Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree

Episode XII: Calc the Candy Seller

A doctor applied through the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce as soon as the recruiting ad was placed in Yoinsley.

Not surprisingly, I asked the local Yoinsley-based Komatsu Chamber of Commerce to advertise instead of an advertising agency, but the time to apply is fast.

"A letter from the Komatsu Chamber of Commerce confirms his identity. Looks like a current-doctor visiting a village around Joynesley."

Richay tells me as he gives the letter.

Looking at the letter, it appears that the doctor in question had put together his skills, knowledge, and cases while he was a flow doctor and regularly issued reports to the fictitious library in Yoinsley.

Over five hundred years old, he said a recruitment ad for Tacax Village caught his eye at the arrow tip that it was time to settle in one place.

"Is his name Calc, or what? If you were going around the surrounding villages, you'd have plenty of experience, and let them come."

"Okay. I'll write you back. So, this is about the festival in Cateo Town."

"Is a grilled chicken going to be a thing?

Richay shakes his head to the side.

Stick it through with a skewer of world trees, put it to sleep and cook with sauce made of increased spiciness, tomato, salt and bird oil. Easy yakitori, to put it into words, is also quite difficult when trying to get a decent thing out.

"They're going to shatter. He said it was difficult to cook or subtract. Especially the lever."

"Right. Make dumplings."

"Gyoza is the dish that wraps the utensils in the skin made of tomato that Amane made for me? What about street food?"

"I guess it's a little hard to eat"

I think it would be fine if you had a bench and sat down.

"I think there are more dumplings that can be mixed with other ingredients than the limited number of lamb birds themselves."

"What the town of Kateo is looking for will be dishes with rum birds. Even if you can't get a count of them, you'd better get a taste of the rum birds themselves. Anyway, it's not a good idea to mix other ingredients if you want more songs with eggs."

"Then let's switch to egg rolls. Stir meat and vegetables, wrapped in egg rolls. This is easy enough to make, and if you stab about two skewers for grilled chicken, it will be a snack that you can eat without getting your hands dirty."

"I wonder if you could make it once. We'll have to get the stall crew."

"I'm tempted to announce a change of policy where you're working on the grilled chicken."

"We have to make sure those kids don't get depressed."

Talking to me, the office door opens and Melmie comes in.

"Salary End. I also divided the vegetables into shared warehouses and inns."

"Good day. What about Teten smoked?

"I'm working with a spider right now."

Shut up. It's a hanging word that only a former Japanese can understand.

Melmie comes water from the kitchen into the cup and sits on the couch.

"It's already tough. The kids are running around, too - not yet in the orphanage for the winter!

"Save it for the afternoon. I have a blanket to carry, and I don't have the strength."

"I will. Amane, I want lunch."

"A hungry little bird or something. Just give me a few more minutes. Because I'll write to the doctor who applied and the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce."

"Doctor, I found you. Good, good."

From now on you'll be able to get to the village of Tacax before the first snow falls, and it was really good.

When I had a note for you, Richay came with the writing.

"I'll write it down, make the egg roll I was just saying. Melmie, could you go to the inn and get two of the street crews?

"You can have it. Mr. Melmie is a worker."

"Then please. The reward is Amane's new handicraft."

"I'll run and get you."

I don't even think it's such an attractive reward.

I'm going out. Drop Melmie off, I'm going into the kitchen.

Remove it and place the eggs in a container, make sure there is no shell in it, and serve the vegetables and rum bird sashimi.

Gently fry the frying pan over the fire the vegetables and sashimi, and add the melted eggs. All you have to do later is wrap the fried vegetables and sashimi in thinly cooked eggs according to omelette guidelines.

When I say wrap it up, it's slightly different from omelette. Spring rolls are closer to wrapping.

Wrap the ingredients in a frying pan and chopsticks that only I can use.

By the time it was transferred onto the plate, a rectangular egg roll had been completed.

- Still incredibly clever.

"... even your sister, Mermie, can't use it, it's an artifact"

"Teten, welcome home. Chopsticks are not artifacts."

No, is it an exaggeration to say that there is nothing I can't say about the three kinds of artifacts in the kitchen?

I'll hit two skewers on the egg roll. Try holding a skewer like the ice bar I was used to in my previous life, and I can eat a snail egg roll without the use of dishes.

"Okay, don't go. Season it later."

I didn't use condiments because I practiced earlier.

"You don't have to use vegetable chopsticks to make it, right?

"I just need to put the egg roll on the plate and then wrap it, so I think I can go"

If you do a little with a fork, you'll wrap it while it's hot. It's less efficient than vegetable chopsticks though. Mr. Vegetable Chopsticks is really handsome.

Start by diluting the sauce for grilled chicken a little, then put it on an egg roll and try it. What's the point?

"Feed me too"


Pass the egg rolls to Richay and prepare to bake new stuff.

"That's delicious. I might prefer a little sweeter flavoring - Teten, why are you hardening?

Looking back at Richay's strange voice, Teten was pointing at Richay and pounding his mouth. It is a fish lacking acid.

Richay tilts his neck and sees the residual skewers of the egg rolls that he has eaten off.

"Don't worry, Amane's baking me a new one right now, so I can eat it, okay?

"Ya, eating, interacting, a couple......!

Oh, there.

But it also comes with a pot.

"Oh, my God."

"I don't know."


Richay frowns when he sees Teten fluttered by the way he was struck.

"Teten, you could be talking about Amane."

"No, that's not..."

