When God Made Me
< 88 - two days' rest >
“You've paid the price for it first · ·”
The doctor sighed and carefully selected the word after moxa.
“I think we should wait a little longer. ”
“Why is that? ”
Seung-ho spoke up a little to the doctor. The doctor knew he wasn't angry.
“It looks like cancer is · · · · spread. ”
“You operated.”
Su-jin said in a cheerful tone. Like she said, Seung-ho's mother finished surgery last year. I thought it was only because I cut the pancreas that I successfully removed the cancer cells, but I didn't feel well enough to discharge them.
The doctor exhales deeply and touches his chin.
“I think there was a problem with the removal of cancer cells from the last surgery. ”
“I heard you got rid of it completely? ”
“Yeah, that's right, but the machine did the surgery to remove the cancer cells, right? But as cancer cells are being spread out of the body from that machine, the cancer cells that have fallen out of the machine remain, and it seems to have spread. ”
To help you understand, surgery that removed pancreatic, i.e., interstitial, cancer cells, was performed with state-of-the-art machines. So that's how much money was put in.
However, some of the cancer cells that were placed on the machine fell and planted the cancer cells in the process of cutting the spread of the cancer cells out of the body by the machine.
Due to the nature of cancer cells, an extremely small amount spread rapidly and grew the body, spreading not only to interest but also to multiple organs and causing cancer to metastasize.
“I'm sorry."
“That's all your fault! ”
Seungho fingers the doctor and supports his flank with his other hand.
“I'm sorry."
“You said that surgery would heal you! ”
Su-jin started to feel again at his side, and Seung-ho struggled to cope with his anger. The passing nurses and people's gazes began to get on them.
“Seung-ho, wait · ·”
“What are we going to do! ”
Although the index tried to stop it, Seung-ho sprayed the index arm and stood in front of the doctor. Seung-ho wanted to shake his neck, but he was barely holding back.
“I'm sorry."
The doctor lowers his head, saying he is sorry for his elongation.
Seungho shrieks for evil and retreats toward the wall.
The doctor stood there for a long time before breaking the silence.
“It's our fault. All future hospital costs will be covered by us.
“No, it's not about the money, Mom. What are you going to do? ”
Seung-ho approached the doctor again and exclaimed.
“You just got out of surgery. Didn't you come out with something? ”
“Surgery that I just completed is just an emergency measure, and cancer is · ·”
Seung-ho gave up his head a few times and calmed down. Rage continues to rage, but nothing good comes from more excitement.
“I'm sorry, I'm a little excited. ”
“No, I understand. ”
“So when can you do the surgery? You have to do it again.”
“It · · ·”
The physician resumed moxibustion. An ominous premonition strikes you. Sujin was still wrapped around his face and blushing, and the index was just standing beside him without a word.
“I don't think so. ”
“I checked and the cancer is already spreading · ·”
The doctor continued stuttering as if it were hard to speak.
“I don't think there's any hope for another surgery. ”
“Tell me again? ”
Seung-ho continues to rub his hands together, nervously. His palms were already sweaty.
“I think I heard it wrong. Can you say that again? ”
“I'm sorry."
The doctor once again apologized in a godly voice and left. However, Seung-ho followed the doctor and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him.
“If you're sorry, that's it? If you let her die right now and apologize, that's it! ”
Seung-ho hears the doctor's breasts, but he has at least ten mouths. It was because of him that he performed his mother's surgery.
“Seung-ho, I'm so excited. ”
The index approaches and grabs his arm to dry, but Seung-ho does not see any signs of excitement sinking.
“He drove my mother to her death! This is the son of a bitch who left home a long time ago and took his mother to surgery to rest at home! ”
Seungho pushes his hand forward, just as he was holding the doctor. The doctor struggled a few steps, but did not fall. He disappeared to the end of the hall with the words, "I'm sorry again."
Seungho's legs relax and he sits on the ground.
Seung-ho howls and covers his head because he can't stand crying.
Those who had been paying attention to the story earlier did not act like taking a picture with their cell phone or anything. I just felt sorry for him.
The index squats beside Seungho and sweeps down his back to comfort him.
“It's okay.”
My mother woke up one day later and said it first.
Seung-ho couldn't look her in the eye, smiling and worrying about her child.
I didn't want to tell her about the current situation, but Su-jin told her directly.
One year for short, three years for long.
Fortunately, the cancer did not spread back to interest, so the remaining life span was a little longer.
“No, you're more important to me than the Olympics! ”
She shakes her head and grabs Seung-ho's hand tightly. Today, my mother's hands felt colder.
