Come on, then, the Wangdu Snakes family is a mayhem!

His Royal Highness the Princess is coming!

It is a pardon, but it has not yet been announced, and it is at a predetermined stage.

In return for the Third Princess's visit there, instead of the butler, a fuss was made from maids to stables and escorts.

Washed carpets, ran to buy conditioning, planted flowers in a murderous landscaped garden, and when the east house was built, about 10 days before the princess arrived, it was somewhat aristocratic.

So, the day.

Well, surprised.

As in the Daimyo queue with ten Kingsguard Knights and fifty elites from the 1st Army on three royal crested carriages, they showed up in front of the Snakes Mansion. Come on. Oh, my God.

There are wild horse crowds around.

I didn't expect to come in that number of people, the Snakes.

Is it enough for 21 servants?

Servants welcoming princesses alongside Zlari.

Patrick and Deacon waiting at the gate.

The carriage door opens and the saunaris shows itself.

"Welcome to my mansion. His Royal Highness Thonaris."

Patrick greets you.

"Dear Patrick, I didn't hesitate to come."

And a delightful sonaris.

Arrive at the front door through the garden.

The door opens and you get into your eyes.


Though the sonaris I heard beforehand was fine.

There was a scream at the Snakes Mansion.

Samurais and some soldiers who were led to the Snakes family bathroom early.

The soldiers, who couldn't see right in the front door, are lucky inside! You didn't think so or anything?

to the Kingsguard Knights as they freaked out to enter the Mansion and the 1st Army, who immediately reluctantly entered the

"Shall I advise you to retrain?"

And he murmured a word of the devil, and the faces of the soldiers who heard it turned bright blue as they saw.

Meanwhile, His Highness Thonaris says he was in a great mood to stroke the head of a snake or lift his tail.

His Royal Highness, who is quite a prospect, Patrick thought.