The hands of Zabin ran towards the sentry tower at once.

Snakes' soldiers, who were guarding the castle, confronted it, but because they were guarding the castle as a whole, they were delayed by the fact that they were made aware of the goal of a separate tower.

The soldiers guarding the tower fought well with a few, but the numbers were too different.

One person and one person scatter indiscriminately.

The Queen Sonaris on the top floor of the Tower and the soldiers of the Snakes who stood as if they were defending it.

And even though there are many soldiers without one arm or one leg, Zabin's soldiers feel uncomfortable.

"You guys, it's time to repay the favors we've received!

A soldier with no right arm said so.

"" Oh!

And the soldiers around me raise their voice.


A soldier without his right arm said so, and another soldier without his left arm held his spear by his side and pushed in.

"You thought you could stop us with that body!

The spear of the Zabin soldier plays the spear of the soldier without his left arm and stabs him in the belly.

"Hah! I didn't think I could win!

Snakes, a one-armed soldier stabbed with a spear, grabbed Zabin's spear with his right hand.

"Now! Shoot him for me!

and shouted.

The voices of the handicapped soldiers of the lower body throw arrows at the bow,


The voice leaked from Zabine's soldier who was surprised.

Zabine soldiers fall through one-armed soldiers under successive flying arrows.

"They're dead soldiers!

The Zabine soldier opened his eyes and shouted,

"The one saved by His Majesty the Snakes. To protect His Majesty's beloved, I will gladly offer this life! Give thanks to His Majesty for hiring us, who lost arms and legs, just like any other soldier! You honored me to die as a soldier!

That's how one of them runs with his spear on.


Zabin soldier throws a spear at a legless archer sitting in his hand whispering his tongue.

The spear was stabbed by an unavoidable archer with incapacitated feet.


There was a call for an archer with a spear.

"Sorry, I'll cum first. Please stay back....."

"Leave it to me!"

The disabled soldiers struggled.

Using the narrow passage well and using his flesh as a shield, Zabine imperial soldiers desperately stopped approaching Queen Sonaris. I managed to defeat some people, but the difference in self is difficult.

Gradually reduce the number of people, and only a few remain.

"Kh, face your majesty like this! Do something about Sona."

When I said that,

A black-wing dragon jumped out of the castle.

"It's the Wing Dragon!"

Zabine's soldiers shouted.

"Poo! Where's the egg?

Sonaris shouts at Poo.


And the poo rang.

But I don't know what the sonaris is talking about. But I could imagine.


And when I hear Sonaris,


And when the short poo turned his gaze towards the Zabine soldier,


And the poo sounded even shorter.

With that noise, Zabin's body was wrapped in black moya and vanished.

The only commander who didn't jump into the moat saw the flying dragon and fled in a hurry, but the vigilante soldier ended his life.

The commander's name is Max van Zabin. He was the second prince of the Empire.

"Thank you all, thanks to you, I'm fine. No matter how much I thank you, the dead won't come back to life....."

Sonaris thanked the soldiers for protecting him.

"I beg your pardon for being rude in returning your words directly. Queen Sonalis, we have only repaid His Majesty the favor of Snakes. Never mind. Usually you can't work properly, and even if you're dead, you can hire us as the Wall Guard, and the salary is exactly the same as the regular soldiers. I didn't think I could live such a blessed life. The dead must have passed with satisfaction. If you could just tell me how great it was, I'd be happy."

The man who tied up the wounded soldier said to Sonaris on his behalf,

"Everyone was great."

And the corresponding sonaris.

"Thank you."

And he that gathereth together his army answereth with one knee, and he that withholdeth behind them boweth himself in every manner that he can.

Even though everyone could not take the same form, the loyalty was well conveyed to Sonaris.

"Congratulations, Poe and others!

Cuckoo nuts shout from the sentry building.

Thank you, Po ~

Sonaris also spoke to Poe.

Poe shook his tail and responded.

Is it your mind that seemed to be laughing slightly?