When I was young, I thought I would marry my brother.

Because I loved you more than anyone, and you knew that you liked me.

"Yona really loves your brother."

"When I grow up, I'm going to marry your brother!

Yes, even when I proclaimed it in front of my family, my mom and dad only received it as a smile.

But as I grew older, I learned that my sister couldn't marry my brother. So, since then, I've been dealing with my brother as a normal sister.

... I thought such a relationship would last forever.

I won't forget, that was when I was in second grade.

That day was Sunday and the whole family was out, and I walked into your brother's room to rent comics.

As I was searching for comics on the bookshelf, I noticed an unnaturally outgoing line at the end, and I wondered and took it somewhat in my hand.

The book was just a reference book, and it looked like another book was arranged behind it. When I took out the book out of curiosity, I saw a cover with a big breasted girl with a naked, fancy look on her face. That was an eclectic comic strip for adults.

I sit in your brother's bed every now and then and roll the page.

It was the so-called comic strip of my sister's things.

When I checked later, this book was the only eclectic book in line, and the title of this book had nothing to do with my sister in particular, so my brother seemed to have bought it without knowing it.

But I didn't know that at the time.

The comic book heroine is alone in his brother's room, found by his brother, and extends straight to having sex with his brother. And it was about the two of us falling in agony with our relationship as brothers and sisters.

I panic and lose my mind over the content of the first eclectic comic strip I've ever read in my life and the fact that your brother had this.

And I'm worried about the trash.

The heroine in the comic book was alone, smelling the tissue his brother used when masturbating.

It's Sunday, so my mom hasn't collected any trash, and the trash in the trash can is intact.

I extend my hand to the dreaded trash can... without knowing what I'm doing myself.

There was a stacked, round tissue in there, the same as the comic strip... I picked it with two fingers and put it up in front of me.

Closer to my nose, I look at the smell of the smell.

Weird smell......

But this was the smell of sperm.

Since when, the cause of the strange smell that started drifting into your brother's room was found then.

It stinks raw and never smells good.

But when I realized it, I smelled it many times. As if the comic book heroine had done so.

The tissue is still damp and the result is liquid sticking to the fingers and nose and getting dirty. But there was no disgust.

There's a loose yogurt-like stiffness inside the tissue, and I take it with my fingers.

... What am I doing?

Me and your brother are friendly, normal brothers and sisters.

But what would I do if my brother came to me like this comic book?

If your brother tells you he wants to get laid with me...

From stories with magazines and friends, I had knowledge of the hand.

But to be honest, I haven't been pinned before. I never had a boy I liked, and I couldn't imagine someone holding me.

I tried it a few times, but I stopped feeling better at all.

But now I feel like I know that.

When swollen, curiosity brings a head.

You can't do that in your room. What are you gonna do when your brother gets back? Says the angel in me.

It's not convenient when you come back. Like a comic book, you could get attacked by an excited brother, right? The devil in me whispers "Saya".

... What would happen to us if that really happened?

Will your brother attack me?

Then we can't go back to our normal siblings. I'm sure our parents won't approve of our relationship. The family will collapse, and we will lose our place in the world, and we will all be unhappy.

I don't like that. If that happens, it will never work. But...

…… how pleasant is that?

And while thinking about my brother, for the first time in my life, I had a sexual peak.

The wave of pleasure gradually pulled away to restore calm and fatigue pushed more and more towards the body.

... No.

If I keep letting myself be fatigued like this, I fall asleep.

If your brother sees you like this, you're absolutely desperate.

In the comics, he came at me excitedly, but my actual brother didn't see me as a heterosexual.

When your brother sees me like this, he despises me.

You may even lose your sibling relationship because you are rejected as a pervert who craves your brother.

I got scared when I thought about it.

I rush to erase the traces I left behind.

Then for a few days, I watched your brother in fright, but he never noticed what I had done.

And then I lived my life the way I usually do.

From time to time I borrowed the stuff in your brother's trash can and started flirting with one in my room...

Still, she was wearing the skin of her normal sister so that no one would ever understand the emotions that had sprouted in her.

