When God Made Me
< Foreign currency - I don't want to rewrite the end of this fantasy novel >
“I'll be back.”
Bright eyes, smart nose, red lips like a parrot, and a small-sized face. Even though she was only five years old, her beauty was pretty and beautiful beyond cute.
“My daughter, listen to the teacher today and get along well with her friends. ”
The child responded forcefully, putting his hands together and greeting and boarding the yellow nursery bus.
Seungho and Grace waved their hands until the bus turned around the alley to the right.
“You have a lot of skill, huh? ”
“Yeah. That's how strong he was on your first day of school. ”
“Good. I knew you'd get used to it. ”
“Let's go inside.”
Grace entered the house with arms around her waist.
Seung-ho watched the English language on his tablet PC, and Grace went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast.
It is a relaxing time to get up early in the morning and send my daughter to school. Unlike other families who were busy preparing for work, they had more days to start their afternoon schedule.
“You said you were going to KBZ today, right? ”
“Yes, I'm relaxed because I'm recording this afternoon. Why?”
“I think I'm going to be nearby because I have a job over there. Let's grab some dinner when we get a chance. ”
“Yes. I'll ask her if she can bring it. ”
“No, you don't have to. ”
Seungho sat on the dining table with the tablet PC. Grace brought it to the table with a pot of boiling miso stew while wearing kitchen oven gloves. She looks up and asks.
“It's been a long time since the two of you wanted to eat. I'll call my mom. If she asks you to take care of her, she'll love it. She'd love to see you, too. ”
“Yes, but what day is it today? ”
“It's not a date. ”
Seung-ho raises his spoon, grinning. Grace sat across from Seung-ho in an apron.
“I'll eat well. ”
“Eat a lot. ”
Seung-ho picked up a spoon and drank soup with a spoonful of pickled miso stew that provoked his nose.
It's hot and tasty. Seungho smiled as soon as he took a bite.
“I know.”
Grace also started eating with a smile like Seung-ho.
She was over 30 years old, but her skin was as plump as a teenage high school girl, not to mention beautiful. It was much prettier and more beautiful than the trendy girl group these days.
When grace and grace were together, Seung-ho smiled gladly.
The two of them finished eating warmly and put on a spoon. Seung-ho took a deep breath of cold water and moved the bowl to the sink.
If cooking was in charge of grace, Seung-ho was in charge of the dishes. Grace untied the waistband of the apron tied to give Seungho the apron he was wearing so that the water wouldn't splash when he did the dishes.
At that moment, Seung-ho looks back at her hands. The seventh year of marriage, others still had time to have their birthright, but they were different.
Seungho curls his grace and pulls it toward his body.
Seungho smiled at the surprised sound of grace and covered his lips. As they proved that they had never done this, they kissed naturally.
While preparing the dishes, the two men and women were furiously coveting each other's lips, and Seung-ho finally embraced her.
Seung-ho gives a heavy glance and goes into the bedroom, holding her still.
As soon as I opened the door, grace gave me a pleasant look.
“Wow, did you rent such a nice room? ”
Gwanghwamungil Hotel VIP Suite Room. It was a place of grace and glory.
One of the best hotels in Gwanghwamun area, this place costs 10 million won per night. There are six rooms, each with a different theme and a unique atmosphere, and inside there are pool tables and karaoke appliances to play in.
It was.
“Yes, today is a special day. ”
“What! You don't have it? What a day, I'm the only one who's bad. ”
Grace was furious and asked. I was sorry to hear that I was sleeping here, and I left the marbles with my mother-in-law for one night, but it seemed like I was missing something big because I had prepared so far.
“Of course you don't. ”
Seung-ho took out his cell phone and entered the schedule app. Today, on May 21, it is written, "The first day of the meeting of grace," with the sign of the heart.
“The day we first met? ”
“Yes, I checked. ”
“Didn't we meet for the first time on a quiz show? ”
About the first meeting and the first date, they didn't talk much about each other because of the fantasy about Sungho's ex-girlfriend, Kang Ji-su.
“I went from one-on-one to one-thousand. You went from one-on-one to win. ”
“Yes, but you saw me for the first time, and I saw you for the first time today. ”
When grace tilted its head, Seung-ho continued to talk with a smile.
“I went to the station for a preliminary test because of that quiz show. After the test, the fans rushed to their cars, and suddenly they were swept away by the crowd. ”
Seung-ho was struck by emotion, as I recall at that time.
“I didn't know what was going on, but there was grace, and you said hello to the fans and got in the manager's car. That's when I first saw you. ”
“Oh, really? I didn't know.”
