
And then she leaked out loud and jumped a little, and then prevented her from falling forward with her arms, turning her face to the voice of Queen Alicia III,

I'm Snakes. I'm here to help.

And Patrick told me again.

"Think about it! I thought I was gonna jump my heart out of my mouth!

And to the yelling Third Queen of Alicia,

"Queen Alicia, your voice is huge! People are coming! And the characters have changed!

And watch out, Patrick.

"That's going to be huge, and the characters are going to collapse! Not at all! How do we get out of here? You can do it alone, but you can't fight with me, can you?

And the Third Queen of Alicia, who returned the character from the way.

"It's easy. There are windows here too."

Patrick said that when he opened the window,

"Phew! Right here!

And shout out loud.

Hearing the cry of the Third Queen of Alicia and that of Patrick Poo, the housekeeper came down to the window at a fierce speed before he reached the room where he was under house arrest.

"Pu, put Queen Alicia on board and wait in the air. Okay?"


All right, all right, good boy.

That said, Patrick threw away the third queen of Alicia, who was afraid of Poo's back, forcing her to hold the princess.


And the third queen of Alicia, who was moved in the air with a loud voice from the queen, slightly settled in the basket behind the saddle on Poo's back.

And after Poo lifted up the Third Queen of Alicia, the soldiers and the Baron Curials arrived in the room.

"No, why are you here! Snakes!"

And the Curial baron shouted in surprise.

"Uncle Frontier is out, Curial! Baron style! Helping the rebellion is not Alicia's Third Queen's house arrest. This sin has been delegated to you by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and this Snake will defeat you!

And for some reason, Patrick said with a chimeric face.

Of course, Prince William has not delegated any of his powers.

I just wanted to say it.

However, the skill of the Baron Curials' soldiers was not much, and in the narrow mansion, they could only charge a few people at a time, and it was no longer the task of Patrick to cut it down in turn.

After slashing and killing everything that came toward him, the Curiarch ran away with his back turned, but a dagger released from Patrick's hand was stabbed behind the neck of the Curiarch and shouted.

"Well, should I take my neck home? Oh, what about the family?

Patrick thinks for a moment.

Let's find out.

That's how I started moving.