After my mental tone with Alicia expires, I go down to the first floor and knock on the Japanese-style door in the guest room.

"Dad, are you okay now?

"…… Alice. Oh, you can come in."

Pull the door to the side and enter the room.

The eight-poster Japanese-style room had a smaller shabu table set in the center, and his father sat down towards the laptop placed there.

I entered the room and first felt the smell of incense.

"…… Are you raising the incense line?

The Buddha's temple there belongs to me - like a few people on the moon, naturally the contents of which are not good.

"Nn? Oh, this. If you don't burn incense in moderation, it will seem unnatural."

"That's right. I thought you were mourning me as a man... because the first period came and I became a woman."

Exhale with sigh.

"That's unusual, I can't believe you overflow stupidity about your body... you know, okay?

"Oh, because Alicia is out of sync now and resting first. So, I need to talk to you for a second, okay?

"Oh, come on... just hang in there."

That said, Dad closes his laptop and takes his seat and leaves the room. Looks like he went to pick something up, and there's a noise coming from the living room.

It was the beer and knob dinner set that my father brought back on the basin.

"You made me wait. Well, just hang out with the shape."

Saying so and handing it to me was a canned beer-style non-alcoholic beverage.

"I don't like bitterness………"

When I was a few, I had had a few beer-style drinks out of curiosity, but honestly I didn't think they were delicious.

... Well, I can't even drink it.

I make a pussy noise and open the pull tab.


Pairing the can in my hand with my father, I heard a blunt noise with Dum. By the way, what my father has is a genuine can of beer.

I keep my mouth shut on the can in my hand.

"To, bitterness..."

When I swallowed what was in my mouth, I looked at it unexpectedly. The way it feels bitter is tighter than when it was a few bodies.

On the other hand, when Dad stirred up the can and drank it, he exhaled at once to his satisfaction.

"Huh, this one's the best!

"…… I wonder why you think such a bitter thing tastes so good"

... How the hell would Alicia react?

Imagine Alicia's face with a sinister face and her cheeks loosen slightly.

I take the nut pack out of my knob sachet and pick it up.

It was neat and pleasant to pour beer into my mouth where salt made my mouth spicy, but I still don't get used to the bitterness that lingers later.

My father seemed to enjoy watching me with one hand of beer.

"... you have no choice, because this body doesn't seem to be as bitter as it was when a few people. Dad, can I talk to you for a second?


It kind of embarrasses me, and I get to the point of deception.

"I'm anxious... I've always been a man, and even when I became Alicia's body, I thought I was still me"

I talk while I drop my gaze on my own hand with a can. My hand now so small and luxurious that the can looks big.

"But at some point, the way I felt and my preferences were different from those of a few people, and then when I thought I was going to be no longer me, I got scared..."

My father stirred up a beer and opened his mouth thinking only a little.

"You were a boy in high school last year, and you changed a lot just before you came back from another world, didn't you?

"Right…… I think it has changed a lot."

The harsh experience of a year had a great impact on my personality.

"Then do you think both of you are yourself?

Dad hears strange things.

"I'm pretty sure I'm both on my own. Because I remember myself how I changed."

"Then isn't that what you're saying?

"……… Huh?

"No matter how much you change, it doesn't change how much you are who you are."

"... but now I'm changing from the inside of my body. Before I know it, my mind may be transformed into my body, and I may change my mind."

"That would have happened when I was a man, wouldn't it? When sperm is made, the mind asks for a woman to match her body's desires. Even men are ruled by the groin. It just turned into a womb."

"... but then I might like a man. A man might hold you and have a baby, huh?

"It was a man. I know how you feel about him. But it's up to you in the future to choose it. Besides, not all women like men. Nothing. I don't care if you like women the way you've always been, okay?

"… but then, neither my father nor my mother will see my grandson's face"

"Parents are the happiest thing about their children. Parents know the joy of raising their children, so they want to recommend it, and sometimes they want to see their grandchildren. But it's only when you're happy, too. It's your life, you should do what you want."


All I have to do is do what I want.

My father's words made me feel like the heavy stone in my heart had come off.

"... So, honestly, what about a woman's body? Have you enjoyed yourself yet?

He suddenly changes his attitude and his father asks.

You're a sexually harassing father.

"……… Good for you."

I give it back as a bluff.

"Right, right. It's also a hard experience to get inside that you can do whatever you want with your favorite daughter's body..."

Speaking of which, this is what I originally looked like as a father to my son.

After she returned from the other world, Alicia was there, so she was reluctant.

"Right now I can even get all I want in women's water. You're jealous, aren't you?"

"That's good... Speaking of which, when I go to the hot spring with my family right now, is one of me a man?"

"You can join me if you want in the family bath. Well, Yuna won't like it............"

"Seriously. Let's go on a family trip to the hot springs next time."

"It's been a long time since I've flushed your back."

"I'm looking forward to it."

Then silence comes for a while. Each other sips beer silently and mouths knobs.

It's not awkward, it's because we're family.

"One day, that bitter beer might seem delicious too. That's how people change."

Father says.

I took a sip of the beer-style beverage in the can - it just seemed bitter after all.

What a day to make this taste good?

"Whatever it is, it doesn't change the fact that you are my son... even now that my body is a woman."

When Dad tilted the beer wide and drank it to the end, he said with a serious look, placing the empty can on his shabby table.

"So remember. I dream of drinking real booze with my son... go out with me when you can. This is a man's promise."

Dad put his gripping right hand at me.

"Yeah, I promise."

I hit my right hand.

"Father…… thank you"

I don't know what's going to happen next.

But... whether it's a man or a woman, I'm me. He is the child of his father and mother, Yuna's brothers and sisters, several and Alice.

Myself is in the stacks of my life so far.

So I'm... I'm fine.