The next year, when I was in third grade, your brother would go missing on a school trip.

It was even more the following year that your brother, who was missing, returned as a girl.

One day, about a year after your brother went missing on a school trip.

Your brother snuck home, becoming the body of a girl named Alicia.

It seems to have helped Alicia's magic to give up her body where she was dying in another world. And I'm talking about Alicia's own soul remaining in her body, sharing her senses.

It's an incredible event of everything, but I just have to believe it because this was the reality that happened to your brother.

Then a lot happened, and your brother became my sister-in-law, Alice.

Your brother who became Alice is a little unusual and cute. Yet Alice, who has always been a boy, is so dangerous that she can be harassed by watching.

So I vowed to be your sister and protect Alice.

My thoughts about my missing brother are turned into memories as they are. I had no choice, and I thought that was all right.

But it's funny how Alice got laid in the hands of my sister Emerald.

In order to relieve Alicia's mental instability, for some reason, I was supposed to flirt with Alice.

At that time, Alicia, who was aware of my feelings, would urge me to confess my feelings for my brother, whom I had kept secret.

Your brother accepted me without turning me down.

- And to this day.

"…… so, brother. Please hold me."

I offered my brother a more disloyal favor. To the point of saying it yourself and freaking out.

I'm going to get laid with my brother.

Even so, because your brother is Alice, he doesn't have a penis, so I can't dedicate my virgin "First Time."

... On the contrary, I think that's a good idea. If I had really given it all to your brother, maybe if he'd gone to a point where he couldn't go back.

Then I'll have to live with the world pointing my back finger at me. Mom and Dad will be sad, too.

Maybe your brother accepted me because women can't be lethal to each other.

That was with me.

Your brother's face is approaching and I feel soft on my lips. Unlike the deep kiss I just gave you, the mouthpiece that tells you the start of just touching it.

And then you put your hand on the bath towel that's wrapping my body... and your brother's nervous and he's beeping.

You should be so tired of watching me naked...... still glad to know that you are properly aware of me as a girl.

Following, when the front of the bath towel is opened, I am exposed to my brother as I was born.

"Yuna, it's beautiful...... Mr. Ikto, please say something too"

"Oh, oh... it's beautiful, Yuna"

Your brother, who is urged by Alicia to say that, is a little pitiful.

I don't have a choice, but your brother's body has Alicia with him, so he kind of seems to accompany his parents, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

"Take off your brother, too. I don't want to be naked."


"Oh, I still want me to take it off...... about today, right?

Usually when I take a bath, when I try to take Alice off, I don't like to take it off myself.

But I want to take it off today!

"…… I have no choice."

Says your brother in a bitter mix of laughter. I will gladly and courageously take off my clothes behind my brother.

"Brother, why don't you -?

Pull the piece up from the hem and pull it out of the arms you let it lift. None, but your brother turned into a camisole. That's like playing with a dressing doll and my heart dances.

I put my hands on your brother's little shoulders, crawled my fingers and threw them through Cami's shoulder straps and dropped them. Camisole made a buckwheat sound and fell.

What emerged from under it was a bra with a pink lace that was familiar to me. Unexpectedly peek over the shoulder to confirm.

"Brother, you're wearing battle underwear. That's the one I picked for you, right?

When I point that out, my brother, dressed until then but still dressed, hurriedly bends forward and crosses his arms in front of his chest to hide his bra.

"Holy crap, this is…… the……………………"

"I'm glad, your brother was properly aware of you. When I was your brother, I thought I was the only one who was aware of it because it was my usual room wear."

"… well, consciousness too. 'Cause this is what I do with a cute little girl like Yuna."

I couldn't stop my face from burning because I was happy.

"Eh heh, I'm glad. I can't believe your brother sees me as a girl... I love it"

"Oh, me too... I like you, Yuna"

There's a slight deviation in our likes from each other, but I don't want any more.

"of, because I take the rest off myself............!

My brother made me feel ashamed of my words and pushed me down into bed.

I lay quietly in bed waiting for my brother to get ready. The mood is completely carp on the slab.

