"Dear Azsa, compete with me"

Lycra is not kidding, she has a serious personality. So I knew right away that I was serious about that, too.

Whatever, the expression is serious.

"Can I ask you why first?

I can't say anything about not knowing that.

"I have worked hard under Master Azsa as a disciple to hone myself. Now is the time to see what we have achieved by fighting Azsa."

Hard-work encouragement is a bit of a heavy expression. I've lived easier.

"I know what you've been trying to do, because I've been watching. But isn't that kind of effort a year or two, and that's what makes sense while you're doing it for a hundred or two years?

Anyway, I don't know how to grow fast in a short period of time myself.

"Yes, I don't think we're growing rapidly. I don't even think I can win. He just wants to try and fight. Instead, I want to defeat it clearly with that. Because we can only move forward from defeat."

That sounds like Lycra. If I seem to think this far, I'll have to respond to that.

"Yes, sir. Instead, I don't know if I'm hurt. It's like a type of battle that doesn't make sense anymore."


I know how temperamental that voice is.

"So, Flattorte, continue with the judgment"

"Oh, I see... But what do you mean, you don't even have to judge me? Because your husband's strength is already real."

Maybe that's true. Because I'm not willing to lose a millimeter myself. I think it's an extra victory.

"If it's not a formal game, you're being rude to Lycra. I want the referees to declare their wins and losses properly."

"I see!

They also understood Flattorte's intentions.

Also, voices rise from the surrounding audience.

But I quieted down again soon. They're all concerned about seeing the battle through.

So much for me and Lycra.

Lycra's figure will belong to the fine body red dragon.

Yeah, it brought back memories from that time when I was the first to challenge the battle.

If you think about it now, thank you for challenging me to battle.

If I hadn't met Lycra, I might not have even thought about having a family like I do now. It was annoying itself when it came, and the house was a little destroyed, and it was a lot of trouble - but I still got a lot of happiness in return.

Happiness comes from an unexpected place, doesn't it?

So life is funny.

"I'll do everything I can."

"It would be obvious. I'd be pissed off if I served this far and got out of my hands."

After Flattorte alternately looked at me and Lycra's face, he said, "Ha, here we go!" I shook my hand down.

First, Lycra flies up into the sky.

Then, I stick my face out, and I stick it directly under me.

I see. You mean, let's slap him in the face? There's nothing I can do about spitting flames and doing something as long as an attack.

Lycra's hand moves faintly. Is that an operation to blow my body off with that hand? If you decide, it will be flown far away.

So I will do everything in my power without engaging in that attack.

Spread your hands out and grab them from a position that is like even a hug, with your hands closed.

Quite the shock went in, but I could stop it properly.

The impact came in, which means the first damage came today. Yeah, not bad, not bad.

I'm in battle, so Lycra doesn't talk about anything either. I'm not even distracted yet.

Yeah, motivation comes through. What's missing is as powerful as it gets. I hope you grow under me there again.

"Well, here's the counterattack."

I repeat kicks and punches on Lycra's torso.

It's a monotonous attack, but every shot is so powerful that it definitely cuts Lycra's health.

And at the end of the day, empty the sky.

Kick it up like a soccer ball.

This isn't flying, it's getting kicked up in the sky.

After a fairly long lag time, Lycra crashed around the mountain a little further from the settlement looking like a dragon. Doshin and vibration came all the way around here.

A blurring occurs from the audience as soon as possible.

I glanced at Flattorte better.

"Judge, what's the outcome?

"Ah... uh, Lycra, Lycra? Can you still stand?

The characteristic voice of a wild dragon called "Can't Stand Up" echoed from afar.

Soon Flattorte came to me and said, "Winner, it's your husband!," he raised his hand.

After that, I was finally freed from the power comparison. But I was hit by a questioning attack from the Blue Dragon, so I wasn't really released in that sense...... In a way, this one might be tougher.

But in the meantime, Flattorte seemed to have had some time without family water, so let's just say okay there. But Flattorte's been alive for three hundred years. She should have lived longer than I could afford, but my daughter is my daughter no matter how old she is.

Lycra, on the other hand, was looking down a bit.

"Hey, Lycra, why are you depressed?"

Lycra turned red as illuminated when she glanced at her face from the bottom into a gap where the Blue Dragon question attack was a paragraph.

"I'm not depressed! However, I asked Azsa to do something terrible and now I'm embarrassed..."

I see. You mean it's hard to look at each other.

I have both hands on Lycra's cheeks.

"Hih, ha-ha!

Lycra is stuck and can't talk well. I'm just looking a little weird.

"That's when Lycra made a firm decision, so there's no reason to be shy. Live with your breasts stretched."

"Wah, wah hima hi..."

I'll let Lycra go if I can figure it out.

"It's been a while since you came to me, but aren't you getting stronger? I felt like I was in the mood."

I need to give my apprentice a proper follow-up.

Then, Lycra's face became brighter all the time.

"Thank you! We will continue to refine!

It must have been unexpected for Lycra to follow this journey, but there was something to gain there as well.

After all, I don't know what life is, and that's why it's funny.

Blue Dragon settlement journey, there was quite a harvest.