Patrick reaches before Admiral Simon by dragging cheats and decourse.

"Congratulations, Marquis Simon!

Keep your head down and congratulate. I usually call it the Admiral, but that's in the military, and the wedding is "me," so the Marquis and Patrick called it.

"Oh! Thanks Snakes Borderline Uncle. By the way, who's the guy holding that arm?

There will be no such thing as a congratulator with Decause's arm grabbed. It's natural to be concerned.

"Yes, my cousin, the eldest son of the Viscount Canaan family, Decause Canaan."

"Oh! Lord Trolla's son! You think he was a Kingsguard until just a few years ago? So, why are you holding my arm?

"Because if I don't grab it, I'll run away. My lord, I have a little favor to ask you."

"Hmm? If it's Uncle Borderline's favor, I'll do good, but what's that wish?

"Yes, this decourse, I'm 29 years old, single, and I don't have a fiancée, but a distracted woman showed up in this venue today, something I wouldn't hesitate to speak to, and I thought I'd mediate."

"Hmm, if you're Uncle Borderline's cousin, Lord Trolla's son, I'll set up a matchmaking seat for anyone anywhere!

(All right, I took the word!)

And Patrick, who laughs inside.

"So, which woman?

Marquis Simon doesn't even think she's her own daughter.

"Yes, my lord five women, Lady Clarice."


The loud voice of the Marquis Simon sounded.

(Oh, will it piss you off? because he's famous because he adores his daughter as a cat) and Patrick put up a little,

"My daughter, she loved Clarice! Heaven is clear! Many people's men hate Dwarf women furiously, but it is Dwarf women who are gentle and patient! I like it, Lord Decause! My daughter doesn't shave, does she? Still good?

And, when asked Decause, Decause said,

"Of course, my lord! I fell in love, including my mustache!

And Decause answered aloud.

That's loud enough to echo the whole venue already.

Naturally, the voice had also reached Miss Clarice's ear.

Miss Clarice, whose face stains bright red.

I've never been favored by a man before. No, it comes from a Dwarf man, but Miss Clarice's preference was that of a man of the people. That's a taller man than me, too. Miss Clarice, a half with Dwarves and people, is taller than a normal Dwarf woman. No, he's taller than a Dwarf man.

"Clarice! Come here!

Marquis Simon calls out loud.

With embarrassment and joy, when Miss Clarice arrived on a slight run, Patrick gently fisted Decause's flank,

"Brother Decause, it's a big battle for a generation! His Excellency the Marquis Simon seems to be on board, and all you have to do is sign up for him! Look me in the eye and tell me what you think!

And I whisper in my ear.

"Oh, uh... my name is Decause Canaan! I was distraught to see you -!

Decause staring straight and screaming

Patrick was smiling as he watched Decause.