Even without trying, Teten and the voice of denial overlapped.

That's right, we saw each other in the face saying, we nodded at the same time with the meaning that this guy is not the only one to be paedophile.

There's nothing more to it than having Richay believe you because he looks complicated, but it's an unshakeable fact.

Making additional egg rolls, Mermie brought home a pair of people to stall at the Cateo Town Festival.

"It smells so fragrant."

"I tried to make a scorching dahl, so you smell it."

Richay and Tetten head to the office with a plate to open the place to Mermie and the stall group, who glanced at the kitchen. Ask those two what they think later.

"I've been thinking about some flavoring. First, I'll show you how to make it. Sorry I suddenly changed the menu."

While I apologized, I resumed cooking to look like a street crew.

The doctor, Dr. Calc, arrived in the village of Takakus shortly after the stall crew headed to the town of Kateo.

"You, Dr. Calc?

"Whatever. I was a flow doctor. My name is Calc. Here, a letter of introduction deposited by Mr. Komatsu Chamber of Commerce"

Receive references and read the contents.

Apparently, the Comatsu Chamber of Commerce did a brief predicate survey, which said something about Dr. Calc's reputation.

Apparently, he's famous as a good prodigal, and he likes sweet things.

"What did it say?

Dr. Calc seems to have a conjecture about the content, and he grinned and stroked his inert beard.

"Odd, it must say he's a prodigal or a candy seller."

"Candy sales?

That's what it says... oh, it said I always have candy.

Dr. Calc opened a backpack of world-tree merchants and took the candy out of it.

"I carry it with me. I didn't have eyes for the sweet stuff, and I made it myself so that I could eat it while I was walking. I'll treasure it when I give my kids bitter pills."

How about one, they give it to me and I take it. I don't think you're being treated like a child.

Ah, delicious.

"How about the ladies? What, there's nothing suspicious in here. He's a sign of closeness."

I see, candy sale.

We all lick candy and talk about opening a treatment center.

Mostly it's decided in the village, so just tell it.

Dr. Kalk, who heard the story, looks emotionally at the treatment center blueprint.

"I hear you're talking about a young bridge-builder, but it's a big deal nonetheless, this is it. I didn't think you'd be able to make it this far."

"So let's get on with this plan?

"Right. This is mostly fine. But would you like to order one?

"Go ahead."

Urging, Dr. Calc pointed to the orphanage.

"There will be only ten children in that orphanage. Handheld and ordered medications may be insufficient in case of mass infection. I'd like to ask for an extra order."

I heard what Dr. Calc said. Richay puts out a purchase order and puts it on the table.

"Include what you need here"

"That's an easy way to read. I remember the Kattella city stuff was more gothic, but it's somewhat closer to Yoinsley."

"Because I'm from an orphanage in Yoinsley"

"Oh, really? Be reasonable. I know how to write in this style."

Dr. Kalk writes down the medication he needs. The letters are beautiful to tear down.

"If you have other orders, you want keys where you keep your medical certificates. After that, I want a flower bed on the table at the treatment center and a small field where I can grow herbs behind my back, although I don't mind this if I can."

"Let's arrange it. Do you know how to grow medicinal herbs?

Take the herb growing instructions out of the bookcase while Richay answers.

Dr. Kalk turned his gaze on me.

"You're the wife of a worker. Come to the treatment center if you get too laid on your ass and you're depressed. I'll give you medicine that works."

"No, I'm not married."

"Oh? That's crazy. You're a disqualified doctor for making mistakes."

While scratching his head with Polypoli, Dr. Calc calls out to Richay.

"I know how to grow herbs. I just don't have any experience. It's what was walking around the people, so I've never done a decent field job. I'd like an assistant for a while."

"I'm starting to grow herbs earlier in the orphanage, so I'm going to turn someone out of the kids."

"Oh, that would help. Do you mind if I teach you medicine?

"If you don't dislike yourself, please do"

More doctors are welcome. There have never been more doctors than going for a skyscraper from now on.

"Then I'll interrupt the public hall. I'll rent the rest room as a temporary clinic."


After the conversation, when Dr. Calc was about to get up, the door to the office was slammed modestly.

"Yes, yes."

Melmie picks him up and immediately brings back an orphanage boy. There were also two older boys with one evil looking face.

He said he fell and rubbed his knee in the middle of a chase.

Faster than Melmie said, Dr. Calc was opening his backpack.

"Boy, just sit there for a second"

Dr. Calc quickly sanitized the wound before removing the ointment as he rolled the soot from the injured boy's pants and let him kneel out.

The moment Dr. Calc opened the lid of the medicine, the unique smell spread and Melmie looked disgusted.


Melmie squeaks like that unexpectedly.

I also remember this unique irritant odor. When I was properly training for the Devil Bug Hunter, it was the intensely stained one applied every time I got hurt.

That kid, he'd cry, and I was looking at him, but all the boy did was give Melmie a decent look at his reaction.

"Yes, come on up. Don't peel off your scabs."

I look at the boy as Dr. Calc puts the medicine on his back and puts it in the box.

"You didn't stain it, did you?


Don't you stain it? Nice. That was so stained and painful that I thought it was a bee on the crying surface.

Dr. Calc laughed at the boy's reply.

"It's special. When you're hanging up, you use the dye guy, so play with it so you don't get hurt."


Send the boy out, and Dr. Calc gets up, too.

"Okay, I'll give you some time. Best regards,"

"Nice to meet you"

I don't know, a very skilled doctor seems to have come.