What is this demon?

That's my first impression when I walked into the mansion.

The mansion, which was never large, was likeable, but instinctively associated death with the serpent demons seen inside.

What kind of pet is that?

Count Patrick von Snakes.

Until a little over two years ago, he was just a baron's three sons.

It is common to join the Royal Army.

My son joined the Royal Army.

That's me. I'm a lieutenant colonel now.

In two years, the lieutenant colonel and others will be born at a terrible speed.

Even my son's captain said he was born of speed.

They say it's a king's favorite or a parent-killer, but the man in front of you is an ordinary man who seems to be everywhere. Although my presence is a little thin.

Even territorial management hears that it is a good economy, with the sale of new liquor and the development of play.

Sure, the whiskey I drank at the party was good.

It's good to be able to adjust the intensity yourself. When you want to get drunk slowly, you just have to enjoy the thinner.

The idea of dividing alcohol with water is new!

They also sold new condiments, which were also used in today's dishes.

It's a flavor I've never had before, but it's not unpleasant. No, it's delicious.

The Rigsby family was certainly a wind front light, but in the kingdom it was also an ancient house of ginseng. The house was lost due to the last of our lords' mishaps, but the blood remained.

The Snakes. A house that inherits the blood of the Rigsby family, who were brilliant.

His Majesty's thinking about it, too, and this is the engagement. I have to say that the arm that draws such a brilliant man to the royal side with one daughter is the boulder royal.

I want to praise my son for being friends with that man.

Well, my son left for his son-in-law at the Simon family.

This flow, I am convinced, is a good one for my Kimble family.

I just don't know about that snake.