“Yes. And I don't know if it's because I've never seen a celebrity before or because she's so pretty, but I've been searching the bus all along for you. ”
“I think it's the latter rather than the former. Heheh.”
Grace shyly smiled and struck Seungho on the shoulder.
“Let's go. Dinner's ready. ”
Seung-ho graciously entered the dining room right next to the porch. I had various cooking tools, but I didn't intend to use them.
I prepared and set the dishes just in time for their arrival.
It was a gift prepared by Seung-ho to spend some alone time in this secret and great space.
Seung-ho sat at the table and filled the wine cup of grace with an anticipated expression.
“A toast?”
They raise a glass of dark red wine.
“I love you, and thank you. ”
“Thank you for being with me. I love you."
The two drank wine, smashing each other's glasses with a beautiful greeting. Expensive wine smells of rich wine spread in my mouth, and I could feel it in my exhaling nose.
Seung-ho lowers his cup with a happy expression. However, grace didn't seem to put down the cup. She doesn't take the glass out of her mouth as she makes a shot at the wine.
“Drink up? ”
I was worried about Seung-ho, but she was silent.
“Is that a gift?”
Looking closely, the wine in her glass was solidified. Grace froze as if holding up a cup.
At first, I wanted to dream about pinching my cheeks or closing my eyes, but nothing changed.
“Uh, what's going on? ”
Seung-ho, who was embarrassed, got up and touched the body of grace, but he didn't move. I took my phone out to call an ambulance, but it didn't work.
I tried to leave the room and ask for help, but the visit didn't open, and when I looked out the window, Seung-ho was stunned and fixed.
All the cars outside were standing still. The same was true of the neon sign and the sign, as well as of people. It seemed as if time had stopped.
Suddenly, someone walks into the room with an ascension, shouting as if it were an open door.
“Nu, who are you? ”
Seung-ho yells in panic, but his words come back, not an answer, but a smile.
Then a man slowly walked in through an open door.
“Don't be surprised. Do you remember me?"
How could I forget? It is God, the man who has brought frustration to this success.
Seung-ho, who lived a life ruined due to frustration and despair, gave him a pill to have the ability to come to salvation.
Everything Seung-ho has now was enough to think of as his blessing.
For some reason, I saw his face almost 10 years ago, but his appearance was familiar and clear as I saw yesterday.
“I remember. You can't possibly not remember. ”
“I suppose. Yes, you've changed considerably since you first met. ”
“Thanks. I never knew God could stop time, by the way. ”
“You can do this. ”
God snapped his fingers, and the grace of drinking wine disappeared in an instant.
“What is it?”
Seungho stared at God in surprise.
“Hahahaha. You're kidding, don't worry. Let me see your face.”
God snapped his fingers again, and the grace from before reappeared.
Seungho could feel the overwhelming power of God. I was not named God for nothing.
“What's going on? Haven't shown up in almost a decade. ”
God folded his arms with a smile.
“You've got some nerve. I can't believe I just saw what I can do. ”
God nodded and admired.
“A man's got to have that temper. Right? Hahahahaha.”
God smiled and said again.
“I came to see if you were doing well. Even if I gave you a special ability, it's because of my mistake. ”
Then Seung-ho comfortably smiled and said.
“I'm doing very well. Thanks to God, it's a wonderful life. ”
“Don't you regret it? ”
God's expression was very serious. But Seung-ho never thought he was unhappy about God giving him abilities. No, it was a blessing.
“Yes, absolutely. ”
“That's good. In fact, if you have regrets or complaints, you can go back before you get the pill. However, you will forget all your memories of the drug. ”
I was a little tempted by the idea of being able to go back to high school, because going back over a decade is a memory many people dream of.
However, in memory of the victory, the self at that time was a loser who had nothing but "youth." I didn't want to go back.
“No, I want to live like this. for the rest of my life.”
“Well, that's good to know. Then I'll be going back now. ”
“I'm a very busy man. It's a hell of a blow to even care about you. ”
“I see. Thank you. Thank you so much."
“Be well. ”
Seungho blinks once, and God disappears, and you feel the air flow around you again. Soon after, Grace put down the wine cup she drank.
Before he woke up, Seung-ho smiled brightly as if nothing had happened. The fact that time had stopped a moment ago will be known to no one but himself and God forever. He wouldn't believe me if I told him.
“Yeah. Is that okay? ”
Looking at her face, Seung-ho realizes that after a few years of what he said to God, there will be no regrets.
She is adorable, and Seung-ho lives with the word happiness every day. I thought this happiness would last forever.
Seung-ho looked at the beautiful eyes of grace. Grace also smiled lightly and looked at Seung-ho. Not to mention the two of them turned to each other first.
“I love you."
- When God made me. End-
king of Siegfried