“You can live a few more years after the Olympics. I know my mother's body best. Two months left? No, not for two months. In the meantime, you can work hard and spend time with your mom after the Olympics. ”
Mother smiled lovingly. Seung-ho felt sadder.
“So let's spend some time after the Olympics. That's the way to be nicer to your mom, okay? ”
“I can still see it for days · ·”
My mother stroked her cheeks.
“This is my mother's last real request. Will you listen to me?”
I couldn't say no to Seung-ho. No, I shouldn't have said no.
“After the Olympics, after winning a medal, you really take a break? ”
“Yes. Medals don't matter. I'm doing the best I can. That's our cue. Right?"
“· · Yes. ”
“Don't cry. ”
My mother smiled and wiped away the tears from Seung-ho's cheek.
“I said I'm fine. ”
“Ugh · · ·”
My mother hugged Seung-ho who was feeling sad.
Three days after my mother collapsed. Seung-ho had not been to the gym for a total of five days, including the previous two days of rest.
However, because of what my mother said yesterday, I started bathing early in the morning and went to the gym.
"Let's do everything we can," said the dead Father. ’That's why we should do everything we can.' ’.
Seung-ho saw a movie last night, a society of dead poets. It is a movie that my father showed me many times because he didn't know the meaning of it when I was a child.
So when I think of my father, I think of him in a movie like this.
Seize the day. To serve, let's enjoy every moment and do our best.
‘Why would she say that? ’
To be honest, Seung-ho was still reluctant to go to the Olympics. I wanted to spend some of Mother's time together.
However, Mother's words and attitudes were firm, and Seung-ho thought it was good faith to listen to her.
‘If you want to win a gold medal, you have to make your mother happy. ’
Seung-ho arrived at the gym with all his heart.
I also forgot to contact Jinhuang because I was busy for a few days. He did not speak to Seung-ho separately, informing him of his situation.
I was just encouraging by tapping the back of a long time ago.
Seung-ho wanted to apologize, talk as usual, or say something, but his mouth did not drop easily. A few years ago, I felt a lot of emotions when I thought of my father as lung cancer, so I could know how he felt without saying anything.
Seung-ho quietly climbs up to his private firing range and shoots.
On this day, Seung-ho continued shooting after both lunch and dinner.
I wasn't hungry, but the more I shot, the more I wanted to shoot.
He watches from afar without stopping him, helping him continue to shoot.
At first, I was worried that it was real and that he might think bad thoughts, but that idea is gone.
Rather, I felt admired that I could shoot for more than 12 hours without distracting myself.
“Ms. Grant, aren't you going home? ”
“Go home first. Let me finish.”
“Seung Ho, are you still shooting? ”
He nodded, smiling bitterly at the employee's question.
How the rumors spread, and everyone on the Internet knew the good news. Maybe someone in the hospital posted it on the Internet after seeing Ascension on the day of Mother's surgery.
Seung-ho had a lot of trouble at the hospital, but no one pointed or cursed at Seung-ho. Rather, sympathetic comments spread to Seung-ho, not only saying that he blamed the hospital.
Even though Seung-ho didn't know it. He would hate it more than anyone if he knew he was being pitied.
Seung-ho left Tuletle Saro only after 11: 00 p.m. A pile of shells piled up on top of the pellet cleaning machine.
I wanted to shoot more, but I couldn't help it. His right hand, which rests on his saggy shoulder, trembles.
He waits for Seung-ho to come out, then busts the door and leaves the shooting range with Seung-ho.
“Do you want a drink? ”
Seungho shakes his head and walks away. I asked him if he would give me a ride in his car, but Seung-ho said he wanted to walk by himself.
He calmly approaches his side, hugging him and patting his back.
“Come on.”
With only two letters to cheer up, Seungho poured out tears that he had been enduring all day.
Since it was in front of Mother, Su-jin was also to protect herself, and Seung-ho who had endured wanting to burst into tears with apology for the index, burst into tears in his arms.
Perhaps it was because of his generosity, Seung-ho arrived at the shooting range the next day and trained like crazy.
What was different was that his eyes were burning for 24 hours, unlike before.
Seungho came home from training late every night and fell asleep exhausted.
Then I got up early the next morning and stopped by the hospital to see my mother and focused solely on shooting.
Occasionally, even though I had dinner with the index, I did not date or spend time apart. Fortunately, Seung-ho was the only time he smiled during the day when he was with the index.
Seung-ho spent time grinding and practicing his teeth.
Time gradually passed, and the Olympic season came to an end.
< 88 - two day break > end
king of Siegfried