Out of the training ground, Patrick heads to the carriage workshop to order one large carriage.

The color is ice blue.

The Snakes had two large black carriages, but now that they've evolved from Wyburn to Winged Dragon, it's the size of a body that feels like one for every carriage.

So this time, Pi is not back in Wang Du.

They should even be warming the eggs in the Snakes mansion.

And Patrick heads north. The goal is the mountainous region of the Abbott Border Borderland.

It is an area where Patrick's notoriety is echoed.

"Welcome, Snakes Borderline Uncle! Helpful!"

That's what Ryan Abbott said and welcomed.

"How does soldier training feel?

And when Patrick asks,

"Bow and spear training is the main thing, but you can't control it."

and Ryan with a troubled face.

"What's the organization?

"We are sending mountain people into existing units without diffusion to train each unit, but there are many who are rebellious"

"Did you let the mountain people sprinkle? You can't do that. Isolated and unfaithful, right? We need to put it somewhat together and put it in the force, and let it compete in it."

"When they disobey in their ranks, it's tight."

"That's licked. Well, I was wondering if you could muster your spare troops. I'll work out at home. 'Cause I'm bringing in people to do that."

"Um, I'll leave it to you for now. I have to look at the fortifications."

"And tell me about the rebellious places in the tribal settlements. 'Cause I'm gonna get shimmy."

"I'd like to ask you in a direction that won't kill me, if possible."

"I guess that depends on the other way out"

"I have trouble getting raped after your Excellency leaves."

"You just have to make sure you don't have the nerve to go wild."

"Uh, really... huh?

♦ ︎ ♢♦ ︎ ♢

Patrick stands in front of a buoyant force.

There it is.

"Because of him, my village..."

"We often get a face in front of us. to the habit of killing the chief in a cowardly way. Make it look like an accident during training..."

"Just look at that face, my hands tremble."

"I don't like it - it kills me"

And so on and so forth, but ignoring it, training begins.

Eight armies and the Snakes were scattered at the training station, and Hell's Running began. And of course, the Abbott Frontier Army.

Patrick takes the lead, but Tonning takes the tail.

Along the way, some mountain people came running at full speed to the back of Patrick, but when Patrick got up to speed, he was pulled away without even being able to take a whiff of him.

At the end of the run, the training begins with a blade crushed spear, but the mountain folks, wishing to match Patrick only here, are rarely struck with a blade crushed spear and rolled to the ground.

"I thought you guys could do something about me a lot with that amount of arm..."

I can't even argue with the words of Patrick, the leaning mountain folk.

However, the North Army was rolling to the ground as well, so I guess that doesn't mean the mountain people are weak.

Soldiers trained by Patrick for about two days.

The achievement had the effect of giving a little confidence to the mountain people who had only physical strength and eliminating prejudice to the leading forces who were looking down on the mountain people somewhere.

However, it goes without saying that Patrick was feared from both, and after Patrick left, Tonning was called a ghost instructor, but it wouldn't be a big deal.