Piechanko and Patrick on Picrostear's head.

Move the beginning at an incredible speed.

The ensuing Snake Kingdom squadron desperately drove the horses.

Carriages and infantry have long been abandoned.

Look at that.

"Pie-chan, take your time, keep your strength warm."

That's how Patrick slows Pie-chan down.

Patricks enter the former Fort West of the Mental Kingdom, now Fort 1 of the Snakes Kingdom.

Those unfamiliar with Pee-chan escaped, but it's a trivial matter.

"What's the situation?

Patrick says,

"Enemy Zabin Imperial soldiers suspect our movements, gathering in the grasslands west of the border and reports from Plum's bird tribe."

Lieutenant General Wylie, who was here earlier, will report.

"Have you noticed? Gathering more is troublesome. I'll set it up tomorrow morning!

Patrick, who had a slight wrinkle between his eyebrows, told him so.

"Yes! I will give the soldiers enough food and rest."

Wile answered respectfully.

"Ah, let's meet before dawn."

Thank you!

Thus, the night before the battle, the final preparations were completed and the first fortress fell asleep.

Still in the dark, Snake Kingdom's 1st Fortress and Viper Squad gathered in the courtyard of the fort.

The Viper Snake Squad is an elite unit, joined by former 8th and 2nd troops.

By the way, why are we gathering here?

Can't we attack from the north?

The north is a mountainous area, so it is not suitable for a large troop invasion. And it's about time it snowed.

So we may be attacking with a few troops, but Patrick decided to invade from here.

Ten thousand or so troops are gathering.

Lieutenant General Wylie's lines will have noticed, but the Plum Wesen army is also inside. That number is 3,000.

"Royal Snakes Army, the Plum Beast Army who have come to support us. I will attack the Zabin Empire from now on. I will attack and beat you before you spend anxious days wondering when you will come! I'm sorry to put everyone's lives at risk. Some will die. But if we don't beat the Zabin Empire before it's ready to attack us, our damage will be unimaginable. It is a battle to eliminate the sorrow of reckoning. I will fight with everyone. The Plum Beast armies can help us. Thank you for coming for our country! Oh, Ellio! You're on the front lines! All right, let's go!

That's right, Patrick on top of Pie-chan's head started moving.

Soldiers walked out one after another.

Dragging Ellio from the first fortress, where Ellio's screams echoed.