Korean horse race. This is Seung-ho-gun Choi from High School and Teacher Han Hye-rin from Shiny High School of Science. With you.
It's the centuries of student pride. ”
The Facilitator Announcer looked at the camera with a playful introduction.
“Today's winners are 5 million won. And you get an extra 100,000 won for every problem you solve. Who's going to be the best at getting big prizes?
Let's get started! ”
The finals began with cheer. However, Seung-ho continued the correct march, showing off his great skills in the main event.
Of the 30 questions prepared, Seung-ho had already guessed over the majority of the correct answers before 20 were cast. It is virtually overwhelming. You're ashamed to be a language teacher in a special paper.
I was being pushed down by Seung-ho.
However, Seung-ho, who had already been poisoned with money, had no intention of seeing the teacher at all. He is not actually a teacher who teaches himself, and the world of battle is cruel. Rather, I'm here to help.
It would have been much more problematic to show up.
In addition, it was not selected in the quiz, not in the preliminary contest, but in the contest in Korean and scholarship students, except for the inability to compete in the lucky quiz show.
I had to win.
In doing so, Ascension continued to march for the correct answer, and in the final question with a prize of 500,000 won, Ascension pressed on the buzzer first.
“The correct answer is' struggle. ’”
The announcer glanced at the script and looked up at Seung-ho.
“That's amazing. That's right!”
- Boom!
Along with the sound of the fireworks, dozens of long, thinly cut silverware poured down from the sky.
Seung-ho smiles and nods. This ensures that the cost of the mother's surgery is perfect.
The announcer smiled and approached Seungho to conduct the winning interview.
“Congratulations, Seung-ho. They took a prize of 7.8 million won. How are you feeling? ”
Seung-ho said in an excited voice with a big smile.
“I'm so glad. I'm so happy."
Seung-ho happily finished the broadcast with an interview. There's only one quiz show left, and it's a lucky quiz show.
I'm sure you've already saved up your mom's surgery, and with all the cash from the quest, you won't have to worry about surgery and hospital expenses for the time being, so the final quiz program is a distraction.
I felt like I could.
So far, Seungho had no idea which way the fortune quiz show would lead to Seungho.
< 48 Coins - King of the Quiz (3) > End
king of Siegfried