Parents of one carriage artisan are sweating cold in front of the nobility who came to order.

The infamous Earl of Snakes.

Rumor has it that whoever doesn't like it will be noble, but civilian, but extremely evil aristocrats, who will feed on the demons of the giant serpents they serve.

That's what's right in front of you.

My back is covered in sweat. He's sitting in a chair, so he hasn't found out about the tremor in his leg! And I want to think!

(How dare the aristocrats come to us!

And I scream in my heart, but there's no reason to drive back the aristocracy that's come.

Besides, I've ordered a carriage for the carriage of the infamous extreme evil demons.

Carriage dedicated to cannibal snakes ⁉ ●

If I make something like that, my shop won't be treated badly either. ⁉

But I don't want to be eaten by snakes against each other.

I received a request reluctantly.

A rancher ran a horse ranch.

As much as they are allowed to offer horses to the royal family on a pasture of origin.

Beautiful horses, fast horses, everything.

but today's customers,

"Three powerful horses!

I've said.

Of course there are strong horses.

Horses that are more powerful than speed are preferred because they put their luggage on a glass of eye, such as a merchant's carriage.

But it was the nobility who made this order.

A nobleman usually orders a beautiful horse or a fast one.

A stunning horse suits you to pull a luxurious carriage.

Fast horses are advantageous in times of war.

"Are you a powerful horse? Doesn't it matter what you look like?

The rancher asked for confirmation.

"Oh, because I put heavy baggage on a huge carriage. Better get along with the three heads if you can. It's a triceps."

For now, I am a rumored aristocrat, so I sold three horses that are large horses on the ranch with no speed but only power.

The size is about twice the size of a normal horse.

"I'd appreciate it if you could help me."

I received the money and bowed my head.

Huge pitch-black carriage.

There is no luxurious decoration.

However, it depicts a family crest that is a red color.

The family crest of the infamous Count Snakes family.

entangled in a dagger, two snakes.

Pulling that carriage is a giant horse.

Three black horses.

The old man is a newly hired dwarf.

A carriage with a royal family crest pinches the front and rear of the carriage and is guarded by a Kingsguard knight on a horse.

The carriage is headed to the woods outside the King's Capital.

Patrick and Sonaris ride inside.

Plus their own entourage and samurai.



It's a picnic that combines Pi's meals.

Patrick and Sonaris, who also strain Pi's body.

It is a relaxing mood.

On the contrary, their faces are bright blue.

In the same carriage as a cannibal snake.

A normal person is a stun.

In the woods, Pi sweeps away the demons, and Patrick prepares for the BBQ.

"It's a man's hand cooking, do you mind?"

I said, but I said I wanted to eat a sonaris, so I bake the meat I stabbed on the iron skewer with charcoal (more expensive than firewood, less smoke, and more firepower).

The seasoning is with soy sauce.

The smell of soy sauce broth is excellent.

Drinking light whiskey, Patrick cheeks the roasted meat out of the skewers, eating beautifully the meat the samurai took apart while Thonaris drank the grapewater.

People around me are eating moderately too.

Because the monster to be wary of is after Pi has been exterminated.

I don't drink on boulders though.

The first outdoor date was such a great success.