"... Again"

My brother-in-law didn't hesitate to overshadow me. There is no pressure. Your brother's body belonged to Alicia, and his original brother was much smaller than his ex and much smaller than mine.

Your brother's skin is clear and white, and it's as interesting as a piece of art when paired with silver hair. Both the girly little chest and the tip of the small cherry chest were treacherously beautiful.

- And I was made to feel better by my brother and Alicia, and for the first time I was made to feel better by a hand other than myself.

Fluffy, somewhere in the universe.

My whole body is wrapped up in such a happy sensation that what was missing was filled.

Disturbed breathing gradually heals, and reason returns with it.

"…… Yuna, are you okay?

My brother in his blurred vision looked down at me worryingly.

He seems to be worried about how I was doing in bed after the act ended.

"Okay… thank you, brother."

I was going to thank you for worrying about me, but I think your brother mistook it as a thank you for the deed, so I dyed my face and got all over it.

"... well, that... was awesome, cute. I can't keep my emotions down because I want to screw up Yuna... and I'm worried that I've done too much..."

I would be happy to see my brother like that.

"You're excited for me. Glad to hear it, brother."

... If this is how it is, even when your brother was a man, he could have dropped it if he was serious.

Keeping me conscious as a woman, and then being tied together because you and I can travel for just one night, and then it drifts - this was my sister Emerald's M.O.

... but even if your brother can fall in love, the problem is after that.

My thoughts make everyone in my precious family unhappy. In that regard, how much envy did you envy Emerald Sister, who had nothing wrong with being tied together?

"You regret it? I don't know, it looks spicy..."

Your brother says such a misunderstanding.

"There can't be any regrets. I'm delighted, I..."

Even if that was a deceptive act.

"Mr. Ikto, when this is the case, you hold him in silence."

"Huh... whoa..."

Alicia is more considerate and gentle.

When I woke up, your brother tried to turn his hands around me.

Two "..." people "..." become loving, and I lead them to my chest and hug them.

The little girl's body will fit perfectly in my arm. My arm spins on my back, but it's more like a situation where I'm right to say I'm sticking around rather than hugging you back.

"Uh, it's like they're hugging me... and my chest..."

Your brother's head is taken by trying to pinch it with his chest. The exhalation on the chest is ticklish.

'I'm disappointed in Mr. Ikto. You can stretch it under your nose, so shut up for a while.'

With a slight bitter smile at what not much Alicia has to say, I hug your brother as it is according to that favor.

Alicia is a really carefree and good girl.

"Think of me as something other than Mr. Ikto. If you think it's a migratitol bird... '

That's what Alicia said the day we first met.

But as we spent every day together, I started to think of Alicia as a little bit of a natural, well-made sister.

So I want to help her somehow.

If you can transfer your soul to another body, your brother and Alicia will be happy.

However, there was no reason for the public to know that magic existed, and there were only a limited number of means at their disposal. I looked it up online and all it comes out with is an occult frigid homepage, and I tried to inquire a few times and didn't get a busy response back.

My sister Emerald seems to have a shrine relationship with me, but she doesn't have any information so far either.

My parents won't put it in my mouth either, but they should be doing a lot of work for me.

… but I can't help it.

Now it would be a prerequisite to get rid of Alicia's anxiety.

"… Now, then, it's your turn."

The small body you hug tenses strong.

"Speaking of which, is that the story..."

"… Yuna, please"

In the first place, the original purpose was to make you feel better together.

Forced to comfort by her emerald sister, Alicia seems to feel guilty for giving herself up to someone other than her brother.

I think it's all your brother's fault.

For the most part, it was your brother who jumped warlessly into the nest of spiders, where he was ready to wait. It's like saying you can like this.

... Well, aside from how that happened, your brother is with you, so I think Alicia feels better with your brother, too.

To make sure of that, I'm going to have an affair with my sisters.

"Because it's for my pretty sisters. Your sister's gonna take her skin off."

I declare that to Alice and Alicia's two sisters.

... Although I have just been stripped off and completely naked, so I have nothing left to take off.

Now it's my turn to make you feel better.