Now, the current Snake kingdom is running around restructuring its army and securing weapons.

The weapons were more Dwarves, and many had moved to Snakes territory for alcohol.

In normal nights, dwarfs who drink and make noise work at night and are currently producing it in full rotation.

For what reason?

"Would you like to try a noble brandy? If you get everything you need by the deadline, I'll give you a bottle of brandy for each dwarf involved, separate from the rewards?

It's a killing complaint Patrick used.

Ordinarily impossible quantities were ordered, but the dwarves listened to it and figured it out.

As a result, the aim was to secure weapons, but production of alcohol has slightly decreased in order to secure food.

Fewer alcoholic beverages are conserved with wheat and rice, but the public is deceived by other cheap wines and alcohol.

Especially the dwarf.

The slice of wine is the most famous lyrics of the dwarf.

The former Snakes main building, now the King's Castle of the Kingdom of Snakes, is currently gathering its leaders for a meeting.

"Prime Minister Milco, how's the armament build-up going?

And Patrick asks Milco.

"Ha! Thanks to the hard work of the dwarves and craftsmen, it's about 80% of our current schedule. I thought it would be ready in about a month."

And Prime Minister Milco answers.

Yes, Milco was appointed Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Snakes. The current title is the Marquis.

"All right, you're doing great. General Elvis! How's the National Army doing?

"Ha! Snakes, the Royal Soldiers are fine! We are currently strengthening the training of Marquis Abbott Leaders, Counts Wiley and Van Pelt Leaders of the First Fortress (formerly Western Fortress, Western Army) under the direction of Major General Lismo and Major General Toning. The leader of the other houses was nothing but Earl Connor's leader, so we cut him off as a security force."

and Count Elvis (who named his family Elvis), who was appointed General.

"Well, I can't help it. That's good, Lieutenant General Wiley! How's the fort strengthening going?

"Ha! We are currently setting up a fence connecting the western and northern fortifications, but we will probably not make it in time."

"Well, I guess so. Everything else all right?

"Yes, the hidden fort is almost complete."

"Great! Lieutenant General Van Pelt, what is the status of the second fort north (the new fort that the Mental Kingdom was installing in the mountainous regions)?

"The fence is the same as the west. Everything else is almost done! I am currently training under the leadership of Lord Abbott, with people from the mountainous regions in the back of the defected Northern Army soldiers."

"All right, give up the fence from the north. Help me fence from the west. Major General Kuznut, how are we doing with the fortification of our castle?

Yes! The walls are being repaired and improved, but they are doing well.

Major General Kuznut, commander of the Imperial Castle Guard, replied.

"Major General Ain, what about the Zabin Empire and the Mental Kingdom?

"First, from the mental kingdom. The reorganization of the nobility within the mental kingdom and the recruitment of soldiers are very frustrating. Under the Marquis of Canaan, we are gathering several tribal wizards to form and train the Mental Kingdom Magic Corps. Well, there are three of us, Mr. Decause."

and said Major General Ain (this is also the title of Vicomte, who named Ain his family).

"Oh, you found both of them!

"Yes, they are all found under the same conditions as a fresh 30-year-old man in a country like Dodo, so perhaps it is only at the age of 30 that people's wizarding abilities will be manifested. If we keep that in mind, we may be able to find it, and we are currently investigating it. Snakes Mansion in King Mental is used as the embassy of the Kingdom of Snakes, where wheat and alcohol are exported to the Kingdom of Mental. I met with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Plum at that embassy the other day. We have quickly approved our country and are looking for the signing of a friendship treaty. I would like to make a reciprocal treaty, if possible, but I think it would be a good idea to kick your brother-in-law's hand as a state. And for the Zabin Empire, the chronic food shortages of the past few years and the fighting with the small western countries have reduced both soldiers and national strength. I thought it was time to attack!

"Okay! All right, everybody stay out of this!

When Patrick looked at the faces of those who were there, he said,

Thank you!

And the voice is aligned.

"I'll fly to Plum and shimmer the reciprocal pact and all that great stuff!

Patrick's eyes glowed suspiciously.